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My buddy was in Silent Tempest. Name was Scuzzmo, Iksar Warrior.I think you mean Silent Tempest
My buddy was in Silent Tempest. Name was Scuzzmo, Iksar Warrior.I think you mean Silent Tempest
I remember during early Kunark, on the nameless server, there was a dark elf warrior(or sk?) named Etpo. Me and Etpo were bros and grouped all the time. We could not understand each other at all cause he was Asian as fuck. most of what he said was "~~~ la la~~ la~" But we still tried to communicate. We would log on and exp together nearly every day.
One day he looks at my awful gear, and is like "la~~~" and opens trade and gives me 3 pieces of cobalt armor(boots, helm, arms i think)which was all still Extremely rare only like 3 weeks(?) into Kunark. I was so goddamned happy, seriously like the happiest moment of my nerd life up to that point.
two days later the server message board erupts with accusations of him duping items, few days after that I saw him again and he gave me a bag of random Kunark armor and 10k gold. Said he was about to get banned. which he did. I kept all my phat loots and never told anyone where I got it.RIP Etpo I miss u friend~~~~~~
yeah, old timers knew who had all the dragon and god loot, til like velius, then every guild had a little something something and you couldnt track it.What's amazing thinking back is how nobody could just randomly show up on a server at max level with good gear and nobody know them. There were always questions for that person and if he tried to join a guild he had to come clean with references.
So? Were you having fun exploring? I read something several years ago about how something like 5k+ quests in Everquest were never even completed by any player.
Funny is that Aakla, the Main taink of Cats, server transfer to CT, and he told them my story, and the CT people said, that the Cats in Hats Officers were been idiots, who cares if I got that from hacking.
this happened to a lot of my guildies and myself included to some degree. you get in a high end raiding guild and you log in go to raid places then on the rare occasion the raid ends reasonably early, maybe you and some guildies run over to do a certain quest or just solo a little bit. you never see whats outside your guild and if you do then it looks like everyone else is a complete moron. and maybe they are or maybe you are just super fucking jaded because you are used to playing with people who raid the hardest hitters/nukers all day and night and have the absolutely best gear in the game to handle it.
i played EQ for 5 years and of those 5 years, i spent 4 years as a member of a high end raiding guild. i had seen it all, done it all and when i hung out in EC tunnel or at a wizard port waiting with the masses of regular players for the portal to activate i would get crowdd and spammed inspection because of the phat l00t i was pimping. inevitably i would get sent tells askingh for cash or buffs. i would put the /AFK tag on and hope they went away. it got so that when a raid was over i would just gate to bind point and log on one of my lesser geared twinks with /anon status so they couldnt tell that i was in the big guild, but after a while even my twinks had better gear than 90% of the server. i tried grouping with regular players on those twinks, but the groups i got in could see i was kitted out like crazy and would always look to me to save them every fucking time. i didnt mind taking the hits, i certainly did that enough on my shaman during raids, but it allowed these regular players to basically fuck off and not play their roles because i was powerleveling them. thats not to say there werent regular players who went above and beyond in their roles and i would ask them nonchalantly if they were in a guild and if they were happy there and maybe they would like to join a better guild and have more fun. i was a big recruiter when i found a good pick. but those times were few and far between.
when EQ started there was some level of dedication in the first players, because the game was targeted at dedicated gamers and RPers so we got a hardier bunch, plus it was kind of expensive with not too many people owning an EQ capable PC and a proper connection. the tech caught up in the 2000s, but for a time if you were in EQ you more or less had some money to play and had a PC background. i had my first PC by 92 or 93 and was already playing online games for 5 years before EQ went live so it was just the next logical step for me. the kiddies were still fucking with the consoles and internet was still silly expensive and not many would pay to look at shitty web sites. plus, the EQ learning curve was on HARD mode so it kept most people away from it.
Sean used to bitch all the time on IRC that games were too fucking easy and he only played EQ for the skill. he was right. before i had internet i was playing fucking hard Sierra games, goddamned Phantasmagoria took a giant shit on me for winning that game because it took so long to do it after dying many times and didnt get all the easter eggs. when i won Conquest of Camelot i swear the game said something like, you won, i guess, but your score sucks, you suck, kill yourself now!
that game can go suck a Saracen dick. i finally gave a big FU to Sierra with their Gabriel Knight werewolf mystery game and never bothered with Phantasmagoria2. i played those games with my dad and so we only played once a week for 3 hours. the in game computer saw that as me taking too long and lowered my grade, some of those puzzles were purposely misleading, so of course you are going to die more til you find that fucking notch in the shitty cdrom FMV cut scene. the noughties had better graphics and more fun games. i never got all the Easter Eggs in RTCW, but at least they didnt shit on me for it.Released today.
Release: Conquests of Camelot: The Search for the Grail
View attachment 137531
Also checkout Conquests of the Longbow: The Legend of Robin Hood
Favorite part EQ was my alt wizard and being a complete fucking tool bag as him while having the same class in the best guild on the server and no one ever knew. Loved nothing more than to show up in a zone and watch OOC just explode with people bitching by just having my name show up in the /who because aggregate damage didn't exist and I had no issues stealing people's rares.
I used to keep a list of the mobs I ks'd and the items, I also loved to speed loot rare items as my good guy wizard and pretend the common dropped. I wouldn't join a camp if I didn't have the common and if someone beat me to speed looting and the rare dropped I just spoofed the roll to win. Always used the bad guy wizard to sell my ill begotten loot because trust me people would seriously question when you got something.
If you cast a teleport and /q it would send the group and leave you behind, best use ever of it was porting a faggot named Ranadin to hate when he went afk fd for 3hrs and spent the next two days playing where's my corpse because I had them make me group leader, booted them did the /q port and came back and pretended like I just went LD.
Another favorite was the staff of temporal flux would cancel someone's IVU if you targeted them and right click but not remove the buff icon, I killed so many people and caused so many trains with that in Lguk and Unrest.
Never giving anyone consent to drag my corpse because fuck you, you weren't going to be the asshole that looted my corpse and stole my shit. My cleric box always got shit for rezzing him but I'd just pretend that he paid me 500p and people understood.
Lady Daegarmo was just awesome he constantly pretended like he punished me and would tell me to go to the other wizard and lay low for a few hours or days. The irony of it all the item that broke the camels back was an item that I didn't steal, a carmine robe. Shortly after people learned about roll spoofing, items started giving a loot message and aggregate damage was implemented. So I stripped the account, sold it for $5k and had another wizard max leveled and geared within a month.
God that shit was fucking fun.
Tauren Hitbox fucking me over in original Naxx.The classic version was way way faster for the heigan dance compared to wotlk
Destined To'roole
Aeon is still a cunt and I laughed my ass off when he/she stole a thorny vine breast plate claiming vengeance for my alleged theft, Inner Circle had no fucking clue I was in their guild.