That's a solid scam. I love it.
I remember my first windfall. I was running through EC at level 17 or something. I played really early in the morning so even EC was really dead at those times. As I am running through I see a dude run off and stand facing a corner. Not sure why it piqued my interest but the dude then logged out. I ran over and saw a bunch of bags on the ground so I presumed he was trying to transfer shit between characters. Anyway, the dude had placed a CGS, Paw of Opalla, Nightshade Wreath, fruit boots, and a bunch of that Cleric Quest Plate from vanilla, and a bunch of platinum.
This was right around September 99 so these were extremely expensive and valuable items. I was dicking around on a monk at the time but the windfall here convinced me to play Cleric which I played from then on out for the remainder of my EQ career. Never heard anyone bitch about having items stolen that year and the guy who dropped them was an alt of some kind so no idea who I ended up robbing. I guess he had a really slow PC or connection or both as was common in those days because I never saw another character log in before I ran off.
I ripped people off in trade at every opportunity though. That was always a lot of fun.