Everquest - Phinigel server


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Fill me in on the instance spawning thing with the clocks, I have no idea what you are talking about.
He's theorizing the same thing with pickzone will work - I've got a strong feeling they track that though. Be very careful if you try it.


<Bronze Donator>
ya there are a few tricks with instances, I've heard thats one. I havent tried it cause as I said it seems laborous and I cant solo raid bosses on my own so :p I could see it being handy for drusella AoC
If you're saying you can pick zone, set your clock forward, and then pick again. Yes. It does work.

If you're talking about some how forcing a new instance to open, explain.


First thing that came to my mind is setting your clock forward 7 days to end the raid lockout and make another instance. Same method the pickzone method works but I would bet those times are stored server side.

At least they should be but this is daybreak we are talking about.


<Bronze Donator>
Oh I didnt mean instance spawning, I mean raid instance save timers. Sorry not sure how I let that slip by me. So like rhuma said above me, but set your bios clock backwards, years.


Wurms are bugged on TLPs, there is no Wurms respawning every 2 minutes all over the entire zone which made VP at least 5x worse to do. This isn't anything close to the VP you know from Live or even P99 without the wurms.
Then we had the splitting wurms, and super 1500 hitter wurms among the 2 min pop time. Worst part is that if you were fighting near the entrance pad, the spawn point of the split wurms was right there, like with the Bzzzzaat assholes as well in sky. Tough CR/Break in back in 2000. Some corpses were just lost on my server, kinda like Inny before the summon corpse spell was added.

Early EQ: Ready to smash your nuts on the keyboard to take away the real pain of playing VP 1.x


Blackwing Lair Raider
The entire TLP experience honestly is like this, its very watered down to be minimal risk. The totality of the auto granted AA's, focus effects, loot going out at 10x the live rate, and itemization that's out of era makes the TLP servers much easier than live ever was or P99 for that matter.

Its a good place to come back if you want to see some of classic EQ coupled with a much easier overall experience.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Patch notes on test say the wurms are going to be fixed in VP. You will have your classic wandering wurms come next Live patch.


<Bronze Donator>
During beta and the early weeks of the new progression servers, the team discussed the possibility of disabling all focus effects until they were introduced and reverting to an era appropriate spells file. Would that be preferable over harder bosses? Not for the current progression servers, obviously, but for a future set?
meh sounds like another tlp soon


Vyemm Raider
One thing I've noticed about this server is the severe lack of player skill when compared to p/r99. These servers are definitely attracting different audiences.


El Presidente
One thing I've noticed about this server is the severe lack of player skill when compared to p/r99. These servers are definitely attracting different audiences.
There's some definite shitters. I'd imagine it seems even worse leveling up now vs at the start of the expansion or at the beginning of the server as most of the better players are established in guilds and so on. That's obviously not all inclusive, and I have no evidence to support it, but it's probably true anyways.


Lord of Guk
One thing I've noticed about this server is the severe lack of player skill when compared to p/r99. These servers are definitely attracting different audiences.
Wasn't that to be expected?

As for a new TLP, wouldn't hold your breath Tickle. I think we're a while out from that.


Vyemm Raider
Wasn't that to be expected?

As for a new TLP, wouldn't hold your breath Tickle. I think we're a while out from that.
You're right, but it is still pretty jarring as I'm leveling up. I died on my sk at 25 in a group with 3 healers because they all ninja afk'd man...


Bronze Knight of the Realm
There's some definite shitters. I'd imagine it seems even worse leveling up now vs at the start of the expansion or at the beginning of the server as most of the better players are established in guilds and so on. That's obviously not all inclusive, and I have no evidence to support it, but it's probably true anyways.
Having been at the lowbie level now for almost a month - got my bard in the 30s then decided to try a shaman - almost everyone I group with is a) twinked to some extent, jesus, every caster and their mother has a pair of GEBs and b) just logging in after 10+ years. Daybreak has to be making a killing on krono, that and the increased rate of gear is making the newbie experience much, much easier. Also pretty much the only place to get a group for the first 30 levels is Unrest if you are not iksar.

And there is definitely something going on with instancing beyond pickzone, I was chilling in Kedge last night at the entry killing those dumb fish for the totemic BP drop, someone zoned in and I started chatting with him, he said he was 'instancing', and he disappeared a few moments later. No other picks of the zone available, nobody else came in - I would have noticed a raid force popping in I think, as I was sitting at the zone line. They all got in there somehow though and killed Phinny.


<Bronze Donator>
GEBs were mad cheap prior to kunark launch. Was three of constantly farming each pick of efreeti, boots got down to about 1800 plat each before kunark so i'd assume most people got them then. Now sachee perma cmaps it and asks for a krono per boot. Weird on kedge, since the AoC is outside of kedge on the island.


<Bronze Donator>
There's some definite shitters. I'd imagine it seems even worse leveling up now vs at the start of the expansion or at the beginning of the server as most of the better players are established in guilds and so on. That's obviously not all inclusive, and I have no evidence to support it, but it's probably true anyways.
I haven't played EQ in any fashion since '03 before returning here, and I am certainly not up on all the neat tricks/workarounds and what not, but I also have a brain & EQ isn't exactly the hardest game. It's fucking amazing how many times I have tried to bring in a rep for Juggs and players will turn it away and not even try to run down, or similar situations. Like a whole bunch of 50 year old couples are playing, which is probably true.
I was in a disco group the other day, and when our Monk puller had to go, he tried to replace himself with a wizard. I was like fuck you no. Then he threw a fit because the wizard was standing there waiting to join the group. We got another Monk instead. Then the wizard proceeds to call me an asshat for not inviting him.

These people are idiots.


Molten Core Raider
One thing I've noticed about this server is the severe lack of player skill when compared to p/r99. These servers are definitely attracting different audiences.
Yeah. This was apparent from the start. P99 general skill level blows this shit out the water.