Yeah I'm really impressed with how fast they are moving for this stage of the alpha. I'm also blown away by some of the cool stuff people have already made. Will be a lot of fun following the development of this one.The rate at which that they are fixing the pressing issues is staggering.
Lolthx bro, i'll build you a towering Samus tranny penis monument
Omeed on a podcast tonight confirmed tundra, and jungle biospheres will be next. Looking forward to this as well.Patcher at least is up , downloading it , noticed some tundra.bmp files. Hopefully means artic biosphere coming soon.
Prepare yourselves for the theme music at character selection btw................
Wouldn't this be horrible for mining unless the snow is transparent or veins stick up out of the surface ?Patcher at least is up , downloading it , noticed some tundra.bmp files. Hopefully means artic biosphere coming soon.
Nice , didn't catch that , they actually have so much communication going on I can't keep up with all of it.Omeed on a podcast tonight confirmed tundra, and jungle biospheres will be next. Looking forward to this as well.
Well, the on-or-before dates they originally gave us for alpha and beta were only a month apart. Assuming they're still planning for only a month-long alpha, they do sorta need to start firing out new features pretty rapid-fire from here on out.Patcher at least is up , downloading it , noticed some tundra.bmp files. Hopefully means artic biosphere coming soon.
It's pretty fun to watch people stream the game if you can get your fix that way. There really is no rush to buy into the alpha/beta. If you aren't interested enough to buy it right now, you have plenty of time to decide.Dahkoht, don't make me consider buying a pack
Well just think of the money you'll be saving from not spending what we were going to on the KS anyway (since it's likely to not fund).Dahkoht, don't make me consider buying a pack
Perfect, exactly what I was thinking about a couple days ago about how they could really just write something that looks to see if A) you have a claim flag or B) have a claim and if neither then it gives you a flag.You should have one when you log in next, unless you are one of the people affected by the one bug that this update doesn't fix.