I am a low sec dweller but i frequently head into null sec for roams looking for something to do. Null is usually vast, empty of players, and boring (think of swimming a couple hundred miles off shore, very little actual life, occasional shark). The major big power blocs are just sitting on their moons getting rich and have no incentive to attack each other. It is so bad they are planning "war games" with each other. Thats right, null sec/sov warfare is so boring and time consuming that the leet pvp crowd would rather have pretend fights than have to fight for real assets with real risk. The "Big Blue Donut" is used to refer to the idea that everyone is friends with everyone and most seem to be out of people to shoot. The only real fight going on that I have heard about was the hell camping of Solar, but I have not heard of any large engagements. It seems the only way to counter a cap fleet is with another cap fleet so the risk of so many valuable assets to the grid is pretty rare. Hopefully the new expansion will change something in the status quo out there. As it stands it seems pretty yawn worthy. If someone who has been playing longer has a better understanding, please speak up.