Everquest - Agnarr Server: Sunset Mode


Golden Baronet of the Realm
The daybreak devs are such raging cunts. We got to see right out in the open that Prathun can do things not only without a reason but without even telling dudes like Absor. What a fucking shitshow. This will absolutely not be the only steaming dump he takes on the server I am quite sure...


The daybreak devs are such raging cunts. We got to see right out in the open that Prathun can do things not only without a reason but without even telling dudes like Absor. What a fucking shitshow. This will absolutely not be the only steaming dump he takes on the server I am quite sure...

Look at their website issues from last night for further proof Daybreak is a pile of shit. Fucking amateur hour over there.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Going to play an enchanter at start if anyone needs one for group leveling. Played a Necro /ranger back in the day was one of the few who had two 50's prior to kunark without multi-boxing. Necro back in the day was extremely fun to play but I've always wanted to try an enchanter.


Trakanon Raider
Random question. Where did the whole "I'm a Shaman of the 11th Circle" or "I'm a Druid of the 15th Season" ever come from? Was that a Roleplaying thing that came before EQ? They are levels mother fucker.

I remember bards being solo masters in PoP - specifically HoHonor. I think that got nerfed though.

I almost want to level a necro just for that sweet sweet CoDecay soloing.

I mained a Bard during PoP launch and up to just before Elementals and they are gods at soloing in PoP. I was one of the very first 65's and that was 98% soloing (this was also before solo exp nerf though) but considering I was on even ground with all the other soloers it's pretty good. HoH had some changes made to it, but I can't remember all of them as there were several over the years. I know the black animated armor are immune to snare, but some mobs are still charmable and the best bards don't snare while they dot kite anyways. But there's tons of soloing in Valor that is better anyways.

But yes bards can always, always solo, sometimes it's just slower. You can solo hill giants for plat almost before anyone (level 33ish), but it takes a long damn time with a shitty drum.


<Bronze Donator>
Whats all the crying about the 40 slot bags? If you have a new account can you get them? Are people just crying that they want to buy a second or third for their new char on agnarr? Their website is amateur stuff, my buddy was able to find some of their personal cell phone numbers on their website lol, he texted holly it was hilarious.
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Whats all the crying about the 40 slot bags? If you have a new account can you get them? Are people just crying that they want to buy a second or third for their new char on agnarr? Their website is amateur stuff, my buddy was able to find some of their personal cell phone numbers on their website lol, he texted holly it was hilarious.

Finding their info is easy. Like I said last night, I don't trust their website from a security standpoint anymore after the bullshit I saw last night.


Trakanon Raider
Finding their info is easy. Like I said last night, I don't trust their website from a security standpoint anymore after the bullshit I saw last night.

DBG is owned by a Russian investment company isn't it? What do you expect? Pretty funny really, that EQ is owned by Russians that bought it as a small investment for residual income akin to a webpage with a decent amount of traffic haha.

Edit: What happened though? What is this info you speak of? Was there a security breach?
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DBG is owned by a Russian investment company isn't it? What do you expect? Pretty funny really, that EQ is owned by Russians that bought it as a small investment for residual income akin to a webpage with a decent amount of traffic haha.

Edit: What happened though? What is this info you speak of? Was there a security breach?

It's just a really really horrible ran website.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
So 2 40slots? Yes please
The webpage still says "If you missed it the first time, here's your chance?"

Or you mean 2 total? So I have one on Phin, so this second one is all I get?

Also, does the server page update fairly often? What's the best way to know when the server goes up?


Trakanon Raider
The webpage still says "If you missed it the first time, here's your chance?"

Or you mean 2 total? So I have one on Phin, so this second one is all I get?

Also, does the server page update fairly often? What's the best way to know when the server goes up?

It says that, but the bag has a new name, and I now have 2 waiting to be claimed. So yeah, if you missed the last one, here is a new one. But it is the 3rd chance bag, called the time locked server bag.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
It says that, but the bag has a new name, and I now have 2 waiting to be claimed. So yeah, if you missed the last one, here is a new one. But it is the 3rd chance bag, called the time locked server bag.
Thanks, just bought 2 of them! That's 3 total. WOOOT!


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I wouldn't put it past their website to let you buy multiple on the same account! lol


Trakanon Raider
I can't believe you guys are spending $25 on a bag. I mean I know they are badass and will save you plat from buying Tinkerer bags, but damnnn! I'd be tempted at like $10, but $25 is crazy. It does provide a huge convenience advantage early on, but 4 Kronos worth is damnn.

I'm having such a hard time convincing myself to not roll Enchanter, despite rolling Enchanter on the last 2 progression rounds I did. They are just too god on progression, but I really want to do something different. I've done Mage and Necro as boxes. Hmmm. Maybe yolo Ogre Shaman.
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