EQBrowser and graphs

  • Guest, it's time once again for the massively important and exciting FoH Asshat Tournament!

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EQ in a browser wait time: ____
Targeting in.

Extremely odd to me after doing this that Brad & co (pre-joppa) released a video of where names are viewable through walls. Took me an hour to get this done.



EQ in a browser wait time: ____
targetbox stuff, tied to bones so it isnt just an upright rectangle for when they fall down and die.

when clicking on an NPC, the green box is what triggers targeting/looting/merchanting



EQ in a browser wait time: ____
poopsin z problems some more, something i've observed.

when an NPC is moving, the z in clientupdate will be purposefully lower, under the ground even, to possibly mimic gravity in motion. before a mob moves and after a mob is done moving the Z will be where they are suppose to be.



Tranny Chaser
Right now, just me and whenever I beg secrets to help me out with real difficult problems.

KLS/Akkadius put websockets in an Eqemu branch, and Secrets expanded upon it so I can use it for my unity shit. Also had some hungarian dude who extracted a bunch of EQ assets for me years ago.

I'm gonna replace the assets at some point, so it'll still be EQ, just look different.

But, one step at a time dawg. More worried about it being playable.

Been dragging my feet on pathing & death respawn for wayyy too long.

tyen tyen when is the kickstarter for @trex's blow? tyen tyen 's EQ browser CE?


EQ in a browser wait time: ____

I have a system that gives people the ability to create servers and wiki-style edit the database with their community.

I also bought the same software that Star Citizen uses for their crowdfunding crap on their website. So I can make my own fundraiser crap, and give people the ability to do that for their own eqbrowser/eqmobile custom servers.

fixed z-axis

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EQ in a browser wait time: ____
back to item slotquest.

Cursor item in. Equip slot restrictions next



Trakanon Raider
This invention-- my invention-- will change everything.
For the better, one hopes.
But the good of the scorpion is not the good of the frog, yes? You must excuse me.
I've grown quite weary.
Come on.
Finally, my friends, at long last the day has come.
We have the means, the understanding, the technology to allow fire beetles to equip axes!


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
Imported lights from Nqeynos zone file.

maybe north and south were designed as one piece and then split later with lights not cleaned out properly.

Odd to see lights placed off world. my xyz positions are 100% correct.


pasting this here, might need to reference it later.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;
using System.Xml;

public class LightImport : EditorWindow
    [MenuItem("Window/EQ Object Importer")]
    static void ShowWindow()
    void OnGUI()
        if (GUILayout.Button("Load XML File"))
            string path = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel("Select an XML File", Application.dataPath, "xml");
            if (path.Length > 0)
                using (XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(path))
                    string objectName;
                    float posx;
                    float posy;
                    float posz;
                    float radius;
                    byte colorR;
                    byte colorG;
                    byte colorB;
                    GameObject container = new GameObject("Lights");
                    while (reader.Read())
                            objectName = reader.GetAttribute("name");
                            while (reader.Read())
                                if (reader.IsStartElement("object"))
                                    objectName = reader.GetAttribute("name");
                                    posx = float.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("positionx"));
                                    posy = float.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("positiony"));
                                    posz = float.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("positionz"));
                                    radius = float.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("radius"));
                                    colorR = byte.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("colorR"));
                                    colorG = byte.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("colorG"));
                                    colorB = byte.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("colorB"));
                                    CreateObject(container.transform, objectName, ref posx, ref posy, ref posz, ref radius, ref colorR, ref colorG, ref colorB);

    void CreateObject(Transform parent, string name, ref float posx, ref float posy, ref float posz, ref float radius, ref byte colorR, ref byte colorG, ref byte colorB)
        GameObject prefab = Resources.Load("Prefab/Pointlight") as GameObject;
        if (prefab != null)
            GameObject go = PrefabUtility.InstantiatePrefab(prefab) as GameObject;
            go.transform.position = new Vector3(-posx, posz, posy);
            go.GetComponent<Light>().color = new Color32(colorR, colorG, colorB, 200);
            go.GetComponent<Light>().range = radius;
            go.transform.parent = parent;
            go.name = name;

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>                             
<object positionx="-128.98394775390625" positiony="-35.7664680480957" positionz="16.751373291015625" radius="200.0" colorR="130" colorG="130" colorB="30" name="L1_LDEF"></object>
<object positionx="-53.876197814941406" positiony="-53.014190673828125" positionz="16.751388549804688" radius="200.0" colorR="130" colorG="130" colorB="30" name="L2_LDEF"></object>
<object positionx="-30.8394775390625" positiony="-152.99623107910156" positionz="13.4985990524292" radius="100.0" colorR="100" colorG="100" colorB="0" name="L3_LDEF"></object>
<object positionx="-88.35739135742188" positiony="-163.82347106933594" positionz="17.75100326538086" radius="200.0" colorR="130" colorG="130" colorB="30" name="L4_LDEF"></object>
<object positionx="-158.88755798339844" positiony="-171.59190368652344" positionz="17.7509822845459" radius="200.0" colorR="130" colorG="130" colorB="30" name="L5_LDEF"></object>
<object positionx="-161.03367614746094" positiony="-475.38848876953125" positionz="32.98783874511719" radius="200.0" colorR="0" colorG="30" colorB="100" name="L6_LDEF"></object>
<object positionx="-176.1796875" positiony="-461.162841796875" positionz="38.15593338012695" radius="40.0" colorR="0" colorG="30" colorB="100" name="L7_LDEF"></object>
<object positionx="-174.26559448242188" positiony="-488.5738525390625" positionz="38.15593338012695" radius="40.0" colorR="0" colorG="30" colorB="100" name="L8_LDEF"></object>
<object positionx="-149.08364868164062" positiony="-489.697509765625" positionz="38.15593338012695" radius="40.0" colorR="0" colorG="30" colorB="100" name="L9_LDEF"></object>
<object positionx="-161.3794403076172" positiony="-474.66070556640625" positionz="47.22280502319336" radius="200.0" colorR="0" colorG="30" colorB="100" name="L10_LDEF"></object>
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EQ in a browser wait time: ____
Occlusion Culling, hiding objects when camera is not looking at them.

Dicking around with performance related things.