dude wrecks shit with the ghoul savant as a pet in lguk
some things i have to clear up. that cloak does not drop off an uber naggy, it can drop off any mob in the zone, i also had one in my possession. guild leader gave it to me to use the ancient flames effect which brought my haste from 43% to 60% through an AA. so how i got it from a tradeable item to a no trade item and back to a tradeable item was i purchased a re-attuner item from a merchant so i could give it back to my gl anbd he could pass it on to the other members to do the same. basically with a haste potion i now have 110% haste which is called overhaste. i move like a fucking demon now. my ranger is 94, soon to be 95. i got this in sol b cuz it was going to rot, nobody wanted.i saw a message when i logged in today, seems they turned Sol B, Permafrost Keep , Crushbone and Mistmoore Castle into lv 90+ zones. i can just imagine a deadside train of 5k damage quad hitting asskickers headed to zone.
drop off uber Naggy.
that click effect is like 55% haste