Elidroth doesn't work for DBG anymore, btw. So he's not going to be a source of info, most likely.
Yeah, my kids played it forever on the PS2. I also bought them Baldurs Gate: Dark Alliance for the PS2 but they hardly ever touched that: too much dialogue.Champions of Norrath is a very very good game IMO.
A total dick move would be to come here and blab about what his friends told him in confidence, IMO.Unless he was a total dick (doubt it), he probably still talks to his old friends that work there.
Unless he was a total dick (doubt it), he probably still talks to his old friends that work there.
Emily Taylor in Massively OP said:"Daybreak has way more staff now than when name changed," she says. "They just don't tweet about unannounced stuff so you don't see em!"
The whole King of the kill thing? I hear its pretty big on twitch.
dang there goes the 1 landmark dev
Landmark has been dead for a long time. There wasn't really anyone working on it when I left DBG 18 months ago.
...With infinite money and years of retreading the same groundDomino and Seed been pretty active and quite bold in they tweets and replies tonight. Here is just one that I thought was slightly amusing...
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