EQ Never


Trakanon Raider
It's amazing watching people blindly dragging their nuts through broken glass (again) hoping SOE will produce something that isn't an abject failure. "Wait for the reveal"? Really? Why? What has Georgeson's leadership been since taking over the EQ franchise? Destroyed itemization in EQ2? Broken and pathetic features via the dungeon maker, dungeon finder, and the "I can make my oOH-face" in-game? The only successful "feature" we've seen in the EQ franchise under Georgeson's leadership has been maximizing the monetization of everything in-game at the expense of the existing (and dwindling) player-base and calling it Free-To-Play. But somehow, after all that, there is going to be an OMG amazing Everquest game that is going to drive the genre forward. Are you fucking kidding me?

SoE is like a family that practices incest and wonders why all their kids are retarded.
love this post. i count myself as one of those who are "cautiously optimistic," but my optimism is fading quickly as i realize this will be free2play (which means pay2win), and will probably have absolutely nothing in common with the EQ game that i loved so much except for the name.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Not for nothing DMK but if UO2 was announced you would be excited at least cautiously optimist. Like a lot of people are. This might be my last MMO. not b/c all of my hopes are on it but b/c up until it got closer I just didn't care about MMO's. When people say that... I don't think it's because they are on some kind of unhealthy emotional roller coaster with these games.. It's more b/c they have moved on for the most part and think an EQN failure will be the nail in the coffin. Are there die hards this will crush? sure.. but overall I think it's just a lot of us are getting older and more busy with life plus not having games made that cater to our play style.

Ut.. if you have that many Dev's sending you info and complaining about the industry, you need to put them all in a forum and figure out how to get an Indie company started with them. If you don't like something, change it. They have the tools to do that. The money would possibly be the only hangup.
A steady paycheck is the problem, even though living in San Diego for these people is hardship enough. There aren't a lot of veterans working at SOE any longer, aside from the management that has now transferred back to fuck up another game here and lie their ass off to Smedley about the progress of the game. (I did laugh though when an SOE employee complained about working customer service. 1) Because it is all outsourced and they are full of shit. 2) If it actually happened, SOE didn't need the help... It was Smed's way of trying to get these fucking clueless bastards more in touch with the people that play their games and off their pedastals. In the end though, he still calls the shots and he can end this bullshit. Problem is, no one with any talent wants to work there.

So what he gets are a bunch of hacks, of which I am guessing he knows are hacks, and has to deal with the lowest common denominator of morons. The shit in the industry no one else would touch. Christ, after this train wreck, I would be surprised if they could get a job at Zynga. My guess is a lot of these idiots will try to use their "ties" to Vogel and go work at Battlecry to repeat more of the same fucking mistakes, and then Qwerty and Teekan (Whoever the fuck this retard is baffles Carl Sagan) and those two fucking viral juggernauts can start a new crusade here on the rerolled forums hoping someone like me didn't track the employment record.

McQuaid isn't telling you shit Qwerty, and weren't you full of shit last time or was that some other clueless fuck?

I'll let my track record speak for itself, and in the meantime, I don't want to see this game fail. For the record. I would much rather play and have fun in a sweet new EQ game, if any reason, for nostalgia. The only fucking hope I have is that McQuaid (Yes believe it or not I am saying this) is the one person who just MAY have had their ass handed to them enough in the school of hard knocks to learn some shit. The rest of these assholes? It's a fucking dime to dozen shit show of stroking each others cocks while the other 200 employees under them shake their head wondering how they can get a free pass into the good ol boys clubhouse. About 175 never want too... The other 25 will be reading the Alan Crosby fuck-a-thon play book of how to kiss enough ass to get a job they aren't qualified for.

Teekay, you are a worthless fucking twat. Get off the forum and go back to MMORPG.COM where you can spew your paid for bullshit.

Lost Ranger_sl

Fighting a war on multiple fronts can't be easy Ut.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Fighting a war on multiple fronts can't be easy Ut.
Peace e-buddy. It gets harder every day to fight the morons. Just when you think the trash has been taken out and you can go to bed, a raccoon tips the garbage can over.


