I was into Eve for about 6 months in 2006 while I was living in NZ with some other expat friends. Since then, I've tried numerous times to get back into the game, but with no friends it's EXTREMELY hard to break in.
Can you folks give me a recommendation on where to start? I can't answer questions like: "what do you wanna do?" without knowing/experiencing what kind of operations there are. From memory, I liked the scouting ahead of a pirating party a bit, exploring and 1v1 PVP, but I don't remember very much.
If anyone has a crew or corp recommendation I'd really appreciate it. I don't remember how many SP my chars have, but it can't be a lot (probably what you'd expect in a 6-12months char).
Thanks in advance.
If you want to solo.
If you have an alt, i'd say go low sec, around black rise, guristas space. Do some exploration for isks and some pirating for fun. Skill your alt for cov ops then for probing falcon, use it as salvager too, those tech II and tech III wrecks around factionnal warfare fights can be juicy isks. Though, it's harder and harder to get decent 1v1 pvp, it is still doable.
Exploration in low sec was very rewarding, complex invul fields were selling like candies. Dunno with rubicon, since they added lower tier sites in low sec, but 4/10 guri complex is doable with a pvp enyo, 5/10 requires some time and a better ship but is easy, same for 6/10. 4/10 used to drop gila bpc and c-typ stuff, i was selling the c-type invuln field for 800 m. I was focusing on combat sites, hacking and salvaging sites for slow days only, dunno how it is now. You can get some escalation missions from exploration, they can lead you to 0.0 on final mission, quite cool. Plus, when you know what you're doing, you can have some pvp in exploration sites, wait for the carebear to enter said complex, wait for him to almost complete it, kill him and loot his wreck, then finish site. Often, they come back for a revenge, quite amusing.
For pvp roam black rise, always some people in those factionnal warfare sites, just equip some cheap fregates or destroyers and go have fun.