Eternal the Card Game


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Well yea, sure, but it could do that without being a ridiculously good creature against non-flyers. The under costed body plus endurance makes it a very good creature against everyone. The anti-flying just destroys flyer decks if they don't have a removal/silence for it.
I tried playing some shadow/primal decks with flyers, and if a sandstorm hit the table that I didn't have spot removal for, I just lost. Period. Even when I had a removal, half the time they'd draw a 2nd one before I could close out the game. Or, their other threats would soak some removal.
I mean.. it's a 5/6 with endurance for 4 power. That alone is already better then practically every other creature in the game, or it was. I'm not familiar with the expansions.

That's sort of the point I was trying to make though - they wanted it pushed enough to be a "given" for Time decks to really curtail flying getting out of hand.

I didn't start until well after Beta, so I can't quote beta tweaking but I've got a hunch that there was some serious flying shenanigans that were going on before it landed at it's final stats.


Trakanon Raider
I didn't start until well after Beta, so I can't quote beta tweaking but I've got a hunch that there was some serious flying shenanigans that were going on before it landed at it's final stats.
No, there wasn't, that's the thing. Unless it was different in alpha, it's stats have never changed and there was never a competitive deck based around flyers that wasn't also basically a control deck. shadow/primal decks were the only ones that ever ran much flyers successfully, and only because you had the shadow removal spells for titan.
Rather, there were control decks that used flyers as a win condition, but never aggro decks that just ran tons of flyers due to sandstorm titan. Except maybe at lower levels where most couldn't afford to craft them yet. As you got higher ranks, though, those decks couldn't do anything as you ran into titans all the time.

People started threads on the boards almost every other day or in the discord chat complaining about the card, but direwolf never budged. We never got a good explanation for it, and the vets started getting stockholm syndrome about the card. A new player would complain about it and they'd basically go 'it's not getting changed, so it must be balanced cause direwolf are the best, stop bitching about it'.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Yea it's a strange card. It'd be totally playable just as vanilla 4/6 I think because of how good those stats match up vs everything. I think the only problem I have with it is that it's the only card that boasts those kinds of raw combat stats. You can barely get a 4/4 for 4 mana, much less something as large as Titan.

If say like, a vanilla 4 mana 4/5 creature was a card that existed I think Titan would look way less ridiculous.


Trakanon Raider
Wooo, my first 7-0 draft, U-G flyers with Hero of the People winning me at least 2 games

Next one was 7-2, UG again, shitton of cheap flyers FTW
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So, I like to have a casual card game to play daily. No more than 30 minutes a day to finish the dailies and it should let you grow your collection with a little cash spent. Hearthstone used to scratch that itch but I am finding it more an annoyance than fun now.
Can I play this game that way? I don't care about minmax, just having some casual fun without having 5 win quests take hours because you aren't using the current top meta class.


Trakanon Raider
So, I like to have a casual card game to play daily. No more than 30 minutes a day to finish the dailies and it should let you grow your collection with a little cash spent. Hearthstone used to scratch that itch but I am finding it more an annoyance than fun now.
Can I play this game that way? I don't care about minmax, just having some casual fun without having 5 win quests take hours because you aren't using the current top meta class.
I believe it could fit that niche, it is a very F2P friendly game......but beware the garbage fire of a shuffler this game has.


Trakanon Raider
So, I like to have a casual card game to play daily. No more than 30 minutes a day to finish the dailies and it should let you grow your collection with a little cash spent. Hearthstone used to scratch that itch but I am finding it more an annoyance than fun now.
Can I play this game that way? I don't care about minmax, just having some casual fun without having 5 win quests take hours because you aren't using the current top meta class.
Definitely, there's even casual friendly PvE mode, both for draft and constructed decks. First win in pvp gets you a free pack, quests generally require you to play cards instead of winning games and there's a rotation of theme decks that you get for free, eventually. ATM there are 2 campaigns that require you to dole out gold equal to 25 packs, but you can get about 500-1000 per day just in those 30 minutes. The mechanics are basically MtG-lite, even with stack and occasional bad draws.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Yea the game is shockingly F2P friendly. They shower you with packs as a starting player, enough so that if you wanted to build tiered/competitive decks all you'd really need to buy is like, maybe the expansions?

