really any corner will do, our best AoW tank was our gnome warrior. then we realized why, just shrink the tank down and stick hin the corner and push AoW into him and you win, every time. no deaths. makes the encounter almost boring after the first time. only time drama happened was when some overzealous wizard started nuking the fuck out of him too early and pulling agro.Maybe I'm thinking wrong but seems like we pulled him to the EW zoneline and pushed him into the corner and people could zone in and out if needed.
i dont understand why you want to limit trade to just good races or evils who can faction up or sneak there. EC tunnel does away with all that silliness because its a neutral location near a druid and wizard port, plus its one zone away from an evil and good starting city. if you are loaded down with plats, you can plan ahead by binding at the bank, getting a translocate or just a str and sow buff and walk slowly to your bank of choice. some make lv 1 chars for trading and they can just transfer items to buddies or use a separate account. and you never have to get loaded down because the trader char never moved from their spot.NFP is the best trade hub, evils GTFO or faction!
Only the elite (and tall) get to stand and show off their awesomeness on the rock by the bank door.
Take your shady deals to jade where there was less witnesses, cyber in the rooms also.
Who wants to run back and forth with all their phat lewt plat... no NFP is the best.
It's also the best because Veeshan server was the best
lol, according to furby your whole server was completely retarded cept for the people in FoH and he shit on them whenever he could. Kunark and Velious are classic expansions, they were even rumored continents from release. Translocation was a lv 50 spell. it was a thing and yes as a shaman, people often asked me for str and sow buffs to get to banks even during vanilla. also, people many times traded items for other items. when i played the EC game i never dealt in plats and i was bound at the goddamned bank.Getting a translocate, lol? Did you even vanilla ‘99 bro? I think not. So, let me educate you a bit.
Coin had weight, a lot of weight. A few thousand plat and you were pretty much crawling around. Just get a SoW you say? Good luck finding a druid or shaman, of level. All the Druids were in Faydwer and the Shaman were either in Quenos/Halas or evil.
Get a second account you say? Didn’t ever happen. Even the 1%’ers that could afford two $2000 PC’s, two phone lines for both their modems, pay the $35+ a month for them, and pay for multiple subscriptions didn’t do it, because it never really occurred to anyone. Way too much of a hassle.
And then there was the simple task of zoning. Say you are in EC and work out a deal, but you are 200pp short on the agreed upon price. You need to run to the bank, necessitating 4 zones. At best it was a hassle that would take 5 minutes every time you crossed a zonline. At worst you would crash, which would take the 20 minute process of rebooting your comp, resetting your dial up, logging back in, etc.
Veeshan was the premiere server, because apparently we weren’t retards. Effective economies and trading required banks and N Freeport had the bank. It’s simple, case closed.
I remember the "change" business at the Treants in South Karanas. The Treant camp was very good xp and good cash, but nobody wanted to leave their spots unless they really had to. We had regularly people coming up and trading copper/silver/gold for pp with a small markup, so you could stay and keep killing those trees without having to drop all your cash.Coin had weight, a lot of weight. A few thousand plat and you were pretty much crawling around. Just get a SoW you say? Good luck finding a druid or shaman, of level. All the Druids were in Faydwer and the Shaman were either in Quenos/Halas or evil.
I remember the "change" business at the Treants in South Karanas. The Treant camp was very good xp and good cash, but nobody wanted to leave their spots unless they really had to. We had regularly people coming up and trading copper/silver/gold for pp with a small markup, so you could stay and keep killing those trees without having to drop all your cash.
Not 30s, no. That's no WoW. But yes, they respawned fast enough vs everything else in the zone that you could keep on killing them as a level appropriate group, and they'd respawn just as you finished meditating (spoken as a healer). Much, much better than the aviaks.Wasn't the treant camp valuable because they were quest mobs that respawned in 30 seconds?
I remember the "change" business at the Treants in South Karanas. The Treant camp was very good xp and good cash, but nobody wanted to leave their spots unless they really had to. We had regularly people coming up and trading copper/silver/gold for pp with a small markup, so you could stay and keep killing those trees without having to drop all your cash.
hah, that reminds me of the time when i first started playing and Qeynos and Qeynos Hills were overun with players in early 99. i needed money bad. i saw somebody running around in Black iron chain armor from runny eye and i simply had to have some. so one time while i was in North Karanas i ran across a merchant selling Qeynos shields. so i bought some and ran back to qeynos /OOCing that i had real Qeynos shields i got from killing Qeynos guards and i sold them for 3 times what i bought them for in NK. it worked better than i could have hoped for.Sometime in the first week I thought I could make money by buying food etc off merchants for cheap and then reselling it to players by using a high charisma character. Messed with character creation, highest charisma character I could find was a high elf enchanter so I made one. Didn't know what the class was supposed to do at all.
Didn't make any money but I did end up maining that character for five years (still with all of her stat points put in charisma)
hah, that reminds me of the time when i first started playing and Qeynos and Qeynos Hills were overun with players in early 99. i needed money bad. i saw somebody running around in Black iron chain armor from runny eye and i simply had to have some. so one time while i was in North Karanas i ran across a merchant selling Qeynos shields. so i bought some and ran back to qeynos /OOCing that i had real Qeynos shields i got from killing Qeynos guards and i sold them for 3 times what i bought them for in NK. it worked better than i could have hoped for.
by the time i was lv 30 i was in a full suit.