EQ Never


All you're doing is raging pointlessly. You're not saying what you would prefer, or anything you specifically find to be wrong with what he posted (which may or may not even be correct, or complete).

If you want to stop being a douchebag and say something substantiative, I'm sure people would welcome it.
All you're doing is raging pointlessly. You're not saying what you would prefer, or anything you specifically find to be wrong with what he posted (which may or may not even be correct, or complete).

If you want to stop being a douchebag and say something substantiative, I'm sure people would welcome it.
I thought I had learned the basic rules and syntax of the English language but alas, this is unreadable, back to the drawing board.


I thought I had learned the basic rules and syntax of the English language but alas, this is unreadable, back to the drawing board.
Are you trolling? Your last few posts are freakin weird..
Weird like when you are being beaten over the head with dozen mens cocks and then somebody shouts "PAYDAY" and all the men run off and you are left to wonder... WTF did I ever accept this job?

Naw bro, not weird.. you just aren't accustomed to the absence of cock slapping on your forehead.


Here, I'm sorry if I offended you. I will help you reach your Emotional Safespot(TM)

*Lights Some Incense*

Ok clear your mind.

Let the great truth flow through you. Become one with space and time.

Open your mind to the possibilities.

Let the knowledge of the ages seep into your essence (EQN is massive faggotry)

*A Flash of Light Fills the Room and is gone in an Instant*



EQOA Refugee
Don't write it off just yet. There is a ton we don't know yet. Lets not get ahead of ourselves. Lets see the final reveal and judge it then when we have a complete picture.


Weird like when you are being beaten over the head with dozen mens cocks and then somebody shouts "PAYDAY" and all the men run off and you are left to wonder... WTF did I ever accept this job?

Naw bro, not weird.. you just aren't accustomed to the absence of cock slapping on your forehead.


Flipmode's description sounded better than I expected. I don't mind the F2P setup as I think it'll get the game more populated early. I am concerned about the combat system, and the crafting. Either way we'll find out on Friday.

Since TESO and Wildstar are going to be < 90 day playtime games, this is my only real hope for any long term game.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
So they reset development late last year and plan to release this year/early next year? That's like a year and a half of development time... which is surprisingly little for a AAA MMORPG. I'm very cautious about the amount of real SOE created content in this game; they might go a lot heavier on the player made shit than you guys suspect.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Flipmode's description sounded better than I expected. I don't mind the F2P setup as I think it'll get the game more populated early. I am concerned about the combat system, and the crafting. Either way we'll find out on Friday.

Since TESO and Wildstar are going to be < 90 day playtime games, this is my only real hope for any long term game.
Player made instanced battlegrounds...sound so fun!

So So So
So So So So....

Sorry, that's all I got. There has never, Ever, EVER,EVER,EVERbeen good PvP in an instance heavy MMORPG. You think these retards have been in the industry long enough to realize that fact. More likely scenario is that they realize it but want to push their shitty "emergent" player-created content. I understand that Everquest is a PvE franchise and I say instancing is just as terrible in a pve game. And given the lack of development time, I'm going to guess that they expect players to create the majority of the content. That's pure speculation but at this point, unless they have a 500-man team, I just don't see how they are shipping a good, polished, AAA MMORPG with <18 months of development.

I'm not saying the game will necessarily fail. But if it succeeds it will succeed in spite of their bullshit "emergent" (this is sarcasm! -->) awesome instancing (<-- this is sarcasm!) mechanics, not due to it.


As far as 18 months, it's not like SOE is starting from scratch on the MMO Wheel. They can use their resources from their 50 other MMOs with its code base.

I agree instanced PVP sucks, but like others I'm more interested in PVE. The only game that got PVP right was early DAOC with Frontiers. They screwed up their game by trying to be Everquest. My hope is the people at SOE don't do the reverse. Just cut and paste past instanced PVP on to the game and focus on an open, sandbox world.


EQOA Refugee
How long do you think it takes to create content when all the hard stuff is done and systems are in place etc? That's a serious question not sarcasm.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
As far as 18 months, it's not like SOE is starting from scratch on the MMO Wheel. They can use their resources from their 50 other MMOs with its code base.

I agree instanced PVP sucks, but like others I'm more interested in PVE. The only game that got PVP right was early DAOC with Frontiers. They screwed up their game by trying to be Everquest. My hope is the people at SOE don't do the reverse. Just cut and paste past instanced PVP on to the game and focus on an open, sandbox world.
Forgetting Darktide, the Zek servers, and Ultima. All of which had great PvP.

How long do you think it takes to create content when all the hard stuff is done and systems are in place etc? That's a serious question not sarcasm.
Well it depends. A lot of time is spent creating art assets for unique dungeons, i.e. reef colored walls in Blackwater Depths. If you only populate your world with one model, "a kobold" and just rename every mob some derivative of that: "kobold avenger", "kobold sniper", "kobold assmaster" then obviously you'll be able to perform things much quicker. However, if you want a bunch of unique mobs then you need different models for each one and a lot of time and resources are spent on that.

That's why I'm an advocate for a company using a Diablo/Ultima-esque 2d over-the-shoulder engine to speed up content and make features so much easier to implement. There's a reason Ultima Online had mounted combat and no other MMO since has. It's because they were able to do the animations for it without much difficulty and in 3d games, it's just too much effort.

Content usually requires a lot of time -IF-it's done well and unique.P


I like the fact there are distinct classes still. Also, the idea of having to travel and study your spells is really refreshing. If I make a wizard I want to have to travel to a cave where a group of hermits are studying magic and have them teach me how. That sounds like an engrossing world/game.

It seems like they listened when we all complained for years that we want to TRAVEL the world and have adventure still be a focal point.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
As the day draws ever closer, I would just like to say... "You had 14 years. If after all that time Everquest is not properly tuned..."


As the days draw closer I'm probably just going to stop coming here. Nomatter how the game is I know the people shit talking the game will be way louder than the people who like it.


I can tolerate f2p as long as there is a subscription model that unlocks whatever bits and pieces you'd have to pay separately to unlock anyway. If it's just constant soul sucking to stay relevant ill pass.


EQOA Refugee
Forgetting Darktide, the Zek servers, and Ultima. All of which had great PvP.

Well it depends. A lot of time is spent creating art assets for unique dungeons, i.e. reef colored walls in Blackwater Depths. If you only populate your world with one model, "a kobold" and just rename every mob some derivative of that: "kobold avenger", "kobold sniper", "kobold assmaster" then obviously you'll be able to perform things much quicker. However, if you want a bunch of unique mobs then you need different models for each one and a lot of time and resources are spent on that.

That's why I'm an advocate for a company using a Diablo/Ultima-esque 2d over-the-shoulder engine to speed up content and make features so much easier to implement. There's a reason Ultima Online had mounted combat and no other MMO since has. It's because they were able to do the animations for it without much difficulty and in 3d games, it's just too much effort.

Content usually requires a lot of time -IF-it's done well and unique.P
But all the art, assets and animations were done. It would be a simple matter to drag and drop the content, program the AI and call it a day.


Lord Nagafen Raider
As the days draw closer I'm probably just going to stop coming here. Nomatter how the game is I know the people shit talking the game will be way louder than the people who like it.
At this point there is no game to discuss. All there is to discuss is what "could" be in the game and whether or not SoE can snatch a rare victory from the jaws of defeat. Make no mistake, come Aug 2nd, we will be awash in the tears of what could/should have been.