I'll never forget this when I was a guide on Quellious.
GM Ozzmar made me and 3 other guides into giant Cockatrices. I was the biggest - a shaman named "Big Bird" and we just started running around killing anyone we could find in the Overthere. I was also the only one that could use shouts. Funniest moment: Me (Big Bird) Polly, Cracker, and Mocking Ya. I started just going to town on people with damn near instakills on anyone I could see.
Rand01 shouts, "What the FUCK! I just got killed by Big Bird and his posse!"
About an hour later - all the others are dead and I am still standing going against 78 other players just starting to take a beating. They finally got me. Before I died I shouted out "THERE IS NO SNUFFLEUPAGUS!" used a death touch for a few and I finally went down (Couldn't believe they gave me death touch but I couldn't use it for most of the fight and it had a 30 sec refresh lol)
After all that I dropped 3 Evil Eye bags.
I couldn't stop laughing for about 2 hours after that.
Those events were fucking awesome.