EQ Never


What a disappointment this was. I didn't see any new MMO features except destructible terrain and that seemed pointless.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
That's exactly what you are going to get. 123, mobs go splat. ORSUMMM!!!!

Because the only people who can cope with a game like that are now a small minority.
Save the four million that have played dark souls and demon souls. Where difficulty is amazingly hard.

I think people want challenge again. As are clamoring for it. Especially in this genre.

All EQ next did was make a new sub genre. The theme park sandbox.


Honestly, taking everything at face value, I really think EQ/EQ2 looked to capture a much better essence of what our community would expect than what EQNext displayed thus far.
Hint: SOE couldn't give two shits what the sperglord neckbeard part of this community likes, because they're (surprise!) a business and out to make money.

Which is, you know, what I've been saying for the last six months or so.
The "fear of change" argument is one of the stupidest arguments in this whole thread. Because EQ was a massive change compared to anything anyone had ever played before. Change is great as long as it's a change to something better. This is not.


Have you learned nothing the past 15 years?
Haha, it has taught me that you have never seen a game released on live stream debut before it was even close to being in alpha. Like someone else said earlier they have a concept. They are relying on us to power level them a couple years of content. This is low hp kiting of game development lol?


Molten Core Raider
Well shit, this isn't VG 2.0! Some interesting ideas and whether you like them or not they are at least "trying" to break the mold some and be innovative. As long as they don't fucking rush the damn thing I'll gladly be giving SOE one last run before I swear them off for ever. The only thing I read so far that really screamed "oh noze" to me was the 40 or 60 or whatnot classes at the end etc. I hated GW2 weapon crap, and I hate people all having the ability to be the same. I'm sure I am a minority but I just really enjoyed the EQ1/SOE class based setup. I know there is plenty of design challenges around making classes relevant and play differently but VG did it better then any MMO to date. There wasn't a single class really that you didn't play and feel it was completely different then the others yet still needed in various aspects. All this innovation/fluff etc is splendid but if they don't have a few core design concepts in place when its all said and done it won't earn my long term sub (which is meaningless because most the things I hate unfortunately are what the masses do tend to enjoy....can't blame them for running a business)


What a disappointment this was. I didn't see any new MMO features except destructible terrain and that seemed pointless.
I'm just disappointed that the combat seems bad, but the minecraft elements seem really fun, and if the multi classing is done well it could be really fun, not new, but fun.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
how many concurrent pcs/stuff are able to be on the same screen with the current ps2 engine? seems that server population might be have to be smaller if everyone is going to huddle together for some types of rallyingcalls. (or just many concurrent rallyingcalls for distribution to cause the next rallyingcall).
You could get a lot on screen, but it would lag and you would have "popping" for people about 3-5 feet in front of you(which is bad for a shooter). The game was great when it was in the wide open(say a fight covering about 2-3 square miles) but when all those people were packed into a say the area of 2-3 football fields it really had problems.

From what i remember, the engine was not very well optimized in ps2 and one can only hope it improves for this game.


Trakanon Raider
So what I heard is...it looks cartoony, the oasis has floating islands, planetside 2 engine, the crowd didn't clap much, you can climb up and over objects and glide thru the air, and multiclassing of 40 different classes...also you can dig thru the earth like minecraft.
I'm a bit skeptical that rallying calls can result in meaningful differences across servers. Let's say half the servers manage to save Halas and the others let it burn. The next time they want to do something in that area they have to write two versions of the rallying call. Server state will rapidly diverge to the point where they would need custom content for each server, and that just doesn't seem reasonable.
it's why i imagine these things will have a single deterministic result. how you get to it might be varied. also, you could have a non linear path for server progression ...just needs to have a c x y z done for e to be done. or some rallying calls might be just independent. some might be optional. in the end i see all servers going through more or less the same history.

maybe in a expac they'll diverge and each server will have its own unique history. doubt it


Lol bullshit, alpha and beta means nothing any more. There are games all over Steam that you can actually buy in so called alpha state. I own a bunch of them. This game has the music, the particle effects, the post processing, it's all there. The design was decided long ago, this is the final stretch now before release. They are throwing it together and what you see is definitely what you will get.

Don't think otherwise are you are going to be really disappointed. If you liked what you saw, then you will like the finished game. If not, you wont.
Those are pewpew IP's that no one knows about or cares about. Little different to release this type from soe where there whole future depends on it. This is the only way their system will work out, they have to show us something, then they say power level us content, then once the content is tits it goes into beta. So they HAD to show us the concept now but then everyone qq's because of whatever. Big gamble imo. But smart. I called that shit on like page 200 or something where I said they should just let us build the game AS the beta.


how many concurrent pcs/stuff are able to be on the same screen with the current ps2 engine? seems that server population might be have to be smaller if everyone is going to huddle together for some types of rallyingcalls. (or just many concurrent rallyingcalls for distribution to cause the next rallyingcall).
From experience I'd say 100-200 PCs max - everyone else isn't rendered for you and you can't interact with them (Clientside hit detection)


Mr. Poopybutthole
I love how people know everything about the combat based on 2 NPCs killing 10 unresponsive goblins. Let's be honest, it was a glorified tech demo. I'm agree combat is going to be more WoW/GW2-like than EverQuest 1, but so what? EverQuest 1's combat was painfully boring for basically every single class.

Qwerty's constant cry-babying just makes it even more entertaining.


all in all I'll be playing this, maybe wishing for slow, dark, dangerous dungeon crawls, but thinking maybe this example of an MMO minecraft will let some small company create a good mesh of dungeon crawl and minecraft.
it's why i imagine these things will have a single deterministic result. how you get to it might be varied. also, you could have a non linear path for server progression ...just needs to have a c x y z done for e to be done. or some rallying calls might be just independent. some might be optional. in the end i see all servers going through more or less the same history.

maybe in a expac they'll diverge and each server will have its own unique history. doubt it
That's what I figure as well. They are going to be long term public quests that all end up in the same state.


here's something depressing to think about. There are wizard spires, but everyones a wizard and can be a wizard whenever they want? soo... who gives a shit if you have a wizard in your group or not. everyone can just go to the druid ring or wizard spire cause we are all those classes. : (