EQ Never


<Gold Donor>
Well if you make your game the new installation of COD Black Ops 2, than yeah, older people will have a harder time. Jumping back and forth and side to side while pressing 1-9 on the keyboard in a precise rotation to keep the deeps flowing because then the DPS chart would show you are 65.8997 DPS behind Jonny and you are no longer of use to the guild. If this is the way mmorpgs are going they can fuck off.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Well if you make your game the new installation of COD Black Ops 2, than yeah, older people will have a harder time. Jumping back and forth and side to side while pressing 1-9 on the keyboard in a precise rotation to keep the deeps flowing because then the DPS chart would show you are 65.8997 DPS behind Jonny and you are no longer of use to the guild. If this is the way mmorpgs are going they can fuck off.

They should just go without DPS meters.


Molten Core Raider
Nice. Lets discuss how it was easier to be a baddie in EQ again and how everyone and the game were better off because of it.


<Gold Donor>
Nice. Lets discuss how it was easier to be a baddie in EQ again and how everyone and the game were better off because of it.
No one is saying this. You were not worse player because you didn't have a dps meter, or were you? And DPS meter is besides the point. My entire point was to slow down combat and make it more tactical rather than some rhythmic dance you have to perform perfectly. But thats just my opinion. Some people like that type of gameplay.


Vyemm Raider
Oh yea..bc the players today are so much better than what we had in games like EQ, UO, DAOC, etc... Its the old school gamers fault you cant get thru a dungeon in 15 mins..news flash dude...the people you're making fun of in this thread are not playing games like Rift...I can read and I'm pretty sure I read you say you're bored with all games. Ever stop and really think why that is? Keep ranting pussy lol
You took two posts from two different threads that had nothing to do with one another and mashed them together, and then spit out whatever the hell it is you are trying to say with the unintelligible mess I've quoted. I really have no idea what your argument is, or how it at all relates to the posts coming from people that think immersion should trump playability in every facet of a MMO.

And "keep ranting pussy", really? What the fuck is wrong with you?


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Nice. Lets discuss how it was easier to be a baddie in EQ again and how everyone and the game were better off because of it.
There were some classes (most) which were purely depednant on what weapons/gear they had, and nothing else but the auto attack button. EQ wasn't exactly hard to play when you would just pound the piss out of a mob in a corner for 3 expansions and occasionally press a key or two and send in 60+ folks with whatever resist gear they needed to have on.


Molten Core Raider
Uh, i know, that is what i meant anyways. I wasn't trying to say EQ was really hard gameplay wise; i was just mocking you and mkopec for complaining about WoW-style fight mechanics. And the fact that there has been about a dozen discussions in this thread already about what kind of combat is preferable and/or better.


Vyemm Raider
Forgot to address: "hmm...At least the people posting in this thread know why they are bored with the current crop of MMO's.. "

Uh, I've already posted many times in this very fucking thread that I dislike the "action-RPG" style every MMO has taken because, frankly, the "action" part sucks dogshit. I want less button smashing, more decision making and socializing. However, you can accomplish this without also retreading on all the tedious shit from early EQ like excruciatingly slow regen, overly long travel, sitting in line for camps and so on. Which is what my post was about - poking fun at the people who think you need that kind of crap to make a good MMO. I mean, I'm pretty sure nobody here is the type that won't use "run" because it "looks stupid and isn't realistic" - if you are then, yes, I was making fun of you with that image. You may not be a fat nerd but you sure as fuck are mental.

So basically it has gone like this:

Post A "I hate wow's button smashing" - yeah fuck wow, welcome to the good team bro!
Post B "I hate classic EQ features that add pointless tedium" - FUCK YOU FAG GO BACK TO WOW
Post C "uh, didn't you read Post A?"


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Uh, i know, that is what i meant anyways. I wasn't trying to say EQ was really hard gameplay wise; i was just mocking you and mkopec for complaining about WoW-style fight mechanics. And the fact that there has been about a dozen discussions in this thread already about what kind of combat is preferable and/or better.
I wasn't talking about fight mechanics at all. I was talking, originally, about being sick of DPS meters and agreeing with Mkopec. It takes away from the fun of just playing the game, and turns it into a job.


<Gold Donor>
Forgot to address: "hmm...At least the people posting in this thread know why they are bored with the current crop of MMO's.. "

Uh, I've already posted many times in this very fucking thread that I dislike the "action-RPG" style every MMO has taken because, frankly, the "action" part sucks dogshit. I want less button smashing, more decision making and socializing. However, you can accomplish this without also retreading on all the tedious shit from early EQ like excruciatingly slow regen, overly long travel, sitting in line for camps and so on. Which is what my post was about - poking fun at the people who think you need that kind of crap to make a good MMO. I mean, I'm pretty sure nobody here is the type that won't use "run" because it "looks stupid and isn't realistic" - if you are then, yes, I was making fun of you with that image. You may not be a fat nerd but you sure as fuck are mental.
I dont think anyone in their right mind wants EQ circa 1999 back in its full glory. At least no one sane. But some shit that EQ had definitely needs to be revisited.


Vyemm Raider
DPS meters are helpful to see if someone is slacking off so badly that they are wasting hours of your life. Generally that just means asking them whats up and if they respond in retarded fashion put them on ignore so you never get stuck with them again.

