EQ Never

Dr Neir

Trakanon Raider
N'ro camps. Spiders, dervs, snakes, mummies, etc with a group. "Dorn pops" Down goes the tank, the healer shouts "Shit! Fuckin Dvinn dude?!! Not again, its crushbone all over. RUN!
.............We all died

Get back to camp, pulling corpses and watching some other group take our spot. Both group leaders fighting words in ooc over the spot. Then watching them oops and pull Dorn. Laughing my ass off till another member yells RUN. We all died again. Stupid Dark Elf over-con!
I loved it! If nothing else to see the other group eat it for taking our camp!


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
You mean 90% of the people LFG have dibs because of non-merit based shit like race, gender, and sexuality?
You left out nepotism and the Good 'Ol Boy Network. They've been kicking merit to the curb for all of human history.


...and honestly who can blame them? Why should I take a man who acts like a fucking girl seriously? Act manly and be gay and nobody will give a fuck what you are.

Ok back on topic. It's fucking horrible hearing that they had to basically start completely over. What the fuck is going on at SoE?
The game appeared to be fun so they had to scrap it and start over....


Molten Core Raider
The game appeared to be fun so they had to scrap it and start over....
I like to pretend that during development on DCUO Smedley held a conference expressing his concerns about how fun DCUO was and demanded someone find a way to make the game shit.

"I know!" exclaimed one intern, "Let's give players a button that makes no fucking sense and is totally hamfisted in that you don't even know exists until way late in the game that makes your character boring and unfun to play and then make it mandatory for you to hit that button if you want to group or raid!"


Lord Nagafen Raider
...and honestly who can blame them? Why should I take a man who acts like a fucking girl seriously? Act manly and be gay and nobody will give a fuck what you are.
What about Heterosexual Transvestites/Transgenders?

You do realize there are some male-transgenders who actually like girls, right? You cannot ask them to act like "men" and be gay... For one, they're not homosexual and secondly they definitely don't want to be "men" (which is the whole point of being a transgender) but that's probably too hard for many people to comprehend I guess.


What about Heterosexual Transvestites/Transgenders?

You do realize there are some male-transgenders who actually like girls, right? You cannot ask them to act like "men" and be gay... For one, they're not homosexual and secondly they definitely don't want to be "men" (which is the whole point of being a transgender) but that's probably too hard for many people to comprehend I guess.
We really are getting off topic but ill answer one last time on this.

It's the boy band looking gay guys that act like flaming homos that bothers straight and even some gay guys I know. If you want to look like a damn female then go ahead and act like one. You won't be drawing attention to yourself because you look like the sex you're acting like. Nobody will know assuming you're doing it right.


I don't think they've scrapped it recently. Last SOE Live (Fan Faire) they said they had completely thrown out the old model, 6 months prior (or something like that). So the new version should be over 1.5 years in development now.


This is not viable on the long run, you can not kick new players in the balls at lvl1 and expect them to "try again" or "keep coming" while there are so many games out there.
I didn't realize I was losing xp every time I died until sometime in WC, after that I became a lot more careful. But I certainly allowed myself to get repeatedly kicked in the balls and loved every minute of it.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
This is that EQ mentality that really makes it hard to discuss rationally. How does the quote go? "It is not enough for me to succeed. Others must fail." Tad was the king of this. One example was the whole sitting and pulling vs. dungeon crawling. He felt that sitting and pulling was superior to dungeon crawling. So when I suggested he find a few like minded individuals and sit and pull (which you can do in most modern game dungeons mind you), he scoffed and said that it's meaningless unless everybody else has to do it as well. He didn't really enjoy the concept. What he enjoyed was everybody else being forced to do it as well.

This isn't life though and you don't need to fuck the guy on content plateaus. I mean you're already going to take 1 day of real life time to accomplish what the other guy does in 5 days. Do you really need to tack on ~more~ of a penalty out of just spite? Does it really make the content less fun for you if somebody else can do in 5 days what it took you 1 day to do?

