Molten Core Raider
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This reads like a creepypasta where you're the villain.
I've never jacked anyone's AIM logs or known how to, but I did get access to the officer board of a guild I was in once. Officers + clique members had access, but not us peasants. They had an entire thread dedicated to talking shit about me because I never shut up about my epic fights (this was Velious era). Some of the officers were in there defending me, like "leave the guy alone, he's trying to improve his DPS and you guys are doing nothing for him".
The raid leader in particular got really pissed about the whole thing. At one point the officers/clique were complaining about me coming back and bidding on a random mob raid drop that happened right after I'd left the raid. Of course, in game, no one said a peep, but on the thread devoted to me on the officer board, they were SEETHING that I had the gall to come back and bid. The raid leader absolutely flipped out on them, like "he was here farming with us for HOURS and an item finally dropped that he could use, literally one minute after he left the raid, what the fuck is the problem"
Once I saw all this shit I was ready to tell everyone off and bail. However the raid leader beat me to it, and started a new guild. Most of the officers and clique stayed in the old one, all the quality players went to the new one, raid leader said I was more than welcome. We immediately passed up the old guild when we were able to kill Klandicar and they couldn't anymore. Unfortunately the new guild broke up after a couple months because we just didn't have the numbers to move past the tier we were on, the EToV/Zland/Kland type tier. I finally got my epic done in the new guild at least, took us all of 20 minutes to down the couple targets I'd been needing for weeks.
From that point on I was a lot less trusting of guild leaderships and cliques, but I also learned that whining and bitching about gear and epic fights doesn't win you fans. I was 17, to be fair.

Here's my story:
I separate my gaming life and personal life pretty well. Friends know my business but don't know the extent. My professional network has no clue. That said, I do have one instance where EQ bled into RL.
It's April 11, 2003 (I know the exact date for a specific reason later). I'm 15, playing EQ in California. I meet a girl in game, Stephanie Taylor, who is also 15. She and I hit it off. We spent all of our time in the game together. Flirting turned into "love" and "love" turned into dirty talk (this is over the course of about 2 months). She would email me dirty pictures of herself (I'm 15, she's 15), tell me all the things she wanted me to do to her, etc.
We find out that we live 2 hours from each other. She convinced her mom to bring her to meet me and my dad. More dirty talk (both of us were virgins). Shit we'd only ever seen/heard in whatever porn we had access to in 2003 as 15 year olds.
She shows up, my dad can't believe it. She's super cute. Her mom looked like she was out of the Hills Have Eyes.
Stephanie asks me what I want to do. I had planned nothing. We go to the movies and expect her mom to leave us there so we can get frisky in the theatre. We get to the movie theatre and it's about 2:30pm. The only movie playing is a matinee of Rob Zombie's, House of 1000 Corpses. If you've never heard of this movie, see trailer here:
It was release day for that movie on April 11, 2003, and they had it in the smallest movie theatre with about 20 seats. In order for us to go in, they required her mom attend. Spoilers: You don't want to watch this fucking movie, especially if you're trying to break nerves and get "into the mood".
So, Stephanie and I are sitting in the front row of a horror movie at 15 with clowns chopping off the heads of tourists on film, while her mom is 5 rows back, and we are the only 3 people in the theatre. Mind you, I had pictures of her fisting her own ass, but I was so nervous (and frightened by the movie) that I couldn't even hold her hand.
Movie ends, she goes back to Fresno, we all 3 probably had nightmares that night, never saw each other again. Played EQ together a bit longer but she quit etc. I have a letter from her that is in the garage that I'll pull out and screenshot if I come across it. It's hilarious.
I have tried to find her over the years because this has to be a story she has told and how fucking strange it was. No luck.
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