EVE Online


Hey Kadm. Not sure if you remember me but I was in SSAL a couple years ago. My in game name and old FOH forum name is/was Taivek. Just resubbed and found I am still in the corp. Is SSAL still in the C4 that we were in a couple years ago?
I'm pretty much living alone in the C4. I do logistics every 3 months, but about a month ago I bought a house and I haven't had hardly any time to be active in EVE. It's my intention to start inviting people in to the wormhole once I can become active again, but it's on hold at the moment.


What happened to David and the other dude in the other corp? I figured they'd still be there.
Fitz is still fueling their tower though they've talked about packing it up. They mostly moved back to 0.0. They're honestly just a placeholder at the moment.


<Silver Donator>
Taivek, this is Acura Achura etc from SSAL. Jump into channel and look for me and my alts. Putz and I have mostly moved to our PVP corp/alliance and keep alts in SSAL to run PI in our C1. If you want to do WH pvp in a USTZ corp, give me a shout.


Fitz is still fueling their tower though they've talked about packing it up. They mostly moved back to 0.0. They're honestly just a placeholder at the moment.
Well, I suppose fully moving out for them means abandoning a bunch of carriers unless they sell the hole, which they can't really do with you/parked SSAL'ers, so that makes sense.


Well, I suppose fully moving out for them means abandoning a bunch of carriers unless they sell the hole, which they can't really do with you/parked SSAL'ers, so that makes sense.
They've already SD'd a bunch of caps. I think it's really apathy. And they've mentioned selling it before to Trev and Tim, but I think they realize they can't sell it without my consent.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Taivek, this is Acura Achura etc from SSAL. Jump into channel and look for me and my alts. Putz and I have mostly moved to our PVP corp/alliance and keep alts in SSAL to run PI in our C1. If you want to do WH pvp in a USTZ corp, give me a shout.
Thanks. Maybe I'll do that. Also need to find a way to make isk though. I don't have any alts to do that and when I left the game abruptly I left a Tengu in the SSAL hanger that was worth around 750mil. Only have about 270mil, a few frigs, and not much assets. Any thoughts on raising money? Would it be a good idea to hang out in the C1 and try to make some money there?


<Gold Donor>
Yes, yes it would. There are a decent number of sites that build up, and the PI there is great.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
It's probably one of the ones Trev lost for me. He told me the check was in the mail!
Yeah I figured it would be gone or claimed after two years lol.

So I started PI today. Setup one Lava planet to make construction blocks and learn the process. Seems pretty straight forward but with a lot of clicking. So what is the most profitable thing to make with PI? Want to maximize profits so I can do some PvP.


<Bronze Donator>
don't really know much about PI itself. my alliance basically just hoards up all the pocos within range of our lowsec home and set them all to something like 5-10% tax. Apparently it makes us a lot of isk. So much so that we are expressivelyforbiddenfrom, ie wetryreally hard, to avoid ganking haulers who are obviously only around to do PI. like 50mil isk fine paid to alliance if you're on a killmail of a hauler who's got PI shit.


Glad to see some of the folks still going. Anton Villiers checking in



Buzzfeed Editor
I'll look into the Brave Newbies thing.

Any other advice or resources for kinda L2P? Playing off and on was really solo and pve. Want PVP, maybe some day some industrial stuff maybe someday or need to figure out what to do for income. No mining for me. I do remember and probably still have saved some big Rifter/newby tackling guide. I imagine that's what I'd be doing intill I finish a few lv 5 skills for my drake not to mention affording replacements.

Can anyone give me a rough basic breakdown of current political world? Years of reading stories on here about BOB and Goon etc. But have no idea of who's big and hates who kind of thing. I know my friend I may play with is in a corp in I believe TEST? Remember last time I talked to him at all there was some Russian corp/alliance that got provoked and was making a big push then something happened and turned into civil war amongst themselves (the russians.)

Dr Neir

Trakanon Raider
Wonder how many Players/Corps got hit with the RL Cypriot/Cyprus banking thing. Anyone else noticed any sort of drop the Russian players actions or purchases/Ops? I know in the past some players were spending $9k a month to operate, not sure to the truth on that but its the random rumors one hears from time to time.


Can anyone give me a rough basic breakdown of current political world? Years of reading stories on here about BOB and Goon etc. But have no idea of who's big and hates who kind of thing. I know my friend I may play with is in a corp in I believe TEST? Remember last time I talked to him at all there was some Russian corp/alliance that got provoked and was making a big push then something happened and turned into civil war amongst themselves (the russians.)
I am a low sec dweller but i frequently head into null sec for roams looking for something to do. Null is usually vast, empty of players, and boring (think of swimming a couple hundred miles off shore, very little actual life, occasional shark). The major big power blocs are just sitting on their moons getting rich and have no incentive to attack each other. It is so bad they are planning "war games" with each other. Thats right, null sec/sov warfare is so boring and time consuming that the leet pvp crowd would rather have pretend fights than have to fight for real assets with real risk. The "Big Blue Donut" is used to refer to the idea that everyone is friends with everyone and most seem to be out of people to shoot. The only real fight going on that I have heard about was the hell camping of Solar, but I have not heard of any large engagements. It seems the only way to counter a cap fleet is with another cap fleet so the risk of so many valuable assets to the grid is pretty rare. Hopefully the new expansion will change something in the status quo out there. As it stands it seems pretty yawn worthy. If someone who has been playing longer has a better understanding, please speak up.


EVE desperately,DESPERATELY, needs another Great War.
Nerfing tech (holy shit this took a while) should make it a lot more possible. Right now the major powers can have their tech, it is easy to defend since it is consolidated locally, and they don't want to piss of the other powers because they are living/holding tech right next door.

Still need to find a way to break down empires/huge alliances a bit, but taking minor steps in the right direction.

Making it easier to actually LIVE in nullsec and get a decent income should help too imo.


I am a low sec dweller but i frequently head into null sec for roams looking for something to do. Null is usually vast, empty of players, and boring (think of swimming a couple hundred miles off shore, very little actual life, occasional shark). The major big power blocs are just sitting on their moons getting rich and have no incentive to attack each other. It is so bad they are planning "war games" with each other. Thats right, null sec/sov warfare is so boring and time consuming that the leet pvp crowd would rather have pretend fights than have to fight for real assets with real risk. The "Big Blue Donut" is used to refer to the idea that everyone is friends with everyone and most seem to be out of people to shoot. The only real fight going on that I have heard about was the hell camping of Solar, but I have not heard of any large engagements. It seems the only way to counter a cap fleet is with another cap fleet so the risk of so many valuable assets to the grid is pretty rare. Hopefully the new expansion will change something in the status quo out there. As it stands it seems pretty yawn worthy. If someone who has been playing longer has a better understanding, please speak up.
That is amazingly depressing. I was in a low sec pirate corp a while back and just re subbed up a few days ago. They are still going strong, however I find that the level of PVP activity is quite low. I am surprised to hear that Null is substantially worse these days.


I guess if you want regular action... it has to be Dust 514.
Just put the damn thing on PC already, those console limitations

Anyway, the new jump gate effect is ace

