EQ TLP - Mischief (Free Trade / Random Loot)


Trakanon Raider
Yeah, that's kind of my problem with Shaman as well. Canni always annoyed the shit out of me. The buffs thing I'm not as worried about, since I have no problem telling people to fuck off if they want something stupid like agi, but I did the SK/Shaman thing on Selo's and found the Shaman to be kind of a PITA. It wasn't quite as bad when I was just duoing (like you said, dot mana cost is high, always casting, etc.), but it became so annoying grouping with him that I eventually just swapped him to a Bard.

Well, that helps. Down to enchanter or mage, I guess. I know mage is going to be the "simpler" choice, especially grouped, but enchanter just seems like it offers a ton to a Paladin, especially when it comes to duoing dungeons and tougher named. I feel like I'd be mostly relegated to duoing outdoor stuff on the Mage or expansions old content.
Playing a melee with anything other than Shaman just feels so painful. At least go Enchanter.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Shm/nec was prob my fav combo Ive ever done, and would def rank it over enc/clr. Dont need CH for charming when you can fd. Can out dps race p much anyone on named. FD class to defend your camps from spergs etc


Lord Nagafen Raider
Shaman is by far the best class to pair with a Paladin. Its an active class. Having multiline macros helps a ton. Every cast include a cast of canni in it. Have a multiline canni hotkey. ect.


Trakanon Raider
Yup Shaman benefits a lot from macros and autoclicks especially early on when you canni dance a ton.

when I played mine alot I just set up an auto hot key to stand and canni and sit and just interrupted it to cast spells. You do need a metronome or something to time the start of the macro so you are sitting on server tic tho


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Yup Shaman benefits a lot from macros and autoclicks especially early on when you canni dance a ton.

when I played mine alot I just set up an auto hot key to stand and canni and sit and just interrupted it to cast spells. You do need a metronome or something to time the start of the macro so you are sitting on server tic tho
I agree that it probably is, but your bottom line is precisely why I hated my SK/SHM combo on Selo's. The duo only exists as a casual thing to do during downtime from grouping, when I only have a quick hour or two to play, etc. Having to bust out a metronome and autohotkey/software scripts to play a boxed class isn't what I'm looking for, really. If it's going to be that involved, I'd rather just play solely the Paladin, but I don't have a static so having a box character is helpful during those times between groups.


Trakanon Raider
kinda in the same boat - as a sk id be dumb to do any other duo than sham... but i just dont wanna play sham.

thinking druid (for ports/heals) but kinda want mage because i can level him reaaall chill while exping on sk but mage i dont see any benefit in a duo with sk besides like fear kiting


Trakanon Raider
Any guilds / players here got a Ball of Everliving Golem, Hand of the Maestro and Spiroc Wingblade sitting around to sell the MQ for?


Vyemm Raider
Why the split?
I was hearing there was some disagreement on how GDKP is working out. Zaide would have to clarify. Curious what the take is as I do enjoy the GDKP aspect in the sense that I'm getting paid, but I'm no kronolord so I won't be able to afford anything any time soon. Items never go super cheap as they can always be flipped to the market so the best you're going to get is the "wholesale" price on an item.

Not terrible really, but if you're not krono rich or willing to play the market I could see the distribution style being an issue. Playing Mage ATM so idgaf about the drops right now but could be problematic later.


Trakanon Raider
I was hearing there was some disagreement on how GDKP is working out. Zaide would have to clarify. Curious what the take is as I do enjoy the GDKP aspect in the sense that I'm getting paid, but I'm no kronolord so I won't be able to afford anything any time soon. Items never go super cheap as they can always be flipped to the market so the best you're going to get is the "wholesale" price on an item.

Not terrible really, but if you're not krono rich or willing to play the market I could see the distribution style being an issue. Playing Mage ATM so idgaf about the drops right now but could be problematic later.
I imagine a big part of the issue is the GDKP has drawn alot of people who just want to get ez krono and add nothing to the raid, half the raid is basically naked soaking up a split so even a kill with high value drops gets so diluted it almost isnt worth it. You could make more by just doing DZs with 20 people probably.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
I imagine a big part of the issue is the GDKP has drawn alot of people who just want to get ez krono and add nothing to the raid, half the raid is basically naked soaking up a split so even a kill with high value drops gets so diluted it almost isnt worth it. You could make more by just doing DZs with 20 people probably.

This is partially it. We still have level 60's coming to raids in cloth (or other low level items) or naked slots. And then when you do get into a split, people talk to the AoC early screwing splits (like last night), don't know how to get to VS/Naggy/Ect and bring everything or basically just sit there and don't press buttons. But they all get a split!

And with what you earn compared to what sells, you are almost never coming close to getting a high value item even if you save all the plat you would have made. At least in a DKP guild, you can get that one item most likely if you save or a bunch of small upgrades. In GDKP, even the small items go for a large plat amount compared to what you make.

That and you have guildmates stealing camps from you, using guild chat to just sell you stuff at markup and whatnot. Someone hit the nail on the head the other day in /gu when they called it less of a guild and more of a private marketplace. That made a lot of people unhappy.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I was hearing there was some disagreement on how GDKP is working out. Zaide would have to clarify. Curious what the take is as I do enjoy the GDKP aspect in the sense that I'm getting paid, but I'm no kronolord so I won't be able to afford anything any time soon. Items never go super cheap as they can always be flipped to the market so the best you're going to get is the "wholesale" price on an item.

Not terrible really, but if you're not krono rich or willing to play the market I could see the distribution style being an issue. Playing Mage ATM so idgaf about the drops right now but could be problematic later.

Me and the guy I run with stopped raiding. It quickly became apparent that the system was not actually rewarding the raiders as it should. What quickly woke me was was how the minimum bid kept going up, while barely making enough for a minimum bid. The ring going for over 200 thousand plat was amazing. It essentially was a Pay to play system that rewarded the players who bought or had the most krono already. Its the first time I have ever seen a system that allowed players to not raid and yet still gear up because their 6-box was able to make more plat than raiding. I imagine there were many raiders who did not have any real chance of winning the really nice items.

Raiders should always have priority over non raiding players. Allowing anybody to bid on items not being used by their main, when mains could still use the item, is going to cause problems on a server where all items can be traded.
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Trakanon Raider
This is partially it. We still have level 60's coming to raids in cloth (or other low level items) or naked slots. And then when you do get into a split, people talk to the AoC early screwing splits (like last night), don't know how to get to VS/Naggy/Ect and bring everything or basically just sit there and don't press buttons. But they all get a split!

And with what you earn compared to what sells, you are almost never coming close to getting a high value item even if you save all the plat you would have made. At least in a DKP guild, you can get that one item most likely if you save or a bunch of small upgrades. In GDKP, even the small items go for a large plat amount compared to what you make.

That and you have guildmates stealing camps from you, using guild chat to just sell you stuff at markup and whatnot. Someone hit the nail on the head the other day in /gu when they called it less of a guild and more of a private marketplace. That made a lot of people unhappy.
Private marketplace is pretty true, the amount of loot was crazy but my character barely advanced. I can see selling the big ticket items cause getting a split on helm of rile and robes of the azure sky is nice but selling off all the little shit sucks, those VP weapons don't even sell well and the raids gear level suffers since they are all sold off at min.