Uhhh yeah, I see that and am like "holy shit" too. Mind elaborating on your method / tools? That's fucking amazing.
Heh, well I played a wizard from 1999 to 2004. I also started up a warrior in late Kunark/early Velious period, that eventually became my guild's MT, but I kept boxing the wizard. So I had a raid geared tank + wizard to do PBAoEing with. The thing about wizards is, the better you are at the game, the more they suck at single target killing in an exp group scenario. It's adorable to see all the people on Al'Kabor who think that wizards are gods because they get free KEI all the time. In a reality without perma KEI, and if you are in a group with great players single target killing, warriors will outdamage wizards. An out of mana wizard does no damage, and a good group is constantly in combat. AoE is basically a wizard's salvation.
I like to joke that I have an AoE fetish. I try to AoE in every game I play. WoW, Warhammer, even SWG. Blizzard of course put a damage cap on AoEs because they remove anything fun out of their game, unlike Sony. It's not like AoEing large pulls was already impossible over there due to their short leash code.
Anyway, PBAoEing pulls is fairly straightforward. The hard part is pulling the mobs. All the wizards and enchanters do is spam one button. (assuming you macro the multiple color stuns and wizard aoes into one key, using in-game macros) Cycle through 3 color stuns, and assuming mobs do not resist, they will be perma stunned. With color slant replacing flux, even a solo enchanter could do it safely assuming no resists. Two enchanters are sort of required for very large pulls. (my record is somewhere around 80, which I did back in '02; my max here is about 30 so far for various reasons)
The real secrets are understanding how spells push mobs around and knowing how to pull. Mob leashing on this server in particular is giving me much nerd rage, and pulling on my druid or cleric is much harder than using a raid geared warrior, particularly when my gear is so awful. Spells push mobs around too, so that is why corners are so advantageous. You can do it in the open or against a flat wall if you orient the characters a certain way, but it's riskier to do large pulls that way.
As for tools, I use HotKeyNet. 'Key cloning' is the absolute most basic function of any multi-box software or hardware, so just about anything would work. I never used boxing software until two weeks ago. I could tape sticks together to push keys on multiple keyboards if I had to. There is absolutely zero decision making on behalf of the software at all. No log reading or pixel color checking. That particular program has very little in the way of that actually. Its primary feature is that it enables one keyboard to control multiple physical machines.
I bet all the classic EQ haters don't know about PBAoE groups either.