EVE Online


I love BNI, they are always up for a fight. My weekly roam knows that if we get stuck we can go find them and shoot them. As we did lastnight for the 2nd part of our roam (I run the RvB Ganked public roams).
Mangala? Really? On rerolled ? I am shocked! LOL join the FOH channel in game! Yeah I was in those fights against RvB recently also during the war at the beginning i was in the loki paired with the revelation!!

Julian The Apostate

Vyemm Raider
I'm looking for the next step in my eve career. Null sec was a fun experience but I can't see myself there long term. I want to not give a shit about killboard isk efficiency and clicking on pap links. Also I'm just getting way too fucking old to play video games 20+ hrs a week.

Would BNI interested in some that wants to log in 5-15 hrs a week and die in a blaze of glory? I'm defiantly not a complete noob but BNI seems fun as hell.


Doer of Things
You would have to ask Sythe for sure but I doubt they would care They are a really friendly group that does a decent amount of fun shit.


...I want to not give a shit about killboard isk efficiency and clicking on pap links. Also I'm just getting way too fucking old to play video games 20+ hrs a week.

Would BNI interested in some that wants to log in 5-15 hrs a week and die in a blaze of glory? I'm defiantly not a complete noob but BNI seems fun as hell.
Been in BNI since the early days and even did a recent stint on the leadership council. Believe me when I say BNI definitely does not care about killboards, we've never used pap links, there are no required time commitments, and dying in a blaze of glory is how we roll. The downside is we can be derpy on coms and our people are frequently so new you will have to explain how to broadcast for reps. It has been a blast and there always seem to be something going on. Just fleet up and enjoy the ride. Mumble and jabber ping make it easier to know where the fight is at.


Mangala? Really? On rerolled ? I am shocked! LOL join the FOH channel in game! Yeah I was in those fights against RvB recently also during the war at the beginning i was in the loki paired with the revelation!!
Yeah it is I Mangala Solaris. CSM, RVB gobshite, leader of stupid drunk roams.

I'll jump in the channel this weekend when I am next on.


So Sunday a bunch of folks got to listen to me bitch vaguely about what I was doing in the FOH channel. Near constant cursing could be heard emanating from my home. I probably should've closed the windows, as I'm sure a few of the neighborhood children are now quite terrified.

Last week I decided that the next time we got a viable hisec connection in the C4 wormhole that we live in, we would complete the move from Samurai Salvaging (SSAL), to Catfish Gumbo (CFGB). Sunday morning I awoke much like any other morning. I rolled out of bed, stumbled over to the computer, and reflexively started logging EVE accounts in. Usually I leave them online and in space just to look intimidating, but there's a greater chance on the weekend I might actually do something.

Saturday we had gotten a K162 connection. It was filled with hostile faggots who trolled around our hole, opened our static, then fucked off when we offered no gud fights. It was a fresh C2 K162 in the afternoon though, and the inhabitants hadn't rolled it, so I figured it would last until around downtime. Well, when I woke up well after downtime, we still had an extra signature in system. I was pretty sure it wasn't the hostile C2, but curiosity wouldn't let me leave it alone. Ignoring a rumbling belly that would terrify starving Africans, I set out to probe down the extra sig.

It was clear almost immediately that the spare signature was a wormhole, and that it was a K162. Our C4->C5 static is insanely difficult to probe down in the C4. Even with Virtue implants and just about the best fit you can do, with max skills, I still have to go under 1 AU scan range at times. The new wormhole was easily pinned at 2AU, so I bookmarked it as a K162 without even thinking and set about scouting.

Inside I found a positively massive wormhole:http://staticmapper.com/index.php?system=J145759I don't remember the exact distance off the top of my head, but the system is atleast 70AU across. The most important part was the fact that the system had a high security space static. There was an offline tower and mods on D-scan as soon as I jumped in, and after bookmarking my safe passage back home I set out to find what else the system had. A cursory check of the rest of the planets revealed several offline towers and POCOs belonging to the inactive corp. The last planet I stopped at finally had an online tower, and finally, some people. The tower had different owners than the ones I'd found already. The active corp in system was a 17 man German group without an alliance. As I found their PoS, one of them jumped through into the C4. I asked really nicely that they not pop my static, and the guy left immediately after dropping probes. Sometimes just asking nice works.

A quick conversation followed with one of the fellows in corp that spoke English. They seemed pretty relaxed, and whether it was the fact that they saw a dozen tier 3 BC's and a few HIC's on D-scan, or they're just nice folks, they were okay with me using their wormhole for transit. My early trips were just pods and fast ships. The first part of the day was spent applying characters in SSAL to CFGB and getting large items hauled from the SSAL tower to the CFGB tower. The CFGB tower was new, and I had only the barest essentials anchored to start. A single CHA and a single SMA. Moving everything accumulated in the SSAL tower would take much more storage. The SSAL tower had three Component Assembly Arrays (CAA, 1 million m3 each), and 4 Corporate Hangar Arrays (CHA, 1.4 million m3 each). These weren't all completely full, but all had a good fraction used.

