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Who's demanding proof? My take is everyone thinks he is talking from his ass.This thread is starting to feel like the eq tlp forums with some of the retards on here demanding proof from sieger and the like. Lmao
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Who's demanding proof? My take is everyone thinks he is talking from his ass.This thread is starting to feel like the eq tlp forums with some of the retards on here demanding proof from sieger and the like. Lmao
Who's demanding proof? My take is everyone thinks he is talking from his ass.
There was a way to fake plat in a trade window at some point. I think back then if you accepted it'd disconnect you or other weird things. The trade window being shit is the source of like most the duplicate bugs I've seen over time.The only way in which it could be fake is if someone found a way to fake trade window display. Like 3 months ago a friend of mine actually discovered an item dupe over on Aradune, but he said the way it worked, if your character zoned the duplicate item would disappear. I think this item dupe was talked about widely on the forums etc. My initial reaction when I was shown the duped platinum on Mischief was to ask if it was "real" plat or just some artifact like that which would disappear if the character zoned or logged out, but the person told me they had persisted the platinum for days.
I'd guess yes, because it stopped being talked about after a couple of weeks, but could be wrong. I wouldn't be surprised if somebody figured out a way to turn that visual / one zone only bug into something real before it got fixed, though.Did they fix the "if you click a thing you're wearing it creates a copy" bug? I was having a hard time reproducing it properly but I was able to make copies of my gear that could be worn (and gave their stats) even if lore but I couldn't really think of anything to do with it and the copies poofed when you logged or zoned. I tried duping quest items but dudes wouldn't accept them. That clicking bug felt mostly visual but if someone found a way to weaponize it that wouldn't be a shock.
I was sure I had something on the quest items. I equipped a stack of 1000 fire beetle eyes and then click copied four stacks of them in to the trade window of the dude in Grobb but that son of a bitch knew they were bogus.
I think they fixed this last patch, but like you said it was a visual bug anyway.Did they fix the "if you click a thing you're wearing it creates a copy" bug? I was having a hard time reproducing it properly but I was able to make copies of my gear that could be worn (and gave their stats) even if lore but I couldn't really think of anything to do with it and the copies poofed when you logged or zoned. I tried duping quest items but dudes wouldn't accept them. That clicking bug felt mostly visual but if someone found a way to weaponize it that wouldn't be a shock.
I was sure I had something on the quest items. I equipped a stack of 1000 fire beetle eyes and then click copied four stacks of them in to the trade window of the dude in Grobb but that son of a bitch knew they were bogus.
I always try to keep as much of my wealth in Krono anyways, as it tends to go up in value rather than down.I mean I have like 100 posts here and check this forum maybe once a week; I've lead two TLP guilds for years and run a live guild today. Most of my time in EQ is spent actually running shit not foaming at the mouth on the forums; I'm not part of the crowd of mongoloids who just spew shit onto these boards all day. I'm fine with the general idea of "trust but verify" and you shouldn't believe anything fully without evidence just saying I do have a reputation on TLPs and running around making nonsense up on the forums isn't part of it.
Edit: Also if you believe me it means you should try to keep as much of your wealth in krono as possible. If I'm lying or wrong, then it means....you'd end up with most of your in game wealth in krono. That's actually not a bad situation because that's the default behavior you should follow as a rule anyway, it's never been wise to keep a large % of your money in platinum on TLPs.
One of the people that I knew who found this bug said that the item disappeared when they tried to trade, other than the one real item. Just what I was told, no actual proof to back it up.It was visual EXCEPT I made a bunch of spirit wracked cords that I could wear (despite being lore) and each changed my character sheet. If it wasn't for that I wouldn't even bring it up and I never tried trading anything with players.
The only way in which it could be fake is if someone found a way to fake trade window display. Like 3 months ago a friend of mine actually discovered an item dupe over on Aradune, but he said the way it worked, if your character zoned the duplicate item would disappear. I think this item dupe was talked about widely on the forums etc. My initial reaction when I was shown the duped platinum on Mischief was to ask if it was "real" plat or just some artifact like that which would disappear if the character zoned or logged out, but the person told me they had persisted the platinum for days.
Less simping or emotional attachment, more of the realization that there is a massive ton of BS that gets put out on here and unwillingness to believe every single thing that is written. Even on things that seem very much like they could be / are true, its more prudent to actually question the validity when there is no proof provided, rather than to believe everything first. But if people want to believe everything that they read, well......that is their choice. Some people want more first before hoping on that train.
yeah i guess I’m a simp for talking to guys I have known at this point for 5+ years playing all these tlps and have a pretty much perfect track record. Most the people I am referring to are on multiple sides of the table over years.
I have no clue who the Fuck you are though, and yes you are correct there are a few memes on here that come in here to spew their bullshit- we al know who they are - you are quickly becoming one.
He knows people guys lookout, he's been on TLPs for 5 YEARS! Rookie
Not to mention isn't crying about Mabbu still in 2021 kind of a pussy? Get a shrink, I know suicidal people that walked away from a Mabbu guild with less baggage than you.
echoed on the dupe.
Which mabbu guild was i in, can you remind me?
So there is some amazing plat dupe going on Mischief. OK. What is the proof? I'm not denying that there is. No experience with it myself, as I don't cheat, but if you are going to say there are cheats, should at least provide proof or its nothing more than speculation.