A rival guild stuck a muzzle of marduu on our Dain. It made no difference, but was funny how desperate they were.We used to put Tunare whips on Daine to fuck with other guilds that were trying to beat that boss lol
That is exactly what I did when I didnt have any invis up. That was such a commonly abused mechanic.
The first time I was kicked from the Guide program was on Saryrn. I was on there for about a year and I was pretty much like 1 out of 3 Guides from Europe among the horde of Americans. So every time i posted something on the Guide forums, people would get offended because I must've sounded like I despised Americans.
I RR'd my EQ Career by posting "AMERICA HAD IT COMING..." on Solusek Ro forums 2 days after 9/11The thread had well over a thousand replies in about a week.
We make applicants in our guild pull charm birds in Fire and kill them as initiation.On boss fights that were on farm mode that people could get charmed I would intentionally save all my mana waiting for a specific warrior to get charmed so I could Mana Burn him.
heyas, i got a request, if you still keep in touch with Oliver Smith, please tell him Chuk from Emarr says hi. he was our server GM and for some reason we became friends during Kunark and invited me to all the expansion betas til he moved to EQ2. he was a cool dude and was always asking me about shaman stuff, some of my suggestions actually got implemented. i was pretty stoked. havent spoken to him in a long time.LOL.. What's up, Burnem!
lol, first thing i did as a shaman was find the highest areas and skydive, i had levitation so i was fine. east karanas ramp up to Highhold Pass was fun as hell. just GERONIMO! and slowly float down. eventually as i got more HPs i would jump without levitation to see if i would survive, i died many times until i had enough HPs to survive. when you're a raid shaman, you die so much in EQ, death means nothing.
Haha. Our sk crew used to do the same, harmtouching weak links/people we didn’t like when charmed. Just watching someone drop instantly was such a treat.
Buncha sociopaths in here. I wouldn't put it past some of you to go on to cripple a billion dollar company with flagrant groping. Or something.Haha. Our sk crew used to do the same, harmtouching weak links/people we didn’t like when charmed. Just watching someone drop instantly was such a treat.
When I was young, I was a little shit in this game. I probably had eight accounts banned before LDoN. Most of it was just simple training and stuff but my favorite was training Velketor to zone line. I don't know if this was a glitch or an actual backdoor that existed then, but I was able to go up the spider ramps near the entrance and go inside a wall that led right to Velketor. Pulling him out was easy and then I'd just bring him to zone and watch him destroy before zoning. I only played a bard so I never got to fully enjoy watching my destruction. The reason I think it was a glitch was that later on with a different PC I couldn't get through the wall and the people seemed to have no idea how Velk could be at zone when the group at upper dogs was just fine.
Edit: Looking at the map now, it appears there is a one way tunnel but it always worked both ways for my bard before I got the new PC. I don't think I could have possibly targeted on him and cast from that range but maybe that's what I did -- like a failed lull? It's been so long I don't remember.