On a server where raid mobs drop a ton of loot (a lot of which you had to kill much harder raid mobs to get said loot), and it is all (or mostly) tradable, someone remind me how plat dupe really makes any difference.
You do realize that every single piece of "OH MY GOD LOOK WHAT I GOT" raid loot can be sold to someone else when the next "HOLY FUCK LOOK AT THIS SHIT" raid loot drops?
When you end up with a thousand of each BiS raid item on the server, you can dupe all the plat you want, but come Luclin the prices will race to the bottom for each of those items in the Bazaar. There ain't no one that is going to try to buy out hundreds if not thousands of BiS items to push the market price up.
It's all expensive right now just because it's new on the server.
I've said it before, and I will say it again. This is the most casual-friendly server in history.