Starbase modules were the first thing to be moved. A few weeks ago the other corporation in the C4, IBM, had taken down their tower and moved everything into the SSAL tower. This was the precusor to CFGB moving in. We purchased the Domination Control Tower IBM was using, and set things in motion. The other part of their move was all the stuff that they'd given us. It was all mostly low value/per mass items. It added up to about 2.5 million m3. Out of that, 1.4 million m3 was PoS related. 86k units of strontium clathrates (258k m3, and used for towers in reinforced mode), along with another 1.15m m3 in actual modules. Anyone who has ever setup starbases can tell you how much of a pain it is to move the modules. The majority of PoS modules weigh in at 4k m3. Not having an Orca or a freighter, my best hauler was an Iteron 5 with max skill, T2 expanders, and T1 rigs. This gets you a hauler with a bit more than 38k m3. It's kind of an odd number when your modules are mostly 4k m3. But I started hauling anyway, using the strontium to fill in the extra space. I started out running just the Iteron between towers, but eventually added another character to my juggling act in a Badger with another 12.5k m3 capacity.

The process itself was insanely dull. Load haulers at the SSAL tower. Warp to the CFGB tower. Jetcan, and then return. The first few trips had some tinkering with the forcefield passwords since this was two different alliances at work, but I quickly settled into a repetitive cycle. Sometimes I would catch myself moving too quickly, and I'd beat the jetcan timer. Trip after trip though, I'd move the contents of the jetcans to the CHA in CFGB with another alt. It probably took three hours just to move the starbase mods between towers. All the while I'm watching the German folks in the C2 with covops, waiting eagerly for them to go to bed (or for Anna to take me up on my offer and come obliterate their poorly armed tower).

By the time the starbase mods had all been moved over, I'd been playing for probably four hours since waking up. No breakfast yet. It was past the time for breakfast anyway, I rationalized. That bacon would have to wait for another time (It's still sitting in the fridge, uncooked). I started on the fuel. The fuel was far more tolerable to move. It's much smaller than stront or PoS mods. But there was still a lot of it. 800km3 of fuel. Another sixteen trips later and that was sorted. Then there were Flamm's items. I don't know how the boy does it, but he moves in two weeks ago, and magically he has 600k m3 in stuff. Mostly ore, but no item is left behind. Another twelve trips. Then there's SSAL's actual assets in the C4. Mods, ammo, packaged ships, and just about anything else you can think of. It all added up to another 400k m3. Eight more trips. Finally, SSAL's stockpile of ore and minerals, and about forty donated capital ship components that no one else felt like hauling out when they left (Those things are 10km3 a piece and not worth shit. Thanks faggots). We'll call that about 700k m3. Fourteen trips. At some point Flamm logged in, apped his characters to CFGB, and managed to tear down some tower mods before having to flee for reality once more. I can't blame him.

By the time I finally finished with all that, I was starting to develop a subtle madness. Watching the CHAs and CAAs slowly empty had worn on me. But it was starting to look up. By this point there were only two storage mods left in the SSAL tower; an SMA filled with all the ships, and a CHA named Export Progress. An ironic name, because almost no progress had been made at all exporting anything. Export Progress held almost a million m3 of low tier PI goods that no one could be bothered to complete. All told, it was only worth about a billion isk. I'd been waiting for the Germans to go to bed so I could actually start hauling the PI items out of the WH. I had no desire to move them to a new tower and have them take up space again.

At some point past hour eight I decided I needed water, and probably food. The lack of sustenance may not have been helping my severe case of 'Hauler Madness'. Water was procured, and the quickest snacks I could find scarfed before I settled back down. The Germans were gone. Completely. The last one I'd seen had logged off, leaving me with a quiet, well groomed C2 with only the two wormholes I needed. I began. I was no longer running two haulers back and forth, so during my warps on my Iteron, I started using my carrier to empty the SMA and dump the ships in the CFGB tower. D-scan was quite a sight for a few hours there. Both tasks proceeded. At some point the C2 K162 went End of Life, meaning that I had less than four hours left to use it before it popped. I cringed, imagining my Iteron stuck and having to haul with my under-equipped Badger. I hastened my pace.

Flamm managed to log back in and provide a second fully rigged Iteron. For the first time all day I felt a surge of relief. Every time I made it back to the tower, the capacity bar was actually moved. We made much shorter work of the PI items after that. At the same time, he started tearing down the rest of the tower mods outside the shield, and I finished moving ships to the CFGB tower. The only ones left were ones with items in their cargo hold that I couldn't move to the carrier. Flamm helped with that too, self destructing newbie ships and dropping extra items into the carrier's fleet hangar. That boy is the best thing to ever happen to me in this WH.

At some point during the final hauling of PI items, I spawned the C4 static. My Iteron got hung up on a CHA, and never actually warped to it, but I immediately realized my mistake. Quickly springing to action I warped four closer battleships to the hole and put them through. There were combat probes on the other side, and I buggered back out at quickly as I could and safe'd the BS's up. I quickly put an extra set of eyes on the static, and over the next hour as time permitted in the PI hauling, I'd put another battleship through. The hole finally popped around the time we finished with the PI items.