Not for nothing DMK but if UO2 was announced you would be excited at least cautiously optimist. Like a lot of people are. This might be my last MMO. not b/c all of my hopes are on it but b/c up until it got closer I just didn't care about MMO's. When people say that... I don't think it's because they are on some kind of unhealthy emotional roller coaster with these games.. It's more b/c they have moved on for the most part and think an EQN failure will be the nail in the coffin. Are there die hards this will crush? sure.. but overall I think it's just a lot of us are getting older and more busy with life plus not having games made that cater to our play style.

Ut.. if you have that many Dev's sending you info and complaining about the industry, you need to put them all in a forum and figure out how to get an Indie company started with them. If you don't like something, change it. They have the tools to do that. The money would possibly be the only hangup.
You are completely missing the point. If the same people that made UO had been making shit games for 14 years and then announced UO 2 I would definitely not have high expectations. Especially if they were as bad as SOE. That is the whole point not that it's Everquest it's who is making it that matters. People are dismissing SOE's shit 14 year run because they want to go back to their glory days. If SOE announced they had an MMO in the works but it's super super secret and it wasn't EQ but still a fantasy MMO people would tell SOE to stfu and wouldn't give a fuck.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Well, after all this hype (and telling basically nothing but a few buzzwords was very effective, at least in my case), i simply cant believe the game is just more of the same with some useless/fluff "sandbox-features". If EQN is shit i will simply shrug and play other games, im too old anyway to invest much time into MMOs these days.


Trump's Staff
No matter what EQnext turns out to be, I guarantee you ill put at least the time into it that it takes to level to max and farm the best pre raid gear. Hell, I've done that in some pretty bad games (Rift, GW2, EQ2 etc etc). When it comes right down to it, I just love MMOs, and I especially love Norrath.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You are completely missing the point. If the same people that made UO had been making shit games for 14 years and then announced UO 2 I would definitely not have high expectations. Especially if they were as bad as SOE. That is the whole point not that it's Everquest it's who is making it that matters. People are dismissing SOE's shit 14 year run because they want to go back to their glory days. If SOE announced they had an MMO in the works but it's super super secret and it wasn't EQ but still a fantasy MMO people would tell SOE to stfu and wouldn't give a fuck.
No I'm not man.. I kind of liked VG lol. The ideas behind it. I also liked EQ. It's a mixed bag. Not every person on that team is a bad dev. So there will be enjoyable things to EQN. That's not to say it will be amazing or anything but I bet it's worth some time considering it will probably be free.


Trakanon Raider
Well, after all this hype (and telling basically nothing but a few buzzwords was very effective, at least in my case), i simply cant believe the game is just more of the same with some useless/fluff "sandbox-features". If EQN is shit i will simply shrug and play other games, im too old anyway to invest much time into MMOs these days.
agreed. the scariest part of all is i'm actually hoping that mcquaid is working on EQN; as i firmly believe if he's clean and sober he's probably the most qualified guy at sony to make EQN a solid game. even with its fuck ton of flaws, i enjoyed VG more than any other MMO since EQ.


Trump's Staff
If nothing else, at least this forum's longest thread won't be the FSR any more. MMO discussion was getting pretty lame for a community supposedly built around them.

In fact, I'm gonna suggest that after the 2nd we should probably start rocking an EQN sub forum. It's getting annoying having to check this single thread 10 times a day to stay up to date, and its only gonna get worse.


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
If EQN is shit i will simply shrug and play other games, im too old anyway to invest much time into MMOs these days.
As is most everyone who played EQ1, my friend! I treated it as an actual RPG-MMO, and definitely put in the hours compared to the 'MMOs' that followed (ie playing through Secret World currently, treating it as a single player game, no interest in even duoing w/ wifey)

As far as F2P, I really REALLY hope they don't use Planetside 2's cycle of F2P.

1) you die to OP weapon/aircraft, whatever
2) Angrily spend Station Cash to buy shiney new weapon to combat problem in #1, weapon is released in a clearly OP state
(NOTE: Angry purchases probably make up 90% of PS2's revenue)
3) Weapon goes on sale in 3 weeks for a final cash grab, which means that it will be nerfed into uselessness when sales end
4) New weapon released, with exact same mechanics/stats as #2, just a different name.

