Everquest II


Trakanon Raider
Besides EQ, EQ2 is one of my favorite MMORPGs (as you can tell from my name). I had a lot of fun times in there. I really enjoyed the grouping with friends, and the raiding as my Paladin. I know people didn't like TSO too much but I enjoyed it, especially the group content. Sadly, the game never reached its full potential and by then it was on life support as its conversion to WoW game play failed. DoV did even worse, gear wise. It was just so boring: +0.2 more potency, yahoo! Most interesting item upgrade ever!

Ah well, maybe in 5-10 years, someone will buy the rights to EQ and actually make a good game. But that's obviously wishful thinking.

It is easily one of my favorite MMO's as well and had some really solid couple of years that many people missed. I believe it is almost my most disappointing MMO simply because they made such great strides and fell on their face pretty harshly and quickly. I'm probably inappropriately direct my anger but I blame Ponytail's desire to create gimmicks and sales pitches rather than continue working on quality of life fixes. Could you imagine EQ2 if they addressed the ability bloating alone? It would be a totally different game.


Molten Core Raider
I still think it was the most like fluid feel to it when you just run around. Id be able to be in efp running and jumping around and be having fun


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It is easily one of my favorite MMO's as well and had some really solid couple of years that many people missed. I believe it is almost my most disappointing MMO simply because they made such great strides and fell on their face pretty harshly and quickly. I'm probably inappropriately direct my anger but I blame Ponytail's desire to create gimmicks and sales pitches rather than continue working on quality of life fixes. Could you imagine EQ2 if they addressed the ability bloating alone? It would be a totally different game.

This was brought up SO many times to the devs (consolidating ability bloat). Their standard answer was that they didn't want to upset the current playerbase. Always the typical SoE shortsightedness. A long term fix would have gone a long way in expanding a game that had so much potential! They crazy thing was, nearly every player I knew that was active all agreed about the ever expanding hotbars and combat spam was over the top. No idea who they were worried about upsetting. Let's be real, the truth is, they were simply a lazy and incompetent dev team from top to bottom.
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Trakanon Raider
Honestly I love tons of variety and shit to do with my character and I get bored as fuck with only like 7 things to use at max level. I know I'm in the minority on the issue but I always fucking loved the massive amount of skills in EQ2.


Hardcore Casual
So I just started playing this, haven't played since release and I just hit level 100 on the Free Trade server. The population is fairly low but I am actually enjoying it quite a bit. The smaller community makes it so that people are typically very helpful.

If you're interested in playing hit me up on the Free Trade server. Name is Vithe. I can get you an invite to my guild which has free 200K exp potions every week and they constantly fill the guild vault with tradeskill materials.


Molten Core Raider
Honestly I love tons of variety and shit to do with my character and I get bored as fuck with only like 7 things to use at max level. I know I'm in the minority on the issue but I always fucking loved the massive amount of skills in EQ2.
I agree with this. Maybe there are a little too many skills but i prefer that to say WoW where 90% of the time i just hit frost bolt.
Always loved Vangaurds combat


Hardcore Casual
You can come down memory lane with me...



Trakanon Raider
It is easily one of my favorite MMO's as well and had some really solid couple of years that many people missed. I believe it is almost my most disappointing MMO simply because they made such great strides and fell on their face pretty harshly and quickly. I'm probably inappropriately direct my anger but I blame Ponytail's desire to create gimmicks and sales pitches rather than continue working on quality of life fixes. Could you imagine EQ2 if they addressed the ability bloating alone? It would be a totally different game.
Ponytail definitely doesn't deserve exclusive blame for this, but my one big takeaway memory of him was when we were talking about making changes to summoners in a hallway conversation and he got unreasonably angry about it and told us we should only add content and not make other kinds of changes. I know there was a general desire on the team to avoid drawing his ire; fortunately during my time there he was mostly wrapped up in Landmark because I couldn't imagine having to be under his watchful eye full time.


