EQ TLP - Oakwynd (Evolving Ruleset Progression Server)


Sharpie Markers Aren't Pens
<Gold Donor>
I think you are remembering wrong. There were 4 guilds who originally recruited based on being the premier open world guild. In fact, TEB was the last of the 4 to make a recruitment post. I believe the only other server that had more than 1 guild recruit based on being the premier open world racing guild was Selos with 2 guilds, Amtrak and Faceless.

After I made the TEB recruitment post, RI numbers dropped significantly which also caused many others to abandon ship from there. They had a guild meeting in voice with about 30ish people and then decided that their best option was to merge with Rampage, creating Rampage World Tour, which based on the consensus that I understood was who everyone thought would win. Dima was the only guild leader I spoke to that thought TEB had a chance against their guild.

The other guild that recruited based on being the premier open world guild had about 100-150 member signups prior to launch, but ultimately failed when their guild leader got banned during the 1-50 level grind and quit the server. We ended up taking a good % of those members about a week after the Aradune race was over.

Shortly after launch, another guild started recruiting based on doing OW batphones but ultimately could not win any dps races against us so they gave that up during classic. We ended up absorbing them during Kunark.

The mysterious sk donaldtrump, along with brave the brave young atabishi, peed all over Rampage (it was a variant of RI) in the first 2 weeks of classic on TEB, establishing long term dominance on the server.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I think you are remembering wrong. There were 4 guilds who originally recruited based on being the premier open world guild. In fact, TEB was the last of the 4 to make a recruitment post. I believe the only other server that had more than 1 guild recruit based on being the premier open world racing guild was Selos with 2 guilds, Amtrak and Faceless.

After I made the TEB recruitment post, RI numbers dropped significantly which also caused many others to abandon ship from there. They had a guild meeting in voice with about 30ish people and then decided that their best option was to merge with Rampage, creating Rampage World Tour, which based on the consensus that I understood was who everyone thought would win. Dima was the only guild leader I spoke to that thought TEB had a chance against their guild.

The other guild that recruited based on being the premier open world guild had about 100-150 member signups prior to launch, but ultimately failed when their guild leader got banned during the 1-50 level grind and quit the server. We ended up taking a good % of those members about a week after the Aradune race was over.

Shortly after launch, another guild started recruiting based on doing OW batphones but ultimately could not win any dps races against us so they gave that up during classic. We ended up absorbing them during Kunark.

You won the initial races and it resulted in a ton of people with no real sentiment or attachment abandoning the merged conglomerations and joining you or others. You absorbed a ton of people as you even say, you poached based on initial success like most guilds do, you also had a fuckton who I have NO doubt were only there because times were good. If rampage had smoked you, you wouldn't have recruited anywhere near but a fraction of what you did, and you'd have lost a ton to whoever crushed you. Your crew is not YOUR crew. I don't think you understand that.

Whoever is leading TEB now, maybe he has that as a crew? I assume they've been together the nice long while to build such a thing, potentially. If you got them, sure, now you have your army if they're willing to bail and go. What you don't have and I don't know how to explain this because I don't want to put you down for it, I don't have it either, is a sizeable core that will follow you around the way some of these other guys do.

Also those guilds were not the kind of premier guilds that the 25th birdies or whatever the shit you're suggesting would pull. Who the fuck is/was rampage? Who cares? They were a thing at all apparently because of mergers too. They're nobodies outside the aradune pond. If the 25th pulls all the big names out of the woodwork, nobody's going to give a shit about single server success. It's all up in the air. And at that point, the far more established crews have more recruiting power.

I really just don't think you understand what I'm saying though so I'll leave that rant and try to move on.


<Gold Donor>
I love coming to this thread.

This must be how the towel boy felt in the locker-room at the end of the '96 Bulls season.

So many legends.

michael jordan hug GIF
  • 3Worf
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You won the initial races and it resulted in a ton of people with no real sentiment or attachment abandoning the merged conglomerations and joining you or others. You absorbed a ton of people as you even say, you poached based on initial success like most guilds do, you also had a fuckton who I have NO doubt were only there because times were good. If rampage had smoked you, you wouldn't have recruited anywhere near but a fraction of what you did, and you'd have lost a ton to whoever crushed you. Your crew is not YOUR crew. I don't think you understand that.

Whoever is leading TEB now, maybe he has that as a crew? I assume they've been together the nice long while to build such a thing, potentially. If you got them, sure, now you have your army if they're willing to bail and go. What you don't have and I don't know how to explain this because I don't want to put you down for it, I don't have it either, is a sizeable core that will follow you around the way some of these other guys do.

Also those guilds were not the kind of premier guilds that the 25th birdies or whatever the shit you're suggesting would pull. Who the fuck is/was rampage? Who cares? They were a thing at all apparently because of mergers too. They're nobodies outside the aradune pond. If the 25th pulls all the big names out of the woodwork, nobody's going to give a shit about single server success. It's all up in the air. And at that point, the far more established crews have more recruiting power.

