EQ Never


> Than U
Thanks, I wasnt sure if I was just missing it, or if it was a inside joke or what at this point.
Thread ran several years and many pages but I never saw any real info in it, which was unusal.

Anomander Rake

Golden Knight of the Realm
The thread was just people speculating and arguing why F2P was such a bad idea for any MMO, peppered in with why early EQ was so great. There has been zero information about the game except for a few screenshots / storyboard art that was obsolete before they made the announcement at the last Fan Faire that "Fuck you - we were going to show you EQ Next game footage, but we decided to scrap the whole thing and start over! We promise to show you something next year...promise!!!". The only other thing we know about EQNext is that Smokejumper is in charge, and that they want EQNext to have the same player driven content as Planetside 2.

You heard it here first guys, EQNext is going to be a re skinned Planetside, but instead of Vanu, NC, and TR, we are getting Orcs, Elves & Humans in a first person real time combat MMO that explode like pinatas with +1 gear when you kill them.

That or Minecraft with Orcs, Elves & Humans. I don't fucking know - I just hope that they don't put the final nail in the coffin for the EQ franchise
. Maybe Disney will buy it from them and start releasing new EQ's every 2-3 years and bring in cherry picked talent from other game companies. I can dream can't I?




^^ yup. this is what they are doing, more or less.

Other than being set in the EQ world, this game seems to have no gameplay similarities to EQ, according to the Smedley interviews.

Its intriguing to revisit EQ in revamped graphics and a seamless world.. but I'm sad to see the gameplay elements I fell in love with continue to fade from modern games. I enjoyed the seperation of casual from hardcore gamers in a massive persistant world. I enjoyed what most didnt - holy trinity, death penalities and corpse runs, no maps.

Im convinced those elements will return in a game one day - as im convinced gamers are growing tried of the simplistic gameplay found in WoW and clones. SoE won't deliver those classic gameplay elements however.

SoE will deliver something different enough to spark interest and establish a following, and SoE will make it FTP so skeptics can try before they buy. Success will depend on how unique, polished, and genuinely fun the product is - not how "Everquest-like" it is.

The more I think about it, the more I wonder why they're even using the Everquest IP for their next big MMO. It's not that strong of an IP and the people that did play EQ will only be making negative associations between the old and the new.
Personally I think they are using the EQ IP simply because the lore and enviornments are already in place - and they can focus more development time on the game mechanics.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Personally I think they are using the EQ IP simply because the lore and enviornments are already in place - and they can focus more development time on the game mechanics.
I mostly agree. A decent sized portion of the reason to use the EQ brand name is that it actually has traction with some hardcore Station-Pass buying folks. That's effectively a guaranteed box purchase for some. And having the EQ name will get buzz from a small section of the current mmo playerbase. So compared to starting fresh, it has at least some semblance of a built in following. But like you said, the vast majority of lore/art style are already fleshed out. That's some form of non-trivial savings in the development process that will either lead to less financial burden or more money/time to drop on mechanics and systems.


Wasn't there a video of some skellies walking that was leaked about EQ Next?

Found a 2010 video with concept art and I am sure it is probably looking the same as if they did "start over" it would probably be based on F2P and not look.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/5fxHGGQquEk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Here is the article saying how they scraped everything

Bah can't find the walking skelly video. My Googlefu is weak.


If it follows a Horde/Alliance model, I'm done with MMOs.

Every race is its own, not just under the banner of something else with some big retarded capital city filled with morons spewing shit in its channel.


Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
If it follows a Horde/Alliance model, I'm done with MMOs.

Every race is its own, not just under the banner of something else with some big retarded capital city filled with morons spewing shit in its channel.
One thing I really disklike that all of the post-WoW games is they lack the complex faction system of EQ. I know WoW shoehorned some in but I loved that interplay being the religions, races, and institutions in the various towns.


Elisha Dushku
i hate your name - not becuase I don't appreciate the Futurama reference - but because it fucks up the formatting.

Please DIAF and either reroll or get an admin to add smaller fonts.
That's strange, the formatting is fine on my end. The name simply wraps and doesn't extend the user-box like long names used to do on the other forum. Everything's aligns perfectly. I will however inform a mod about it. I'm sure there are lots of tweaks still to be made here and if it can't be fixed or they want me to change it I will.


Mr. Poopybutthole
A lot of fucking people played EQ.
And something like 20x the number of people that played EQ played WoW. WoW at it's height had like 30x the subs that EQ had at it's height. We can argue all sorts of silly shit about how EQ draws a more intelligent crowd or all sorts of other completely unfounded bullshit reasoning. The plain and simple fact of the matter is that compared to modern releases, EQ is not nearly as relevant as you would like it to be. While -we- may have fond memories of the game, modern MMOs have had multiple times the playerbase we experienced to form memories of current games.

EQ is to modern MMOs as Dragon Quest 1 is to modern SRPGs. Time machines are fun and all that, but the term relevance when talking about today's mmo market does not have EQ on anything resembling a pedestal. People who have aged 10 years from when they played it might remember it fondly and shit, but for the vast majority of the market, it is not relevant.


Molten Core Raider
When was the last time they actually released information about this game?

IIRC, all I know is that they're working on it and they think it will be a big thing.
i really reallly reallly hope so, idk why i missed EQ so much maybe because it was like my first love(mmo) but i really do miss the 70 person raids honestly a guild felt like such a guild, this new trend of 10-20man bullshit sucks.

i had great times in WoW too, but those were only to be the first amongst things (server/worldwide) kills.
i love the grind for FR gear when you finally got to rag and all the gear you compiled was worthless...


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Rezz- that doesn't mean it would not be popular with a percentage of the WoW crowd.. None of us can really say that until the game is released. Those people are now older and could possibly be looking for a bit more substance..We don't even know that EQN will offer more substance tho..


Elisha Dushku
Not really. Just that they kind of started over, but it's still on pace.

Which is good since with EQ2, they let Brad design it and get like 65% done, then told Gallenite to finish it from what I understand. Always better to start overbeforeyou release it....
I have never heard that Brad had anything to do with EQ2. Where's the source for this?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yea, I don't know about that Jait.. He was already working on VG during those days..


Trakanon Raider
I think if I could ask for anything, I would want everything to impact everything else and the player base to rely on one another. (Especially in early game.) Player made items should be a primary source of gear leveling up with the exception of a nice piece of gear here and there. Essentially, I don't like the idea of completing one instanced dungeon over and over to gain some type of currency to purchase piece after piece. To me, you really shouldn't receive droppable sets of gear until you get into raiding and then players should then create enhancements and modifications to gear. That's really just one example of how I would like to see the game turn out but, you get the idea.