EQ Never

UT is delusional. Flip probably does know some info but he is a weird prick with emotional problems. He flips out when people speculate, I don't think he could handle telling what he learned and having anyone question it. But this is all pointless anyway, few more days and we will hopefully get to see it.


Elisha Dushku
I much prefer the team approach to the RZ approach. Of course, the RZ approach is probably more "sandbox."
If EQNext has EvElike PvP there will be starting factions. Either SZ or TZ. I can't imagine them shipping with FFA PvP except on special servers, but could be I'm wrong and you're right.

@qwerty 5 1/2 days
Yeah few / 5.5, whatevah. Waited this long, seems like Christmas. To answer the question about the PVP teams server, it was good, evil, and neutral. It was a really fun server too. You could be questing in the commons and someone would shout, ENEMIES IN ZONE! And people would group together just to be safe. And "neuts" were creepy bastards who you were never sure about. I think I used to send them tells and demand to know their intentions and they usually said they they are just trying to XP in peace.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Where do you see this "different" from? Hell people are blatantly hoping and speculating that it copies a crap ton of stuff from different games.

Players think they "Want" different, but as soon as they try something different, they complain its too different.
Have you read anything about the game? I mean, that's about the only thing we do know about the game - that they are trying to take go a different way than the WoW-route. They supposedly scrapped their first iteration because it was turning into EverQuest 2.5. Since then, they've claimed it'll be "an MMO you've never played before" and "a completely different critter." Of course most devs are going to claim that kind of stuff, so it has to be taken with a grain of salt. And of course, that doesn't mean it will actually be that different. Or that even if it's different it'll be any good.

Again, like most people in this thread - I'm cynically optimistic. I really hope it will be good, but I wouldn't bet any money on it.

convo_sl said:
Hah those people who are disappointed would be wise to not vent it here. Why let the trolls feast? Ill be disappointed if I don't like EQN but ill get back to just living an already awesome life!
It's sad that people get off on trolling those just hoping for a decent game (on a video game forum, no less).

I don't think anyone here should be ashamed to express disappointment. No one has really defended that it's going to be a good game, despite that fact anyone expressing any semblance of optimism gets called ashill,sheepand afuckface. In fact, I think most people are expecting a turd, however they're still holding out just a little bit in hope that they'll be surprised.


So basically Tad's saying everything so he can't be wrong. How's that any better than you lambasting Ut? Some of us said specific stuff that will be in the game.I even offered Gogiro(sp) an avatar bet. So much for your theories.
I remember that, I just don't remember what it was about. Maybe launch dates? Or maybe that I think it's ridiculous to think it'll launch this year on PS4 (I think it's coming to the console, but no way is it coming to PS4 this year). I'm not big into the avatar betting and on these forums, I'm not even sporting one. Also, I'dlovefor it to come out this year -- I've got no issues eating crow on that one.

My thoughts on EQN mirror what certain people are already saying: it doesn't take a prophet to predict a modern MMO is going to be shit. It's safer to assume all MMOs will indeed be shit and just be surprised by any that turn out to be decent. Having started out my MMO life in Norrath with EQ1, I'd love for EQN to be that MMO that's actually good. Maybe it won't be, and that'd suck but I'd get over it because I play way too many other games to get too bent out of shape. The whole mentality of "this is my last chance" is something I've probably said, but that's only because this entire genre is in a horrific rut and if a new EQ can't draw me in, I don't care enough to keep chasing a genre that clearly isn't for me anymore. But if some surprisingly awesome MMO launched, sure, I'd end up playing it.

This thread is funny to watch and I'd rather let everyone else go around in circles than drum up the same stuff five other people have already probably said (sorry, breaking the rule here). Friday is pretty close and rather than worrying about trying to validate anyone's sources, I'll just wait for the big show.


Elisha Dushku
It's sad that people get off on trolling those just hoping for a decent game (on a video game forum, no less).