I really just don't think you understand what I'm saying though so I'll leave that rant and try to move on.

Heh I know you are saying, I just don't think it comes from a knowledge of what was really going on. The vast majority of the original 120ish race group that were high enough lvl to raid to be in the race on Aradune in TEB were people I had been playing with and leading raids for from phinny up to mangler. They were the main people I could trust. About 80-90 of the people were mine and kubat's phinny crew + mangler crew. Outside of them, in the intitial week 1 race group, there were sprinkles of the sort of people you are referring to that had no real sentiment or attachment at the time, like people from AoS/amtrak that I had played with on Selos and some faceless people.

My original post about Vicious and I being able to pull more numbers was referring to prior to launch, not after a winner has been decided.

I don't really see what you mean in terms of premier guilds that the 25th anniversary would pull that weren't present on aradune. Most of the OW type people were there on Aradune. I guess it depends on what your definition of a proven "premier ow guild" is on modern day TLP's. From the way I look at it, RI is the only OW guild prior to Aradune launch that had actually proven themselves to be a top OW guild capable of competing in OW long term. Don't take that as a shot to anyone else like AoS, but until Coirnav there really wasn't any OW competition, so while we could speculate to whether or not prior to coirnav that AoS on phinny or Faceless on agnarr would have dominated even with constant OW competition, it wasn't there so they never had to prove themselves. Selos is really the only other time it could have been proven, but OW on there was so short lived and low competition that nothing really could be proven.

My assumption would be that if there was a big 25th anniversary push, it would be more likely than not that the "premier guilds" would all just combine in to 2 guilds. I could be wrong, but that is what I would bet. Do you really think you ever going to see like a TEB vs AOS vs RI vs Faceless server? I highly doubt it. Although I'd be completely down for it.

In the event there was a 25th anniversary push that all the big names came back for, I think it would be more likely to be some variation of guilds all merging in to 2 competing guilds. Even if it was TEB vs Faceless, it wouldn't be like an atabishi vs zaide thing. I wouldn't be competing against zaide. I would be competing against all of the real past leaders of faceless who are the ones responsible for pulling in their numbers. My understanding has always been from talking to faceless people that they join for those leaders, not zaide.

Ultimately though, if I did decide to play the 25th anniversary server and it was a classic start, the whole numbers debate, while entertaining to have now and kind of funny to already be shit talking about the next server, would be pretty irrelevant. I'm almost 100% confident that all I'd need is 72 people to finish classic in 4 days or less. Hell, bees is the hardest fight in the classic race and I did server first bees on mangler with a raid of 46.
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Sharpie Markers Aren't Pens
<Gold Donor>
Man, that’s as close as you can get to an announcement there without it being an announcement. You got kubat on board?
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Man, that’s as close as you can get to an announcement there without it being an announcement. You got kubat on board?

heh I can't publicly confirm or deny anything/anyone in terms of who for the 25th anniversary, the only thing I can say is that despite the immense pressure I'm getting for a 25th anniversary TEB return that I'm not/have not committed to anything until I see a server ruleset, but things have been put in to motion just in case.


I actually think the most compelling story line and most fun/entertaining competition that could possibly take place on the 25th anniversary server would be AoS/Amtrak/Faceless vs TEB/RI. That would be something I could get excited about to the point where I would definitely play the 25th anniversary server. Although I really like grisvok/astral and the other AoS/Amtrak leaders as well as a lot of the members of those guilds, I would like the chance to compete against them on a server start.
Unfortunately though I don't know if grisvok/astral would ever lead a guild for a classic true box start server again, and don't think they'd be willing to merge with faceless for it.


EQ MegAutist
where are the Admin Admin for this thread? I post a single offtopic thing and the police nearly take my wife and kids but there's been 8 pages of spam here and it's sunshine and rainbows
  • 1Worf
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Trakanon Raider
Judging by his sudden turnaround in attitude I'm guessing either;

A: One of his other personalities has taken over posting duties
B: He found his meds
C: Received a talking to from mods already


Judging by his sudden turnaround in attitude I'm guessing either;

A: One of his other personalities has taken over posting duties
B: He found his meds
C: Received a talking to from mods already

I'm not sure who he is in game, but I almost started to wonder if he was in TEB at some point and was trying to do exactly what I do on these forums but to a far far more extreme level of trolling. I wondered if he was in TEB at some point because sometimes we would sit in discord voice while bored and come up with things for me to post on here and arguments for me to start, and then be entertained by how seriously people would reply and how easy it was to illicit a response. Wondered if he's doing the same thing with his guild.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
That would explain where he came up with the idea that zaide is coordinating in discord to do replies here... It's actually what he and his buddies were doing.

When you write an output five times of what the other posters are doing combined and always have, you're not trolling anyone but yourself. Nobody believes the "I don't care I'm actually just a troll" routine.


That would explain where he came up with the idea that zaide is coordinating in discord to do replies here... It's actually what he and his buddies were doing.

