on Emarr, we had that one famous incident where a guide was summoning people , noobs like lv 40 into Veeshan Peaks and getting instakilled by the dragons. i had a guildie who told me on the downlow that he was also a guide and when the chitchat in general came in that players were being summoned into VP everyone started freaking out. i messaged my friend and told him what was happening. he said he would get back to me. 20 minutes later he said that there was nothing that could be done because it wasnt a bug and that according to the rules guides werent allowed to interfere in VP and that what was happening was considered a "feature" because VP is a dangerous place. at the time nobody on our server was even in VP. it wasnt like we could send people in there to summon corpses. eventually this made its way gamewide and Brad or the GMs had to step in and get everyone out of there. it was a big mess. still no idea why the guide summoned all those randos in there. boredom probably.
That and a few other stuff like that is what caused the big clamp on the Guides back then. The powers that be (I think Michelle Butler was top dog at the time), saw the possibility of abuse and they nerf batted the whole Guide program. Before, we could basically do everything GM's could except reimbursing and such, after.. well, we were more or less just glorified clerks, clearing and sifting through petitions. You weren't supposed to go to the Planes. Raid zones, Dawnshroud Peaks (never understood that one), /summon players, interact with people in exp zones, etc etc. And then ages later, they even took the petition queue away and a huge amount of Guides just quit. The only good thing that came off of that change was getting /becomenpc back so you could turn yourself into a pirate ship in PoK and sail around.
Probably some final act of vindictiveness towards the people that oversaw the guide program, as they were pretty harsh towards guides at times. One minor screw-up and you might well be booted out. Threads on the guide forum that questioned or complained about this didn't stay up, any "I'm being kicked out" threads vanished quickly too. It was very much ruled with an iron fist.
As a guide, I tried to stick to the rules as much as I could, but I did skirt them a few times. One time, I get a petition about a lost corpse in Hate. Go there, warp to the corpse, it's not actually out of bounds, it's just in some out of the way building. Rules very clearly said not to do anything in such a case, I say as much in tells. After this, I catch their puller's attention by facing him and backpedalling a few steps, motioning for him to follow. He catches on and I lead him halfway across the zone to the corpse, while saying nothing that would show up in a chat log. Guess that's my guide confession.
The first time I was kicked from the Guide program was on Saryrn. I was on there for about a year and I was pretty much like 1 out of 3 Guides from Europe among the horde of Americans. So every time i posted something on the Guide forums, people would get offended because I must've sounded like I despised Americans.
That was basically said to be my first strike. Being racist against Americans.
Second strike was trying to get people move involved with GM events, I kept badgering and pressuring the SWAT teams and our local GM to do more events where we were playing NPC's, because nobody was interested in shit like Sleeping Ugly or some debilitating event that awarded you 3 copper in Gfay.
Third strike was summoning 3 people into Qcat dev box and binding them there. I was Guiding at like 10am, which meant it was 2am in PDT time or some such, graveyard shift, 3 people are in Gfay (Saryrn's trade zone) doing a conversation in /ooc & /shout using expelatives, curses and sexual stuff. There was like 150 petitions about it when I logged on and 1 hour later, it was at like 250. I gave all 3 warnings on their accounts, went to see the Chat GM to help me out and he said "he can send someone to me in an hour". So after waiting for 3 hours and nobody came, I gated to Qcat dev box, /summoned and bound all 3 there so they would stop with the zone disruption. Then half an hour into it the GM came, told me I wasn't supposed to do it and kicked me off the server.
Funny thing is, I spoke to Elder Guide Jessla a few years after that and she said Guides should've been awarded for stuff like that.
But there was fun times as well. Get back on after a server crash and see petition queue go into 300-500's of all the people petitioning to get their corpses back.
Or seeing the name approval box pop up with gazillion versions of "Boobs" type of char. Letting one through, and waiting for it to spawn and giving them a warning.
Having fun /kill -ing stuff under the world in Dreadlands.
Catching people cheating / faction war profiteering in PoTactics.
Finding out a guild killed Aten Ha Ra with his corpse stuck on top of one of the pillars and no way to get to the corpse.
Teaching future Guides, Applicants, tutoring them at my bind spot on top of FV statue in FV.
Last time i was a Guide, I saw how decadent and privilegd some people were. Not all servers had the same amount of Guides and they didn't get new ones either. I was guiding on my friends account on Torvonnilous and it was a deadbeat server. We had 3 Senior guides, out of which only 1 was doing all the work. 1 was on maternity leave, the other was a terminal cancer issue who could dick around the other servers as a SWAT member but did 0 on his home one. I fucking wished that guy would die, every day.
I was the servers Guide Quest and Event Coordinator and according to the ruleset set forth by GM Ashlanne/Guide Liason, there were supposed to be cooperation between GM's and Guides in such a fashion that if GM's wanted to do shit on your server, they would have to nofity you in advance - it was triggered that SWAT Teams and GM's randomly did shit on servers withour notifying the server CSR teams and shit/resentment arose.
Queue some EQ Fan Faire and I log on and while guiding I see a world emote about an arena competition, two noob GM's at the fan faire thought they'd have some fun. Man, but did I turn that into a shitfest on the forums. Basically had them begging forgiveness at the behest of an older, more experienced GM who understood _why_ there has to be more communication and cooperation between the volounteers and paid employees.