EQ Never


Lord Nagafen Raider
Its one thing to have thet starting races of Eq1 but its even more important they have similar animations, its what defined them. Be it from gnomes and half-lings with their flappy feet while running to the iksars swimming etc etc. That shit was awsome.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
Its one thing to have thet starting races of Eq1 but its even more important they have similar animations, its what defined them. Be it from gnomes and half-lings with their flappy feet while running to the iksars swimming etc etc. That shit was awsome.
I don't think you get it yet, they don't give a fuck about EQ 1. If they did, they wouldn't have used the Kerran as the poster boy for EQN, and people wouldn't be losing sleep over whether Gnomes and shit were going to be playable. The 9 iconic notes of the theme would have stayed. Innoruuk would be in, and on, and on.


Trump's Staff
They are going to have custom animations per class so one would also assume races each have unique animations aside from that.


Sparkletot Monger
I don't think you get it yet, they don't give a fuck about EQ 1. If they did, they wouldn't have used the Kerran as the poster boy for EQN, and people wouldn't be losing sleep over whether Gnomes and shit were going to be playable.
I think they do care about EQ1, only inasomuch that it completely redefined (defined?) a genre.

Thats what they want to do here. I dont think think its too much of a stretch to say that if even 50% of what they want works out, it changes how every MMO will look and what people expect.

EQ Next may have probably, if nothing else, breathed new life into a dying genre.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
I wonder how smart they can really get the AI.
It's not about whether the AI is smart or not, it's chiefly about how players do interact with each other, and which roles strengthen which other roles. The AI can be stupid, or smart, and all you need to adjust in practice is the HP and DPS of the mob. You can have an ultra-smart AI, but defeatable by any combination of roles whatsoever, which means any zerg PUG will work (you just require players to slot an escape movement, and use it before the big red circle on the ground goes on). Or a very basic AI, with a ton of HP and huge DPS which requires you to have very specific roles to defeat (the Arch-Wizard stands in place and spams Ice Comet. Without a tier 4 anti-caster build, you can't defeat him).


A Mod Real Quick
If this is the game that breathes new life into MMOs then I will ejaculate onto an EQ1 printed map and mail it to my ass.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I think they do care about EQ1, only inasomuch that it completely redefined (defined?) a genre.

Thats what they want to do here. I dont think think its too much of a stretch to say that if even 50% of what they want works out, it changes how every MMO will look and what people expect.

EQ Next may have probably, if nothing else, breathed new life into a dying genre.
They care enough about eq1 to use the IP as a marketing tool, that's about it. But hey its their IP, they can do what they want with it :p


Trump's Staff
Pickling a hero at start screen is gonna be interesting. Picking a hero based on its 'class' abilities would be a very bad call IMO, and here is why:

1. Of primary importance will be hero selection based on DMG type (ranged vs melee). Since every hero can only have 2 weapon loadouts, this is probably the single most limiting factor when it comes to character creation.

2. The thing of secondary importance will be the mix of character skill 'types' available to each hero. For example, a cleric having 2 defensive skill slots, 1 movement, and 1 utility.

3. Armour type, and the ability mods associated with that type come next, as this is also static for the hero you have chosen.

So, the only REAL customization comes from hero (character) abilities. But you have to ask yourself, why do they seem so chill and laissez faire about balance issues? Ill tell you why - because the character skills, within their various types, are going to be almost totally homogeneous. Sure, a wizard will have a blink ability to keep it mobile, but it will be almost identical to the warrior's leap, and the ranger's ground slide or whatever. Who cares which one you pick? They are basically the same skill with different animations...

Prove me wrong Sony.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
They care enough about eq1 to use the IP as a marketing tool, that's about it. But hey its their IP, they can do what they want with it :p
I think they do care about EQ1, only inasomuch that it completely redefined (defined?) a genre.

Thats what they want to do here. I dont think think its too much of a stretch to say that if even 50% of what they want works out, it changes how every MMO will look and what people expect.

EQ Next may have probably, if nothing else, breathed new life into a dying genre.
Exactly cinge. What they want is to make money. To capitalize on all of the popular features of the hottest games of the last 3 years or so, while putting forth the least development time possible by outsourcing the content onto the playerbase that will ultimately pay for it. They want korean kids having MLG EQN pvp tourneys. I get it. It's brilliant honestly. Nobody can fault them for it. Having said that, the EQ franchise that they chose for very specific business reasons due to brand recognizably, media attention, and brand loyalty. They don't care about fat ogres, or skeleton cackles, or iksar swimming animations, or shit like that.


Molten Core Raider
Rallos was the shittiest Zek. Anti-PvP people on a PvP server?Really?
Most of Rallos was Anti-PVP after around the time of Kunark release (and most the hardcore PvP guilds jumped to Asherons). First 6 months of Rallos was pretty crazy fun though - after that there was really only one or two PvP/PK guilds for the entire time I was on that server. No one wanted people fucking up their raids for loots.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
There is xp in the game and their are tiers of content and character abilities. It is gear/ability based progression.
However, from what they said, XP isn't all you need to progress.

I think it goes like that:

- To progress from tier 1 to tier 2, you need to spend XP to level each of the 12 of your class abilities to tier 2, which unlocks your tier 2 class.
- To progress from tier 2 to tier 3, you need to defeat 12 mobs of that class (there's like 30 of them around the world, but you need to defeat 12 different ones, like An Orc Warrior, A Gnoll Warrior, Wondrous Warrior Warrick, etc...), to progress your 12 abilities to tier 3, which unlocks your tier 3 class.
- To progress from tier 3 to tier 4, you need to present to your class trainer a full set of tier 3 armor and weapons, which unlocks your tier 4 class, and you then pay to raise your class abilities (tier 3 armor to unlock payment for class abilities, each tier 3 weapon for your weapon-based abilities).
- Finally, to progress from tier 4 to tier 5, you need gold-level participation in one Rallying Cry (a different Rallying Cry for each tier 5 class, which does require you to pay attention to which classes you'll raise to tier 5, as you get 5/6 Cry per year if you don't miss any, and you have 40 classes to collect).

(a random example)

So, you get all the time XP, which means all the classes you collect raise to tier 2 over time easily. Tier 3 is slightly more involved, but you'll find all kind of mobs. Tier 4 is collecting stuff (and yes, that requires you to purchase some additional bank slots to present to your class trainer later... hmmm, station caaash), and tier 5 is time-limited. Or it might be completely different, of course.


Molten Core Raider
So, the only REAL customization comes from hero (character) abilities. But you have to ask yourself, why do they seem so chill and laissez faire about balance issues? Ill tell you why - because the character skills, within their various types, are going to be almost totally homogeneous. Sure, a wizard will have a blink ability to keep it mobile, but it will be almost identical to the warrior's leap, and the ranger's ground slide or whatever. Who cares which one you pick? They are basically the same skill with different animations...

Prove me wrong Sony.
That is a good thing.

If blink is a movement ability and wizards only have 1 movement slot, and an assassin can also use blink but has 2 movement slots that means he can also use leap. And chain stuff together.


Trakanon Raider
I just want to sit on a ledge smoking voxels while I watch bandits pick off noobs and steal their watches.


Trump's Staff
That is a good thing.

If blink is a movement ability and wizards only have 1 movement slot, and an assassin can also use blink but has 2 movement slots that means he can also use leap. And chain stuff together.
From a balance perspective, I agree.

From a class identity perspective, it's gonna suck.