List is correct here, and there's good reasons for most of it. Warriors, like others, were forced to group. And because of the mechanics in that era of EQ they were usually in charge (especially if they were pulling, which I did a lot of...). They broke mez, they said when to attack, they chose who to attack. This meant that they naturally led the group, and they quickly found out that if they led like an alpha internet tough guy, the groups went much better and everyone was happier.Warrior- Probably the alpha internet tough guy. Probably the one most likely to stir up shit on the message boards and live in his mom's basement.
That dynamic isn't really true anymore since there's no aggro building, mez is uncommon etc. And in raids the warrior is just a tool of the raid leader, not intrinsically making decisions on the fly (unless they're calling an audible).
Same with enchanters who had to be dicks about breaking mez to get everyone in line. Because you'd always have some needle-dick using a fayguard parrying dagger or whatever breaking mez unless you caught him.