I could totally see this going down in EQN =\


Mr. Poopybutthole
Teekay, you are a worthless fucking twat. Get off the forum and go back to MMORPG.COM where you can spew your paid for bullshit.
Oh my, seems I have struck a nerve.

What's funny is you constantly reiterate a single argumentthat no one is disputing.

Yes, many of the guys working on EQ Next have fucked up on games in the past. But guess what?No one gives a shit.We'll judge EQ Next on it's own merits once we know more about it. It's quite possible (and even very likely) it will suck, I think most people have accepted that.

And if SoE can't get lightning to strike twice? Most people will just shrug their shoulders are move on, and all the while you'll be here gloating about how you knew it all along, like a broken record.

Again, I posted on FoH for years (under the name Believe). It's quite sad that you're so paranoid that someone actually confronting you on your obnoxious attitude causes you to call them a shill. If you honestly think I'm in any way connected to the industry, yourlegion of spiesshould be able to tip you off (Pro Tip: I'm not). I honestly think you should make your own blog, so that you can focus your ire at the developers you hate instead of the gamers who are just holding on to a tiny sliver of hope that they can produce a fun game. I really don't know what you get out of berating fellow gamers, except an inflated feeling of self-importance.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Peace e-buddy. It gets harder every day to fight the morons. Just when you think the trash has been taken out and you can go to bed, a raccoon tips the garbage can over.
Utnayan is right on almost everything he is saying. The way he says it might be a bit strong, but after so many bad mmo's I can't blame him.

I hate how these devs keep calling gimmicks like soemote "innovation"

I'm not sure if mmo's need "Innovation" as much as they need to get back to their roots of just being an emersive role playing experience where you can get lost in the game without a reminder that you need to buy something from the cash shop.

Knowing Georgeson is in charge is not sitting well with me.

Utnayan is right on calling a spade a spade.


Elisha Dushku
To be sure, I have revealed a lot to certain posters on this board and some stuff to the general masses. Mostly I dont waste my time because no matter what it is, it will be ripped apart by some jaded, cynical fuck. After Aug 2, they can judge what I've said as correct or not. From the jump I stated I did not have every little detail or mechanic info. But what I did share with certain people, they can feel free to call me on it if it isn't correct.

But please note how Tad now magically agrees with what I said on the beta/release date. For that I was told "Don't go full retard" by Tad. Seems interesting to me lol...
1. You don't know as much as you think you know. See comments to Ut below.
2. Not anymore. After the Trost hire I'm back to a release no sooner than March 2014. You don't hire more lead designers if all your systems are in place.
3. If you can't deal with being called a retard now and then you're better off on another board I suggest penny-arcade forums. Heavily moderated, so everybody has to be nice and hug each other. I'm also told that sloppy kisses after the hugs are encouraged.

I'll let my track record speak for itself,
Your track record means shit at this juncture Ut and here's why:

1. Whatever devs you are talking to they are not the devs on the actual product.

2. No actual information has been released by you, Flipmode or anybody else.The only information that has been leaked is information that could have been gleaned by non-EQN devs in the limited internal reveal in January.

3. There is still a fucking lock on the EQN blackbox. The lock is there for a reason, to keep other SOE devs out.

4. If 1 is not the case then I ask you: where the fuck are the mechanic reveals?

-Combat type? Did SOE follow DCUO, EQ1, EQ2, VG or somebody else?

-Class/race combos? We know there are classes from the panel topic, nobody knows what classes exactly, or whether they'll be EQish/VGish/FFXIjobish or etc.

-Factions? We know Storybricks is involved with the factions. Hard? Soft? or that warm feeling just before, well you know.

-PvP? How is it implemented? EVE-like, RvRvR? What?

5. Why the fuck is SOE now using AD&D Kobold lore? (My favorite)

Blah blah blah the list is very long of what is not know and has not been leaked even though we are less than one fucking week away from reveal.

6. Rephrase of point 1. The devs who actually know what's what are not leaking to you, Flip or anyone.

So yes TeeKay/Believe is correct, you don't have a fucking clue and neither does anybody else.

What we do know is

1. It is not a WoW clone.
2. It is SANDBOXY - wtf that means.

2 is marketing but 1, 1 is actually hopeful. Enough for us to raise our optimism level to something above 0.