I do recommend taking it slow when you start out though and don't disenchant anything in a hurry. See what you like to play, do some dailies etc, and in a week or 10 days or so you'll be sitting at enough shiftstone and cards to disenchant that you can craft yourself a pretty competitive deck.


Trakanon Raider
If I knew how the seasons work, I'd play an extra draft yesterday :( oh well, the rewards for gold/silver aren't that much different and I like that you can get some sweet foils just for participating.

Third draft, another 7-2, I guess that's because I'm still facing silver/gold people.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Yea draft was very, very easy until I got in to gold. Once it starts pairing you up to people in plat/master it gets much more difficult.

Also you can just not see a single removal spell in like 3 drafts like I'm stuck at currently. Makes you really not want to play it anymore when your options for both set 2 packs are "unplayable rare, B- stat line creatures".


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yea draft was very, very easy until I got in to gold. Once it starts pairing you up to people in plat/master it gets much more difficult.

Also you can just not see a single removal spell in like 3 drafts like I'm stuck at currently. Makes you really not want to play it anymore when your options for both set 2 packs are "unplayable rare, B- stat line creatures".

Draft IMO is mostly about forcing colors that are consistent for you, unless you get some obvious OP synergies early on to chase and reinforce upon.


Trakanon Raider
Yea draft was very, very easy until I got in to gold. Once it starts pairing you up to people in plat/master it gets much more difficult.

Also you can just not see a single removal spell in like 3 drafts like I'm stuck at currently. Makes you really not want to play it anymore when your options for both set 2 packs are "unplayable rare, B- stat line creatures".
I have been drafting U-G exclusively since it has excellent flyers and flyer removal with occasional tricks to spice it up. White is probably the most reliable due to fatties and flying walls, but I feel like it's hard to commit to it early. Silence is excellent at dealing with any problematic stat combo and stuns allow you to put on so much pressure the opponent can't keep up, and eventually spice it up with a few 6+ cost cards. Strangers remind of me drafting during Onslaught block in MtG, you could basically guarantee the opponent will have 2/2 on turn 2 (or 3 in case of MtG) which means early pressure needs to be able to kill it or deal with it, which is where flyers come to play.

Oh and I snatch any legendary or foil rare, because gotta build that collection.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Yea Time is easily the best color for draft, but people seem to cut Time cards pretty aggressively because of how good it is. Just playing a curve of common dinosaurs of 4/5/6 outclasses basically every other color stat-wise. Their removal sucks, but it often doesn't matter cause your dudes are so large.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
For me, Lifeforce tends to be my go to (Diamond in Sept, didn't bother with draft in Oct b/c I was busy with other gaming). Enough recurring value and enough trigger conditions that get passed often enough to exploit it well. (And frankly, more life never hurts as long as you're making consistent progress on theirs)


Trakanon Raider
For me, Lifeforce tends to be my go to (Diamond in Sept, didn't bother with draft in Oct b/c I was busy with other gaming). Enough recurring value and enough trigger conditions that get passed often enough to exploit it well. (And frankly, more life never hurts as long as you're making consistent progress on theirs)
Yea my last two drafts have been some crazy lifeforce decks, get bunches of the 2/4 that gets +1/+0 and flying and the guy who makes tokens for how much life you gained in a turn.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I think my absolute fave for the commons is the 6/4 LF: draw card for obvious reasons - but those are both solid aggressive ones rather than reloading ones.


Trakanon Raider
I tried drafting BW lifeforce ... 0-3 I think balancing lifegain/tricks and creatures is pretty bloody difficult, especially when you are locked in before you are sure you have enough of both.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Yea I've never made lifeforce either. There are very few good ways to generate repeated lifegain and there's no assurance you'll see any of them. The two best payoff cards are at rare as well, so you'd need a hell of a draft to put it all together it feels like.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
You've never played magic online then. The shuffler in Eternal is actually far, far more than "fair" and is literally weighted to give you playable opening hands.