When you write an output five times of what the other posters are doing combined and always have, you're not trolling anyone but yourself. Nobody believes the "I don't care I'm actually just a troll" routine.

I have a combined total of 374 posts since March 25th, 2017 (320 on my main Atabishi account that I lost access to, and 54 including this post on this account)
You have a total of 11,162 posts since July 30th, 2016.

I don't think your math is adding up.
You have 30 times more posts than me when you've been active less than a year longer than me.
The fact that you even have 11,162 messages on here is insanity, but trying to claim I post on here 5x more than anyone else when you are pumping out those kind of numbers is hilarious. I think what you meant to say was that I post about 5x LESS than your average poster.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
I have a combined total of 374 posts since March 25th, 2017 (320 on my main Atabishi account that I lost access to, and 54 including this post on this account)
You have a total of 11,162 posts since July 30th, 2016.

I don't think your math is adding up.
You have 30 times more posts than me when you've been active less than a year longer than me.
The fact that you even have 11,162 messages on here is insanity, but trying to claim I post on here 5x more than anyone else when you are pumping out those kind of numbers is hilarious.
These accounts have been ported through multiple forum iterations, as I explained before. This account originates from 2005. Many accounts here are from long before the listed join dates. Imagine if we added all your posts from discord and other EQ forums; I'm guessing it would far eclipse most people's word count contribution to EverQuest. Or maybe compare the sadness of waking up to a 4:00 a.m. bat phone to making a post on a forum.

It's not like all those posts are everquest related. This forum is about more than MMOs. Sports, movies, politics, etc. Have you even tried thinking today? The majority of posters on this forum don't even play MMOs anymore.

My comments were specifically in reference to EverQuest posting here and even more specifically about your attempts to troll. If someone is just offering helpful information or talking about EQ in general that's clearly not part of the word count towards trolling or counter trolling. But you're here saying you talk in discord to try to come up with topics to troll here and then you vomit out pages of content compared to the people you're trying to troll when they respond. That's the point.
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These accounts have been ported through multiple forum iterations, as I explained before. This account originates from 2005. Many accounts here are from long before the listed join dates. Imagine if we added all your posts from discord and other EQ forums; I'm guessing it would far eclipse most people's word count contribution to EverQuest. Or maybe compare the sadness of waking up to a 4:00 a.m. bat phone to making a post on a forum.

It's not like all those posts are everquest related. This forum is about more than MMOs. Sports, movies, politics, etc. Have you even tried thinking today?

My comments were specifically in reference to EverQuest posting here and even more specifically about your attempts to troll. If someone is just offering helpful information or talking about EQ in general that's clearly not part of the word count towards trolling or counter trolling. But you're here saying you talk in discord to try to come up with topics to troll here and then you vomit out pages of content compared to the people you're trying to troll when they respond. That's the point.

It wouldn't matter if your account was 50 years old, having that many posts on here in general, no matter what thread it's in, is ridiculous.

And i dunno, maybe learn to type faster is only thing i can tell ya. Takes me less than 5 minutes to spit out those long posts.
Long posts are also more annoying in this context. They sometimes give fomo syndrome. You hate the fact that you are having to read a 5 paragraph post, but the fear of missing out forces many to actually read it in it's entirety.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
It wouldn't matter if your account was 50 years old, having that many posts on here in general, no matter what thread it's in, is ridiculous.

And i dunno, maybe learn to type faster is only thing i can tell ya. Takes me less than 5 minutes to spit out those long posts.
Long posts are also more annoying in this context. They sometimes give fomo syndrome. You hate the fact that you are having to read a 5 paragraph post, but the fear of missing out forces many to actually read it in it's entirety.
lol. No one's afraid of missing out on your content. I'm pretty sure 80% of your posts are just regurgitating a previous post anyway.


lol. No one's afraid of missing out on your content. I'm pretty sure 80% of your posts are just regurgitating a previous post anyway.

Considering people will reply breaking down several things I've said in a long post means that people are reading them.
Anything else you got or you done yet?


Molten Core Raider
Took me 4 days to read through everyone. But i wanted to express my displeasure at this super intrusive batphone that me and 19 other people received that had people in such a tizzy.
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Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Considering people will reply breaking down several things I've said in a long post means that people are reading them.
Anything else you got or you done yet?
Some people reading doesn't mean they're doing so out of fear of missing out, though. Are you retarded or just that far up your own ass?


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
heh I can't publicly confirm or deny anything/anyone in terms of who for the 25th anniversary, the only thing I can say is that despite the immense pressure I'm getting for a 25th anniversary TEB return that I'm not/have not committed to anything until I see a server ruleset, but things have been put in to motion just in case.
With how the last two years have been I could definitely see them try to come out with a real banger for next year. Or not. Oakwynd could be hitting all the marks they want and that'll be the model they want. Only thing I really want from a TLP is harder rules, so the FTE turning the entire game into ez mode is totally unattractive to me.