So, I don't usually post relevant shit here, but I figured I'm due for a post about the actual game instead of just witty one-liners.
The other day Flammenwerfer from the FOH ingame channel joined SSAL, the corporation that I've been in for months. Vuudu (Chinaman889 here) and a friend of his actually run the corp and established the wormhole that I live in. They maintain the corp in a C1 wormhole and I run the C4 that they used to inhabit. They've moved on to bigger and better holes, but for a number of reasons, I've chosen to stay where I am.
My fuel situation in the C4 had grown quite dire from a combination of work and a lack of interest in rolling wormholes. I provide fuel for 2 towers, but large. One is a Domination tower and gets the faction fuel use bonus, but the other is a regular Minmatar large. I'd been watching for a K162 for a few weeks, but the lack of grooming on the system left me with 20 sigs to eliminate each day, and I just hadn't been bothering scanning after downtime. Most corps this sort of thing isn't as much of an issue because there are other folks involved, but one-man shows can be a bit different.
So, it all comes to a head last Sunday. The previous weekend I'd rolled for 5 hours without getting a single decent connection. The wormhole that I live in is a C4 with a static C5 wormhole. This means I will always have a connection to a C5. If I collapse the connection I have, a new one will spawn connecting to a new C5. Normally when I do logistics I prefer to wait for someone in a C2/C3 to connect to me from a hole with a hisec hole already in it. This makes things much quicker since there are less jumps involved. But in an emergency, the C5 static can be rolled and when I want to do logistics, I look for a C5 with a C3 static that I can roll looking for hisec statics.
I wasn't very hopeful Sunday. I was down to four days of fuel, and during the week I'm tired enough that the prospect of spending 4+ hours just to get a connection, then 2 hours hauling fuel is a killer. So I decided that it was now, or never. Flamm had joined corp and offered to help, so throwing him in a spare covops pilot I had, we started out. The first task is to secure the C4. Earlier in the day I'd already eliminated all the signatures in the C4 and probed down the wormhole, so all I needed to do was fleet up and start rolling holes. At the start of the night, my forces inside the hole consisted of 12 characters. 2 pilots in Covops, 5 in battleships, 2 in HIC's, and three useless characters just sitting there looking pretty.
The existing static was a C5-C5, and we immediately started collapsing. The first stumble for the night was losing one of my BS's to bad math. After fuming for a few minutes, self destructing, and grousing over an out of date clone, we went back to it. We spent two hours rolling holes in the C4 before we finally found a deserted C5 with a C3 static. The hole had residents, but they were a 19 man corp with no one online when we started. We quickly discovered the static and a second K162 in system. The K162 was a second C5, and I immediately put my four remaining battleships through once to mass it. That was when we discovered that the hole was hot.
The C5 on the other side was busy and we saw two or three different WH PvP groups pop in and leave over the course of an hour and a half. Even while hostiles were popping in and out of the C5 K162, I pressed on ahead rolling the C3 static searching for one with a hisec static, while watching the C5 closely. On the first C3 wormhole, math struck again, and I lost a BS on the other side to a non-crit hole, bringing me down to three closer battleships. Eventually we managed to close the C5 K162, and we relaxed a little bit until we got a new sig. A wandering lowsec static spawned in the C5 and scared the balls off of both of us, but we closed that off too, once we were sure we weren't going to bring anything in through it. It took an hour of rolling C3's, but we finally got one with a hisec static. About this time one of the C5 residents logged on in a covops and started poking around the chain, but we were far too committed and had eyes on their PoS and all the holes.
With luck, the hisec that we got was 4 jumps from Jita. We hauled the initial load of 460km3 of fuel to a station and I started moving it while Flamm flew his characters from half way across hisec space over. Through all this he maintained eyes on just about everything with me. Once his characters were safely in the wormhole, we decided to make the most of the proximity to Jita and picked up another 460km3 of fuel, and hauled that. The operation from start to finish took about 6.5 hours, and by the end, I had no desire at all to look at EVE. I was so jumpy the entire time the C5 K162 was around because of the number of corps on the other side of it.
There's not really any point to this, except to illustrate the difficulty in logistics for some wormholes. In K-Space, it's easy to just grab a jump freighter, or even a regular freighter and ninja your way wherever you're going. Each trip with fuel was Hisec->C3->C5->C4, and then back. At any point, the residents of either hole could have logged in and scuttled the whole thing, ruining 6 hours of planning.