your enjoyment of the game will be positively correlated with the amount of time you invest in the game. purchase accordingly.It's on steam currently for 5$ + month free and I'm thinking of picking it up just to pass the time. Probably not going to be too serious about it but I'm not sure yet.
Worth it?
You'll either love it or hate it most likely. IMO it's well worth the risk for $5. Join the FOH chat channel and start doing the starter tutorials.It's on steam currently for 5$ + month free and I'm thinking of picking it up just to pass the time. Probably not going to be too serious about it but I'm not sure yet.
Worth it?
Or the amount of time you don't invest in it?your enjoyment of the game will be positively correlated with the amount of time you invest in the game. purchase accordingly.
Feel so out of the loop, had to look this up. I'd heard she had a link to her wishlist on her youtube page, and thought, no, who the fuck actually begs for shit from strangers? And lo and behold, yep, it's true. Full of stupid girly shit too. Call me a misogynist, but I really can't see a guy doing that.![]()
Catching up on the latest drama was fun.
Do all the tutorials. They will give you several ships and skillbooks for free. You are probably not ready to fly anything more shiny.What would be the best way to go about acquiring a better ship, straight up buying it?
Everyone can play the game as they please, but if your game time is primarily spent shooting space rocks to farm a ficiticous currency... it is no wonder you have never gotten into Eve. There are several groups that accept complete newbies and will let you skip to the fun part right away.I plan on focusing mainly on mining...
Well, if you have access to proper nullsec the isk/hr is okay now, and is actually quite good in ice belts. But yes, the rest still applies. You train this stuff for mining and it does nothing for you anywhere else, and that is awful.The problem is time spent training mining related skills is time that isn't spent training skills that have a broader impact on every other aspect of EVE's gameplay. Mining is such an afk pigeonhole activity, not to mention some of the lowest isk/hour you can make in game, that it's quickly dropped by anyone who wants to get involved in other aspects of the game.
I disagree. If you just keep investing more and more time into the game without bothering to find anything that is actually enjoyable (to you), then it's only a matter of time before you move on to something else.your enjoyment of the game will be positively correlated with the amount of time you invest in the game. purchase accordingly.
The only person I know that enjoyed mining to any degree was a buddy of mine that would put a mining laser on an Indy, set it on a rock and then go watch his nightly TV shows with the wife. Every commercial break he'd come back to his computer to check on it but for the longest time that is the only thing he did in the game. Most/all of his mining skills ended up wasted because after a while he couldn't stand active mining anymore and he just AFK mined veld for like a year before he quit.Eh, I like farming materials in any game. It's not like I'm only going to mine 100% of the time, but I enjoy it so I don't see the problem.