With the last of the cargo removed from the SSAL tower, I un-anchored the last storage modules, emptied the fuel, offlined the tower, and started the un-anchoring process on the tower. It was a bit of a bittersweet moment. I've been building to moving CFGB in for over a year now, but I've been in SSAL for three years. If not for the SSAL C1, I probably would have stayed in SSAL. But running the C4 in the same corp as the C1 was inconvenient. I never had the freedom to really modify roles to suit my own structure, and messing with hangar permissions was pretty out of the question too.

The hour with the SSAL tower un-anchoring was mostly spent stuffing ships into the CFGB SMA. I wanted as few ships floating in space as possible. Eventually we managed to pilot or stashed everything but 4 Retrievers, and two covops. I also finished dropping roles on the last of my characters, leaving them with the twenty-four hour timer before they could complete their applications to CFGB. When the tower finally finished un-anchoring it was a simple matter of scooping and relaunching under the new corp. With just enough fuel and stront in it incase someone were to come along and start shooting it.

When we finished for the night, I felt a little shell-shocked at all the stuff we'd managed to move, and mostly without a hitch (not counting me spawning the static). We logged in Monday to find all thirty-ish of the anomalies that we'd been saving despawned, most likely a result of the hostile C2 on Saturday. Flamm was probably more upset by the whole thing than I was. I'm still a little numb when it comes to EVE. I kinda want to take a few days or not doing anything. But that feeling won't last long. There's roles and hangars to organize, a second tower to plan for, and the future to think of. A unified corp/alliance in the C4 means a much stronger wormhole than the way it was before.

Here's to Catfish Gumbo, and Try Rerolling [FIRES]. Now, enough of my self-indulgent bullshit. Someone tell me some stories about faggots dying, so I can feel better about my shitty logistics work.


<Gold Donor>
How in the hell do you not have an orca, if not 6, between your 24 accounts and living in wh space for almost 2 years?



Also, I'm not really sure. I'm bad at this apparently. Also everyone took all the Orcas when they left. Also it's hard to keep track of who does what, Kais!


Lord Nagafen Raider

Also, I'm not really sure. I'm bad at this apparently. Also everyone took all the Orcas when they left. Also it's hard to keep track of who does what, Kais!
If you find a WH opening into my area of space, let me know, I'll leave you a little present at the entrance.


If you find a WH opening into my area of space, let me know, I'll leave you a little present at the entrance.
Usually that means someone want to kill me


Doer of Things
Made my first trip into a WH yesterday and found it rather interesting. I can understand why some corps live in them, the mining and access to resources is god damn insane.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Hey Kais, where you at? Haven't seen you on for a bit. Logged on today and found that CCC has left T Lost which I figured was going to happen eventually. One Percent also left last week. Talked to Awing about 3 days ago and he mentioned possibly joining up with Whale Girth or some other corp/alliance but I haven't heard anything since. You have any insight into what the plan is?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
No mention of EvE Valkyrie?

Looks like an MMO flight simulator built into the EvE gameworld.


<Bronze Donator>
While it's cool that they've green lit the turning of that tech demo (Eve VR) into an actual game (Eve Valkyrie) it's not an MMO. It's a really cool looking Oculus Rift Dog fighter game, that takes place in the Eve Setting but not actually in Eve (not like Dust is in Eve).


So Sunday a bunch of folks got to listen to me bitch vaguely about what I was doing in the FOH channel. Near constant cursing could be heard emanating from my home. I probably should've closed the windows, as I'm sure a few of the neighborhood children are now quite terrified.
Does this means he owes me isk or something?


<Silver Donator>
Kais - myself and Putz are carebearing it wow style. Yes it's true. That terrible faggot got me back in. We'll be back though as the fuckin c1 ran out of fuel lol


Lord Nagafen Raider
Usually that means someone want to kill me
Well.. you're red to me now, so..

Personally, I need some WH facts explained. Considering certain corporations live inside them, I presume a certain level of safety is there, so they can mine/rat/stuff. Is there a pattern to WH spawning, Kadm also mentioned statics that I don't understand.


I'll try to say what I can remember, and people will come by and correct me.

Spawning of new connections seemed to be somewhat random, but there are either K162s (which are the back end of a connection FROM somewhere) or a connection TO somewhere (which will have a different number).

Holes can only accept so much mass through them, so you can forcibly close a wormhole by sending big ships (battleships mostly) through them. Most WH corps will do this with unwanted connections to help with safety. If you close something that isn't a static, it doesn't reopen. However, this has to be done carefully so that you don't lose ships by having them end up on the wrong side of the hole.

Statics are exactly what they sound like; they're a connection that's always there. If you close the hole, it reopens again, to the same place it was to before. The WH I lived in for a while was a C4 with a static to a C5.

Scanning for new sigs is a daily life thing in wormholes; the corp I was in used a website to make notes about new sigs so that the leadership could determine what to do about them. Run a particularly good site, close a hole, use a hole to move things to and from regular space, whatever.