The fact that you guys think it's okay for someone to getadditionallyfucked on top of the fucking he's already taking is hilarious. There's a minimal amount of time investment for any hobby really that should be expected to be fair sure. Nobody is arguing for the other extreme where you can just log in and instantly kill the last boss on day 1. People who have less time to play still want to work for their achievements. They just want to be able to, y'know, eventually actually do it.
Its hilarious because tad and Zeus are both hardcore Republicans. Advancement is not enough for them. Making sure that no one else advances is just as important

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
No, there was an actual study done on the matter. It was less than 2 years ago. Conservatives only felt a sense of accomplishment from something if they also denied that opportunity to someone else. It was discussed and cited a bunch of times over at FoH, but I forgot what it was called so I'm not even sure what to google for.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
No, there was an actual study done on the matter. It was less than 2 years ago. Conservatives only felt a sense of accomplishment from something if they also denied that opportunity to someone else. It was discussed and cited a bunch of times over at FoH, but I forgot what it was called so I'm not even sure what to google for.
I believe that was Robert Eisenblatz's 2011 study called 'Republican Poopsocking: Why Instancing is for Faggots'.


Vyemm Raider
Hardcore republicans are fucking idiots, Hardcore democrats are fucking idiots. Being hardcore anything, increases a person's chance of fucking idiocy by at least 300%.

Sounds like EQ2 is being developed by the duke nukem forever school of design. Take a but load of time, waste a shit load of money, and make something that is easily forgettable.

Anyways here is an idea for a Survival Horror Fantasy MMO.
Basic premise is this:
  • The world is very lethal.
  • Surviving for any length of time is going to be the ultimate challenge. Lots of nasty ways to die.
  • Really dark and brooding atmosphere.
  • Teamwork is essential to surviving.
  • If you die, you come back as a monster.
  • You spawn randomly in the world as a monster. Except monsters can not spawn where humans have created shelter/communities.
  • Once you have accumulated Three player kills you can respawn as a human.
  • Dying three times as a monster increases the number of kill you need to respawn by 1.
  • There will be some grouping techniques so people can save up their respawns and spawn together.
  • Respawning places your group in a random spot in the world, planes, dimensions. You try your best to make it to shelter, or start building a community for other people to take shelter in.
  • Rewards are earned for surviving, exploring, but not really for killing monsters.
  • Doesn't have to be zombies, could even be Lovecraftian.
  • All items are lost upon death.
  • Items can be stored in towns/shelters and collected again.
  • Certain reward items persist through death.
  • Skill based system, no levels, Vitality stats don't increase much. If you get ambushed you are probably going to die regardless of time played.
  • A player gains monster experience and can upgrade to different monster types or purchase new skills.
  • All Structures can be destroyed. However, monsters that die while attacking a town lose a lot of monster experience. Potentially being reduced back to level 1.
  • Certain monster types can appear like normal players and infiltrate towns. (Vampires, werewolves, shape shifters ect.)
  • Destroyed structures leave wrecks and abandoned buildings that can be used by other survivors to jump start a town/ salvage for materials.
  • There are powerful NPC creatures that can be hostile to everyone.
  • Not all monsters get along and there are many factions fighting each other.
  • A veteran player reward might be the ability to respawn as a human without having to kill players in monster form, but instead perform some other action. There might be some consumable items that play around with this part of the game.

So yeah, It's like a hybrid of an MMO and those survival horror games like die2nite or maybe a bit of DayZ and project M. The game has two sides and players can choose to focus only on one side or both. I pretty much just jotted down everything off the top of my head in this post so it probably can be improved upon a great deal.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Anyways here is an idea for a Survival Horror Fantasy MMO.
Basic premise is this:
  • Doesn't have to be zombies, could even beLovecraftian.
  • Oh by Cthulhu's sexy balls yes!!

    and I would definitely want to play a game like this.
    I also like the idea of establishing a haven to fend off monsters, a small town where players can seek out and work together to build fences and take shifts guarding it from monster-invasion. You' find different kinds of settlements of various sizes scattered all around the world. You spawn randomly somewhere and finding a small community of survivors would be something you want to do asap (before some random monster/s can find you first).

    Monster players would prefer to gather up and plan before assaulting a settlement. Sounds neat. Different kind of monsters? hallelujah!


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
[*]Once you have accumulated Three player kills you can respawn as a human.
Doesn't work. If every human you kill respawn as a monster, and you need to kill three humans to get back one human, you quickly end up with no humans left.