Those weren't shit compared to Raster of Guk.
Fuck that guy. I think I camped him non-stop for something close to 40 hours.
Pyzin I got to spawn in like 30 minutes once.
Raster, ugh. TRIGGERED!
For monk, it was really back and forth. Iksar had higher AC, but humans had better fists (lower delay I think)
Yeah human fists had 1 better delay or something. Maybe 1 more dmg and 2 better delay even.
Once you equipped a weapon, it no longer mattered.
Iksar had AC bonus and regen.
Sorn of <Paradigm> (human monk) on Solusek Ro rerolled to Sssorn (iksar monk) when Kunark hit. Madness, leaving a max level raid equipped char behind and start over! I was lvl 15 at the time and never even considered leaving all that invested time behind.
Oh man I was so silly.
Humans had belly buttons, you scaley dick lickers.
Yeah we did. Maybe it wasn't so silly to stay human.
anyone have a boogeyman on your server? somebody that was always known for ninjalooting or training others just for the lulz?
Not ninjalooting and being a dick per se, but we had Albertasx, spanish player, who had a corpse in literally every zone.
Super friendly Druid on my server randomly came by and buffed me when I first started playing right before kunark. Jumped a buncha levels thanks to his damage shield. Think his name was Searyx or something like that
Searyx, Master of Mistmoore.
I loved all the mysteries and undiscovered stuff in EQ. Really a new world to explore. Kedge Keep gave me the creeps until I had enduring breath on an item. Turning a corner in a dungeon and not knowing what to expect. Being able to fall off bridges, no invisible walls to hold your hand. Corpse runs to Sssraeshza Temple with no EB ... you needed SoW or Run3 AA, or better yet, EB AA. Even then the golems would sometimes wreck your shit.
Ah, nostalgia.