Nice saw you selling those.I sold 39 krono @ 16k for 624k plat to cover my bids and spent another 16kr 5kplat on grey suede boots.
Even if I knew how to dupe plat there's no way I could get away with it, same reason I didn't buy the out of era ring.
so glad neriak isn’t one they revamped.Fuckin love The Third Gate
ThanksZaide and
SorrowsEnd for the hookup. Omw to Unrest.
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Reported.I sold 39 krono @ 16k for 624k plat to cover my bids and spent another 16kr 5kplat on grey suede boots.
Even if I knew how to dupe plat there's no way I could get away with it, same reason I didn't buy the out of era ring.
Did you just post that at 6 am? lol
You don't know enough to know what you don't know.
That's why you have to use it too in order to level the playing field.Been leveling my Ranger and really noticing how prevalent the MQ use is. Track a name that just popped and see multiple non tracking classes beeline toward it. Occasionally even seeing someone warp on them. Having MQ more or less not work on early TLP was pretty nice.
Roll your own mqnext. I wrote a script for just this.Don't use shoeq so i've pretty much given up all hope on VP sonh ground spawn. Keep watching one dude bee line straight for the spawn every time, i'm sure he's making a killing selling keys for krono.
There is a dupe. There's a reason you haven't seen it.I still havent seen any proof and I said in our own guild chat I still dont believe it.
"Credible evidence" still doesn't pass with no evidence to show anyone, names or anything.
I combed through the bids for the past few weeks and nothing was even close to market value or out of the ordinary.
We had one guy spend 250k plat within a week which is 25 krono worth, while that might be a lot to some, the out of era FT3 ring didn't even go for more than that in guild.
Every item you can buy in FXIV is almost 1/2 to 3/4 the market value, people could turn a massive profit instantly.
DPG is investigating and hopefully can shed some light on the situation.
From what I understand from hearsay if the dupe is with transfers to thornblade then its easily detectable and not mass scaleable in a short time frame.
Also to add: if the dupe is with transfers to thornblade, the plat isnt coming back to Mischief, only the krono which again, puts a big ol boot in the theory that plat is being duped and causing krono prices to soar.
Just let them flood the market with it - I just wouldnt be selling more than one krono to fill out a characters slots right now. Three day average is 14.5k, so krono is still going up pretty steadily.
Also, collect all the other VP medallions until you're only missing the ground spawns - then tell your guild about it and they "should" help you get them pretty quickly without buying them. You dont have to buy into Everhack or MQ just to do basic stuff, but I do highly recommend the use of ShowEQ since that wont compromise your account in any significant way.
Search - EQitems - Items, spells and more as a baseline, but dont use their rankings as gospel.Any suggestions for decent buyable caster gear to fill out slots? Largely unfamiliar with Kunark outside of the BIS stuff like Spirit-Wracked Cord. More interested in bazaar gear I can buy with a krono just to move on from outdated LGuk gear and be more useful.
Edit: It'd probably help to post what I've got. SMR, bunch of LGuk drops, decent tradeskill rings. I should probably start by re-getting GEBs. Had like four of them that I sold back when they were worth (relatively) 10x what they are now.