EQ Never


Would be fun without leashing. Same mechanics in EQ. Aggro until death of you or mob. The trains would be epic. AE "camps" phenomenal. Raid bosses pulled to newbie towns to be zerged for extreme risk extreme reward extreme grief. Guilds shouting out "where the hell is Ralloz Zek, we are supposed to raid him!" "Saw him headed towards Qeynos an hour ago, some enchanter tried to solo him but had to run." I would love to play in a world like that.
Seamless world basically means no "hard zone line", you still can have soft zone line a la wow or any other games. L2 was a trully seamless world ( at least in comparison to WoW ) yet you could know exactly when you crossed a zone boundary.
Didn't mean to be a downer on your all's hope for a return even if I am convinced it will never be achieved.

Here, I will go hate fuck a dumb whore to this and hope it lifts your spirits!



Bronze Knight of the Realm
If optional another question, do they have a competent dev on the team for crafting.
Meaning someone that knows how it works and can do their job with it. So far, its been a side show add-on like they put in the game as an "oops, we forgot crafting for the game" last minute mess. Dedicated Crafters should be able to make profit from other players on things they make, its not a mini-game for players to just do something to pass the time. It should mean sometime to those focused on it, much like raiders gearing up, crafters should have unlocks and specialities where all types are needed and limit player competition with other crafters of the same profession.
Not talking the EQ2 bs where they need to get items from other crafter to complete their item either, that should only be an option for bonuses for X stat/skill added during creation.

I know I am the odd-man out on the forums here not being a major raider/combat and care more for crafting/exploring and profit but I would like to voice action on something that I care much about which is heavy crafting and very much tinkering!

Always wondered why potions from shamans and tinkering never got together, something i always thought would pair together nicely!
I think i read somewhere the female crafting dev from eq2 is now on the EQN team.. sooo....


Mr. Poopybutthole
I hope this doesn't mean Vanguard style crafting combined with EQ:2 crafting =/ That would be quite lames. FFXIV's approach is much better in general, and I hope that EQ:N emulates a portion of that awesome.


EQOA Refugee
Here's what I know:

Races and factions - like EQ1 there will be race/class restrictions. Barbarians for example can be the usual classes (Warrior, Bezerkers (or whatever they call the melee DPS class, Shaman). Different starting stats per race and racial abilities (no clue if the racials are meaningful). If that Barbarian chooses and wants to become an Enchanter, he can go raise his faction with a race that has that class. It won't be an easy ordeal and will take effort. At the time of my info, factions could be individually raised. So a high elf could raise their faction and eventually be accepted by the dark elves but at the cost of their own city/race faction.

The classes I've had confirmed are Warrior, Cleric, Shaman, Wizard, Enchanter, Ranger, Druid, Rogue. There are more, but that was all I know of at this moment.

The playable races I had confirmed are Human, High Elf, Dark Elf, Kerran, Kobold, Ogre, Troll. Again there are more than those playable those are just what I know is playable. I tried to get Ratonga and Iksar confirmation but don't have that yet.

Norrath - the world is gigantic. No zones. The world is seamless. There will be instances in respect to some raids and dungeons but a lot of open dungeons a la EQ1. The extent to which we can damage the environment is still unknown. That's under wraps pretty tight so I'd imagine its damageable to a good extent.

Spells - no more spell trainers. Abilities are granted passively and the big ones have quests and trials attached to them. Enchanters will have to seek out people around the world to learn and study with. Wizards will have to find various tomes to study to learn to weave the strongest spells. Not sure on the spell weaving mechanic but they seemed to indicate the ability to create and discover new spells. So not every wizards spell book will be the same.

Combat - there will be hotbars. It will NOT be like EQ2s combat abortion. That's about all I know on that. I've pressed for details but that info is locked down tight. Tad could well be right here I concede but if I had to guess, it'll be action based combat with a limited skill set load out.

Crafting - it is in the game, it is interdependent and its supposedly more meaning than they've ever made it. Players will be able to make useful and sought after gear and stuff at all levels. Raid/Dungeon crafting drops confirmed but no mechanics specifics.

Misc - this game will be FTP. It will have a cash shop. SOE will make the world, dungeons, raids as usual. Their version of emergent gameplay is us creating content via their dungeon maker/player studio. Player made PVP battlegrounds. This player created content is all instanced not part of the persistent world. So is housing. Guild housing will be in from the get go as well.

Beta - it's already in friends and family alpha/beta. After SOE live, beta will begin early Aug/late Sept. they are trying to launch Nov/Dec. the latest this game will launch is Feb/March time frame. They are much farther along then they let on and that's part of their surprise.

Minus a detail here or there, that's all I got. Take it for what it's worth to you.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Thanks for the "leak" Flip...

