My Corp is having a bit of a newbie duels competition on Friday, though I think there will be some more experienced guys there.
Foolishly they have said that only Condors and Meta 0 Modules are allowed this week. I've put a fit together but my support skills are weak other than Caldari Frigates 5 and I was wondering if you guys have any last minute advice I can use to win the prize?
High:x3 Light Missiles with Kinetic Light Missiles and EM Light Missiles in cargohold.
Medium:Medium Sheild Extender, Afterburner, Gravimetic ECM Target Breaker, Gravimetic Backup Sensor Array
Low:Aux Power Core, Ballistic Control
Rig:Power Grid Boost, Sheild Extender, Kinetic Sheild Hardener
I know it's probally a bad fit but I'm being slightly sneaky fiting Gravimetric ECM, Kinetic Hardeners, and EM Missiles when I KNOW I'm fighting Caldari ships and have the counter to ECM and Kinetic Hardeners just in case it's done to me. Will be wanting to fight at ~30KM if possible, Light Missiles rather than Rockets so that I can get kiters.
I was wondering if it's safe to fight Frigates with a MWD turned on. Will it boost the damage of Frigate weapons v Frigates significantly? And should I go full retard sneaky with the Caldari Ship counters?
If you are using LM's, why not try and fit an MWD on the condor, then sit at 25-30km and orbit the target, all the while jamming it and dropping missiles on it, and rather than go with the backup array, throw on a TP so you increase their sig radius giving your LM's more "area" to hit. Like so:
[Condor, DishonourDor]
Micro Auxiliary Power Core I
Ballistic Control System I
1MN Microwarpdrive I
Medium Shield Extender I
ECM - Spatial Destabilizer I
Target Painter I
Light Missile Launcher I, Scourge Light Missile
Light Missile Launcher I, Scourge Light Missile
Light Missile Launcher I, Scourge Light Missile
[empty high slot]
Small Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I
Small Core Defense Field Extender I
Small Warhead Calefaction Catalyst I
(Rigs are to taste obviously, depending on skills - and fitting needs).
The AB you have fit just wont let you run from others if they are fit with mwds. Now if you are both ab fit, then switch to rockets instead of LM's and throw on a neut to do their capacitor over, and just close in while jamming them, and hopefully your jams wont drop before you beat through whatever tank they use.
[Condor, rocketdor]
Micro Auxiliary Power Core I
Ballistic Control System I
1MN Afterburner I
Medium Shield Extender I
ECM - Spatial Destabilizer I
Target Painter I
Rocket Launcher I, Mjolnir Rocket
Rocket Launcher I, Mjolnir Rocket
Rocket Launcher I, Mjolnir Rocket
Small Energy Neutralizer I
Small Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I
Small Core Defense Field Extender I
Small Warhead Calefaction Catalyst I
Regarding fighting other frigs with your MWD on, your sig radius will bloom making you a larger target for incoming missiles to hit, however in the LM fit Condor you do want to be dictating range and the MWD is the way to do it tbh. Also if the other duelist has mwd fit you dont want to be on the other end of a kite now do you? Although if he is MWDing like you, you'll both take a tad more damage than if you were not.