The problem with a cooperative game is your slacking off is wasting someone's time. There are degrees of course, and some can be dicks about it. But when you are doing less damage than the healer, yeah, fuck you, get out of my group.


<Gold Donor>
DPS meters are helpful to see if someone is slacking off so badly that they are wasting hours of your life. Generally that just means asking them whats up and if they respond in retarded fashion put them on ignore so you never get stuck with them again.
Bah, I ran countless LFD last time I played wow. In fact its all I did because fuck questing. And no one gave a shit about DPS or DPS meters. Most groups had 1 great DPS (me
)followed by 2 shitty ones. The rare group had 2 good dps. Very rarely was anyone kicked, etc. I never raided though, Im sure there is more accountability in the raid end game, but for the most part, LFD was filled with a bunch of idiots and no one called any of them out unless they were AFK.


Vyemm Raider
Bah, I ran countless LFD last time I played wow. In fact its all I did because fuck questing. And no one gave a shit about DPS or DPS meters. Most groups had 1 great DPS (me
)followed by 2 shitty ones. The rare group had 2 good dps. Very rarely was anyone kicked, etc. I never raided though, Im sure there is more accountability in the raid end game, but for the most part, LFD was for the most part filled with a bunch of idiots and no one called any of them out unless they were AFK.
There were periods of WoW where dungeons weren't completely trivial and you did care though. Like early TBC and Cata. And sadly as i talked about in the Rift thread, other games like it and EQ2 TSW etc tried to make its group content challenging and it just makes you want to murder people.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You took two posts from two different threads that had nothing to do with one another and mashed them together, and then spit out whatever the hell it is you are trying to say with the unintelligible mess I've quoted. I really have no idea what your argument is, or how it at all relates to the posts coming from people that think immersion should trump playability in every facet of a MMO.

And "keep ranting pussy", really? What the fuck is wrong with you?
Hah actually they were from the rift thread and nothing is wrong with me...I just found it Interesting you blame slow grouping on people who want "immersion" Instead of considering it might possibly be a by product of the current crop of mmos being so solo friendly there is no group etiquette.

The pussy part was just for a Lolz since you've been a bit of a dick in this thread .


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I dont think anyone in their right mind wants EQ circa 1999 back in its full glory. At least no one sane. But some shit that EQ had definitely needs to be revisited.
That's all people have been saying. I think people really boil it down to the carrot and risk vrs reward. Those 2 things need to be scaled back in a lot of people's minds.


Vyemm Raider
Hah actually they were from the rift thread and nothing is wrong with me...I just found it Interesting you blame slow grouping on people who want "immersion" Instead of considering it might possibly be a by product of the current crop of mmos being so solo friendly there is no group etiquette.

The pussy part was just for a Lolz since you've been a bit of a dick in this thread .
Still two totally different complaints. One is about the players and one is about the design of the game.

Bad players are universal. That hasn't changed. Bad players were highly valued even by bleeding edge EQ guilds for one reason only: High playtime. Only a small fraction of your group/raid needed to be a good, knowledgeable player in EQ. The bad were simply carried, so I don't know how you can say a group game vs solo game breeds more bad players. They are the same damn people, across all MMOs.

The reason the problem seems worse in newer MMOs is they make it more difficult for the few to carry the rest.


Vyemm Raider
Last time I experienced anyone giving a shit about dps was back during Ulduar. I took quite the break from wow after that. (don't play now) It was kinda fun being competitive about damage, but in all honesty I couldn't give two shits. The dps "race" is so one dimensional and really adds nothing compelling to the game except for those people who like to stroke it hard.

Now the whole purpose of optimizing dps is to enable progression. You and your guild are using last tier weapons and armor to defeat current tier encounters. This means you need to make up for the lack of "ilevels" with optimal builds, enchants, consumables and execution. Which can be interesting if the encounters are tuned perfectly and you are the first wave coming in.

In WoW however, things might start in the well tuned state, but they quickly get nerfed down to where it's pointless to worry about anything. The only reason people reference DPS meters then is because they are Eric Cartman and they want to know who is the poorest kid in school is. (Sorry was watching some south park re-runs).

But really... loot progression is so fucking played out now. Who cares about the shiny crap, it does absolutely nothing. You don't need that gear to experience the fights. You can spend a single afternoon running heroics and then LFR's and see the whole end game before you go to bed. Once you've seen a scripted event once, you've seen it.

Gear can be cool, and new items can be fun... but to build the entire game around collecting it is mind numbing. I want end game goals that involve other people, not just my character sheet. I want to play because I am part of a group trying to build a mercenary company, trading company, outpost, kingdom, nation, boat... whatever. New items should be cool because they can be worth money to the right people. Combat should be a specialization. The number of activities required to meet one of these lofty goals should require all kinds of people and all kinds of skills, not just slaughterers and murderphiles.

That would be a compelling reason to log in each day, see what has changed, and what I could do to help out. Logging in to wax my pole in front of 9-24 other people via some damage meters and then hope I get a new accessory for it, makes it sound like I should be on a webcam while I do it.


Vyemm Raider
That's certainly a good argument to never fucking make pussy casual extreme 9000 mode / normal mode / UBER POOPSOCK HARDCORE GAMER modes of the same fucking content. Something I hope no new game copies ever as it is one of the #1 reasons I find current WoW unplayable.


2 Minutes Hate
Kreugan, don't bother arguing with Convo. The only MMOs he's played was EQ for a while and like one other game for a month.