You have never tried to build large-scale stuff in Minecraft, do you?The depth part is exciting, I still think the rest is pretty small.
You can certainly play, but parts outside of your claim regenerate, so anything dug or excavated below the claim will refill and close. If you want to create a dungeon, you have to claim below ground.Hmm pretty weak, why mention a mile deep if players only ever see 100m down. That video Quaid posted seemed to assume players will have that entire mile to play with.
Are you permitted to build outside your claim, even as it resets after a while, or is only destructive actions (mining) permitted?Claims do three things: prevent others from claiming close to you unless you allows them (limited radius horizontally, entire size vertically), prevent others from building inside your claim, and prevent the claim from reseting to base world state after you've dug up tunnels/built structures.
This saddens me. I wish I had that interest/ability for stuff like this but it's simply not to be.If you don't like Minecraft I doubt there will be anything for you in Landmark at first. Maybe once they get combat and mob AI in for people to play around with. Then you will probably start seeing dungeons and Minecraft style adventure maps start popping up which may interest you more. Of course then you'll have the problem of sorting through a mountain of shit to find the gems that comes with any community content driven game.
Here's a shocker, not everyone plays games for the same reasons. What a revelation.Seems odd to play this type of game for exploring or resource gathering. It's there to build shit, the bigger the better and leave the RPG elements to Next. I don't want to see little johnny's house or tower, I want to see people re-create entire dungeons, entire landmarks etc.
Have you ever really given Minecraft a go? Honest question. I had it for a while and thought it was stupid, but then one day I really dug into it and was hooked. Not creative mode, but survival mode where there's an actual "sort of" game there. It was only better when playing on a MP server with other ReRolled people.This saddens me. I wish I had that interest/ability for stuff like this but it's simply not to be.
I am still cautiously super excited for EQN itself. I just hope it has little minecraft to it and comes out before 2019 or something,