I still think it was the most like fluid feel to it when you just run around. Id be able to be in efp running and jumping around and be having fun

Yeah! The smoothness in movement and jumping was amazing. I would literally just jump around the guild hall for minutes at a time while we were waiting for the members to log on for raiding or chatting on vent. A few of us would joke around we can easily tell how good a MMORPG was by its jumping controls. While the animations weren't like out of this world, I felt they were mostly smooth and looked decent.

Another thing I really liked was the auto-facing in combat. It really made combat and tanking a lot more fluid and enjoyable. This removed a rather meaningless annoyance and allowed you to concentrate on actually tanking correctly and playing. I am not aware of any other game that had auto face as a feature.

Honestly I love tons of variety and shit to do with my character and I get bored as fuck with only like 7 things to use at max level. I know I'm in the minority on the issue but I always fucking loved the massive amount of skills in EQ2.

Me too. While a lot of the abilities could probably be condensed, I still enjoyed pressing them. I like to have many things to choose from, and EQ2 provided that to me. I had to manage the CDs of key abilities in some cases and that was fun for me. I remember doing a raid in TSO Befallen, I think it was, where we had to switch between the tanks and we were using Holy Ground (we were using two paladins at the time lol), and that was a huge blast. So having a rotation of like 2 or 4 abilities, just doesn't appeal to me.

One thing I cannot stand about many of the more recent MMORPGs is the really long GCD. I can deal with WoWs, but anything more is just too much. I tried to play FF14 - great game - but I just can't deal with the 2.5 (or whatever it is) s GCD. At least they made some cool animations for the dragoon.

I also do not like this recent concept of weapon switching. I just can't get behind it and it just serves no purpose to me besides making force to press a button for no reason. I'd play ESO more if it didn't have weapon switching. I guess GW2 is OK but I'm still not a fan of it. The only weapon switching I can really get behind is switching from say ranged to melee, or back again. I mean, I'm not melee master in real life, but I don't think I'd be switching between my daggers and broadsword three to four times during a fight. I'm pretty sure I'd get stabbed in the gut as I was trying to switch weapons haha. However, if anyone has any information on why this is good for games and some positives it brings to players and gameplay, etc, please, I'd love to hear it since it appears to be really popular. I just must be missing something.

I guess I just liked EQ2 the most and it appealed to the way my brain works, good or bad, haha. All Daybreak needs to do is to take the good from EQ1 and EQ2 and smash it together and create a game called Norrath: The New Age. I'd buy it in a heart beat.


Trump's Staff
I almost did but then I thought about setting up the macros to contain the spam and stopped the download, same reason I didn't install WoW again. Setting up the UI from scratch and all the required mods can literally take hours, fuck that noise.

Does not compute. Takes about 5-10 minutes to set up WoW addons. None of them are really necessary either since so much is baked into the default UI now.


Trakanon Raider
i enjoyed eq2 so much no other mmo that i played had the same layout am not sure how to describe it. i tryed wow didn't like it too cartoonish then every other fucking mmo that came out after 2004 was clone copy paste of wow
Vanguard i had hopes
Conan was just .....
Rift was suppose to be the thing but wasn't.
Star Wars ....meh

Everytime i always came back to eq2 for the large world the ui the combat. You might say it was the familiarity.

DoF Hated this zone until we raided PP, Night and Day, DMP (bc that class bp was so fucking sick and the wrist with the carpet) Also only guild on server to have a gold scale.

The isle of Mara the only adventure pack worth a shit. The Mystic lake contest i forgot that cunts name but she was a pain in the fucking ass. And of course The turtleDragon this fight was one of my fav.

KoS endless runs in SoS, only zone worth doing was DT and ofc MO.

EoF Avatars (WW3 all avatars <Defiance>) and there fucking loot the only reason to leave your character on all night all day just to show off that sweet fucking elite loot. I hated with a passion EMOhalls. I did like the new tunaria raid killing 3 mayongs for awesome mage loot.

