Alright, where should I begin..
I'm in 8th grade and I start telling a friend about how you can play a necromancer in Diablo 2 (and how cool is it of course). He tells me that you can play a necromancer in a game called EQ, and that him and his brother play it. After starting on fennin ro with them and screwing around on endless alts, he tells me his brother quit his 29 druid and their subscription will end in 2 weeks but hey here his is login/pw. Well what does my ball busting ass do? I go to EC on his brothers 29 halfling druid and sell ports. Instead of porting people to where they wanted to go (this was velious era at the time), I ported them to toxx and /q. Now, I had a shitty PC, so I would zone over to "???" or "hey wrong.." and bounce the F out of there and do the same thing a couple days later. Two weeks later and my terror came to an end. Now that I think of it, I never even collected the plat off that druid, I just let it sunset off in to a dusty forgotten account.
After that I left for Vallon Zek PVP-teams and had a few months of fun in GFAY battling iksar twinks with fungis on orc hill with hoards of elfs throwing themselves at a guy who was regening faster than we could dps.
Back to fennin ro after that - I make a rogue and spent my EQ glory days in a family guild and eventually moving up to a raiding guild. I do remember AIM being prevalent and everyone using it. Some girl in the family guild would send nudes to me and one of our tanks on AIM on a weekly basis, it was certainly cool at the time. Him and I would talk about it on the side, lol.
I then get serious about raiding and had an amazing experience of being part of a guild full of random server misfits that became #2 or #3 on the server. I find out later our main puller and an officer were using show eq to give us an edge on mob targets. Also found out on AIM chats afterwards that a necro in our guild would FD train and wipe the competitive guild on their PoWater Corinav attempts, allowing us to progress and them to stagnate. I guess I'm not surprised of the MQ/SEQ confessions in this thread, but in retrospect I'm glad I didn't know about it happening in my guild at the time. Possibly more to come, this thread really jostled my memory.