Well, thats more or less EQ 2.5 if true. Im missing the "sandbox-stuff", dungeon maker is no real sandbox element for me. Also everything player made and put into instances is instant fail, im not interested in bobbys instance-dungeon no 12345.


Buzzfeed Editor
Misc - this game will be FTP. It will have a cash shop. SOE will make the world, dungeons, raids as usual. Their version of emergent gameplay is us creating content via their dungeon maker/player studio. Player made PVP battlegrounds. This player created content is all instanced not part of the persistent world. So is housing. Guild housing will be in from the get go as well.
Oh well, sounds terrible.


Trump's Staff
Sounds pretty close to my ideal featureset. You are obviously missing a couple details, by your own admission. You've mentioned nothing of the quest system/story bricks implementation, the deeper combat system, the nature of PVP, or the dynamic nature of the world which they have stated will be involved (see Smed forest comments etc).

Obviously, these are the things they want to keep under lock and key until reveal, as they are most likely the defining features of EQnext. Your leak, while helpful to us, clearly doesn't have access to the juicy stuff that we know exists in some shape or form.

I'm stoked.


EQOA Refugee
I want more combat details believe me. That will make or break the game to me. Info on PVP, PVE, questing. I'm cautiously curious at this point but my friends are stoked and there the cynical FoH types like some around here so idk how to take that.

Edited to add: I'm fairly sure the reason they haven't given me combat info is because being that its restricted to employees and family it'd be easy to trace leaks. I wouldn't ask them to risk their jobs for that.


<Bronze Donator>
wow everything Flipmode said sounds like absolute failure.

If any of that is true, I wonder what it cost SOE to have MMORPG, TTH, etc claim this shit is actually good.


Lord Nagafen Raider
wow everything Flipmode said sounds like absolute failure.

If any of that is true, I wonder what it cost SOE to have MMORPG, TTH, etc claim this shit is actually good.
Actually what Flipmode said made me a little excited and I'm cynical.


Musty Nester
I loved Mission Architect when CoH put it in.

It turns into 60% farm maps, 20% incomprehensible/over reaching "first time modder" maps, 19% takes 15 minutes to tell 1 joke maps, 1% something you'd want to spend time playing. The return on player generated content is just bad. But it's free, so as long as the return is more than 0 it's an obvious win.

The basic idea is good. Cryptic obviously didn't have the staff to regulate it. My belief is that Player Generated Content is a cost cutting measure meant to replace procedural content. That being so, I have serious doubts that Sony will invest the money to keep the 3-4 full time editors on the pay roll it would take to regulate the system and keep it healthy. It won't be mismanaged, it will just be unmanaged -- which is actually worse when it comes to that kind of content.

No one in their right mind is going to tell a paying customer that their player generated content is an abomination which should be striken whole from the internet. No one's gonna do that.
Care to explain?
If we have to explain then you are already a lost cause.

Everything in the description (bar the procedural details) sounds like a complete and utter abortion and troll show...

It's almost, as if, the resurrected and spiteful long deceased spectres of EQ devs long past have been summoned against their will to return to this mortal world once more and, out of disgust for the living, have decided to provide SoE with the perfect antithetical code / framework to all of EQ's core values.



EQOA Refugee
I'm thinking the combat and AI has to be revolutionary or something. Otherwise it doesn't seem all that new.


If we have to explain then you are already a lost cause.

Everything in the description (bar the procedural details) sounds like a complete and utter abortion and troll show...

It's almost, as if, the resurrected and spiteful long deceased spectres of EQ devs long past have been summoned against their will to return to this mortal world once more and, out of disgust for the living, have decided to provide SoE with the perfect antithetical code / framework to all of EQ's core values.

You're insane, dude.

If your idea of this being good is for the design to be stuck in 1994, then the problem is with you, not the game.

All of what Flipmode posted sounded fine except for F2P, and the reality is that that is the new model for these games. Sub based games are dead. It's all in the implementation as to whether it is acceptable or not.


Buzzfeed Editor
Care to explain?
It will depend on how the above is done...But everything up there sounds like WoW with instanced houses and player dungeons. Sounds just very boring, and not very "sandboxy". Granted, the game could have fights for control over dungeons ect--but none of that is in there. It's just WoW with player studio, so far. Which honestly sounds awful considering the glut of those types of games.
If flipmode's post sounds fine to the community at large I am done posting here.

I'm not trying to convince anybody about the way games should be created.. I just know how I like games. I figured this was an eq community but I'm now unsure if I'm not mistaken about that assumption.

The hipster faggotism has taken over. New age retardednism is now the rule of the day.. but either way I won't comment any more on EQN.. feel free to social butterfly about it and enjoy the decline of humanity.