RoK wasn't too bad lots of fucking questing but it was worth it. Faction grind tho fuck off with that.
More Avatars. and Endless fucking nights in VP Myths and ofc selling myths for the guild split.

TSO all about who could parse in PoTAO. Zarrakon what a pain in the ass to have stupid people who didn't know what piss vision was.
YIS (WW 1 YIS <strike>)all about the parse baby. Totmc was a fun zone too I really did enjoy The Shadow Odyssey.
Munzok was a badass fight kill that fucker made my day every fucking time..bubble

SF Only two zones for me mattered in this xpac Underfoot and Roehn Theer best fight 4x theer b/c people just dont fall. Underfoot the size of the zone was awesome.b/c xyzzzzzzzzz was the biggest pain the ass. b/c the loot table was pretty good
b/c this quote "HM construct is true test of guild" then it was Master Yael
also b/c my goal in that zone was to beat slippary dps on Construct iirc only 1 other coercer who came close to 30k dps mark on that fight iirc.

The one thing about eq2 that made this game so awesome for me was when it first started I love the fact that you couldn't progress pass 20 without grouping without learning your role in a group. The common lands having heroics making you learn your class, learn how you interact when to cast certain spells. that game mechanics made me a better player made me want to raid and play with others who wanted to be better.
Throughout my eq2 life I have played with some of the best players In Fires of Heaven permafrost to me Noah was best tank up to this point. Requiem was a pretty cool guy. When i first joined FoH he gave me 10 ruby's to make ad3 of my spells, I got to play with gaige when he was a monk iirc. I got to meet Elkay. First time i meet Elkay i asked him what do you think of the zerker changes Elkay tells you: Fuck you.

When i joined Defiance I saw what next level playing was all about. Cosmic pretty amazing warlock.
Drummle best swashy always top 3 on the parse didn't matter the fight. Marces best ranger up to this point.

Tryranny I got to spend a short time in this guild and I saw what a fucking necro can do Utopi would stack his group but still beast necro.

Strike i spent the rest of my eq2 time in strike. Jaraxx Azleya Two of the best players. When the unrest guild confirmed merged with us on LDL i got to play with absolute monster players Persiius a warlock who just blow shit up. Every fucking fight didn't matter it was aoe or single target.
Dakkota No other wizard even came close to this pot head. what a fucking beast.
I have no doubt am forgetting the tanks name and others who were amazing player but that shit was long time ago.
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Molten Core Raider
Does not compute. Takes about 5-10 minutes to set up WoW addons. None of them are really necessary either since so much is baked into the default UI now.

One of the most genius things they did was store your addon information server side too. I had a free trial week, figured I'd give it a shot, downloaded the two mods I cared to use and all my hotkeys and layouts immediately went to where I used to have it all.
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<Bronze Donator>
It's amusing to me that you include ww1 YIS when you guys literally exploited that encounter lol.

We crushed the fuck out of everyone in Underfoot by 2 weeks, and we consistently killed Yael easily while everyone else struggled and didn't even always manage to kill him. Was a good fight, and was amusing coming into the next expansion and apps from other top guilds didn't have any of his gear.

There was a video of Showoff, iirc she had a nice body but you couldn't really see her face. The both of them are pretty fucking nuts


Trakanon Raider
Whatever happened to Eq2flames? I played launch until RoK, Was in Malice way back in the day during Prismatics, and then Second Dawn for DoF->RoK (Sup Djinn Masters Prism. #instruments). Came back for Sentinels Fate, and then quit right before DoV after playing beta and realizing it sucked. Haven't gone back but definitely miss things about the game, especially since I was addicted as fuck back in 04.

Hi2i Gaige, Game was near and dear to me but they fucking fucked it too hard with the Ponytail era.


<Bronze Donator>
I will highly agree with movement and general feel of playing the game felt best in EQ2 over everything else