I don't think anyone here should be ashamed to express disappointment. No one has really defended that it's going to be a good game, despite that fact anyone expressing any semblance of optimism gets called ashill,sheepand afuckface. In fact, I think most people are expecting a turd, however they're still holding out just a little bit in hope that they'll be surprised.
Well said. Hope for the best, while still planning for the worst. Sure Smed and Georgeson are empty suits, but maybe the rest of the team has come up with something memorable that those two will proceed to take credit for ;-)


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Well said. Hope for the best, while still planning for the worst. Sure Smed and Georgeson are empty suits, but maybe the rest of the team has come up with something memorable that those two will proceed to take credit for ;-)
I cannot wait to play this game. It is going to be so much fun.

I want to haul my ass around weighted down with 17000000000 gold to see that NPC in Rathe for my jboots again


Trakanon Raider
I cannot wait to play this game. It is going to be so much fun.

I want to haul my ass around weighted down with 17000000000 gold to see that NPC in Rathe for my jboots again
Your sarcasm bounces off the awesomeness that was EQ! I spent more hours doing the jboot quest for the first time than most of my total experience in MMOs past EQ. Then I lost them in a summoned bag. And I did the damn thing again.

If they manage to make a game where Iwantsomething so bad, and it feels so rewarding to finally get it, then indeed you are right. I cannot wait to play this game. It is going to be so much fun


Elisha Dushku
If that is true, then I hope Ut is right and that the developers all get karmatic clamydia.
World is huge, most things are crafted, people are going to flip out if they have to travel everywhere at normal speed (unless a bard or teleporter is around) and there will be mounts early on (think VG's level 10 mount quest). So I think it is pretty likely.


Mr. Poopybutthole
You're all wrong. Jboots are going to be a player made item sold in the cash store, and they look like this:



EQOA Refugee
UT is delusional. Flip probably does know some info but he is a weird prick with emotional problems. He flips out when people speculate, I don't think he could handle telling what he learned and having anyone question it. But this is all pointless anyway, few more days and we will hopefully get to see it.
Emotional problems? Flips out? Pot. Meet. Kettle. Speculate all you like. Just stop taking your speculation as gospel and realize you may be wrong. /gasp


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Speaking of PvP, what were the factions on Tallon Zek? Sullon Zek was Good, Evil, Neutral right?
TZ and VZ factions were race based.

Blue: Barbarian, Drakkin, Erudite, Froglok, Human, Vah Shir
Orange: Dark Elf, Iksar, Ogre, Troll
Purple: Dwarf, Gnome, Halfling
Yellow: Half-Elf, High Elf, Wood Elf

While having factions based on race may sound good, it is a horrible idea. Like wow, not all factions had access to every class. Eventually almost all guilds decided to include all 4 factions since it just limited the players you could play with. Only SZ was hardcoded so that they different factions could not group with each other. As someone who played on VZ, I think RZ's ffa was the best system out of the pvp servers.


EQOA Refugee
I remember that, I just don't remember what it was about. Maybe launch dates? Or maybe that I think it's ridiculous to think it'll launch this year on PS4 (I think it's coming to the console, but no way is it coming to PS4 this year). I'm not big into the avatar betting and on these forums, I'm not even sporting one. Also, I'dlovefor it to come out this year -- I've got no issues eating crow on that one.

My thoughts on EQN mirror what certain people are already saying: it doesn't take a prophet to predict a modern MMO is going to be shit. It's safer to assume all MMOs will indeed be shit and just be surprised by any that turn out to be decent. Having started out my MMO life in Norrath with EQ1, I'd love for EQN to be that MMO that's actually good. Maybe it won't be, and that'd suck but I'd get over it because I play way too many other games to get too bent out of shape. The whole mentality of "this is my last chance" is something I've probably said, but that's only because this entire genre is in a horrific rut and if a new EQ can't draw me in, I don't care enough to keep chasing a genre that clearly isn't for me anymore. But if some surprisingly awesome MMO launched, sure, I'd end up playing it.

This thread is funny to watch and I'd rather let everyone else go around in circles than drum up the same stuff five other people have already probably said (sorry, breaking the rule here). Friday is pretty close and rather than worrying about trying to validate anyone's sources, I'll just wait for the big show.
It was about the launch date. I dont care about avatar bets either. It'll be on the PS4 but I am talking about PC release date. We just disagree and thats fine. I half agree with you on MMOs these days.