Everquest - Phinigel server


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Zzz nollo is a monk in OGC that trains people. Like rhuma said GM's dont do shit.
Sigh, that's sad to hear - was hoping his guildtag was what caused that... He's been a friend for years (seriously - since Stromm - so around 12 years), and although he's caused trains in the past by being careless they weren't clearly malicious... he seems to have changed on Phin.

I wrote him off a couple months ago over various SolB drama he caused, and had crossed my fingers that when I saw him switch from IS to OGC he might be worth trying to renew the friendship again... but it sounds like it's not time yet, shame.


Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
Alright, so if you use the clock trick to skip through picks trying to find something open, it can bug your discs.

Log out completely, reset clock, log in and they work.

Also, you can whore your clock to skip through picks (figured you guys knew but whatever).


Guy in my guild handed in all the stuff for his mage epic and all it took was power of the elements, got the other 3 pieces back, somebody had a bad day yesterday... Be careful of buying mqs. In fact don't even do it.


<Bronze Donator>
Sigh, that's sad to hear - was hoping his guildtag was what caused that... He's been a friend for years (seriously - since Stromm - so around 12 years), and although he's caused trains in the past by being careless they weren't clearly malicious... he seems to have changed on Phin.

I wrote him off a couple months ago over various SolB drama he caused, and had crossed my fingers that when I saw him switch from IS to OGC he might be worth trying to renew the friendship again... but it sounds like it's not time yet, shame.
Yep I wrote on here awhile back about how I was camping the efreeti, he picked into my pick, said I hate mage boxers then trained the crap out of me for hours. Never met him before, had no beef with him or anything, and that was him as an officer in intrepdite syndicate.

Clearly still training in OGC, even as an app lol


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Alright, so if you use the clock trick to skip through picks trying to find something open, it can bug your discs.

Log out completely, reset clock, log in and they work.

Also, you can whore your clock to skip through picks (figured you guys knew but whatever).
Be careful with it though, it is something that can get you in trouble if you overuse it supposedly.

I personally only use it when /pick bugs on me for some reason and I'm in a rush. (So like thrice to date)


<Bronze Donator>
Alright, so if you use the clock trick to skip through picks trying to find something open, it can bug your discs.

Log out completely, reset clock, log in and they work.

Also, you can whore your clock to skip through picks (figured you guys knew but whatever).
IF only there was something else that had a timer on it that the clock could revert.. ho humm hmm


<Bronze Donator>


<Bronze Donator>
I've heard it works, never bothered to try it myself, you need at least 6 to spawn an instance and while I have that, I dont care to constantly reset my bios clock on six computers. I've always wondered what windows 11 would do if it said 1997, u have to go far back if i remember correctly (what i was told).


<Bronze Donator>
Guy in my guild handed in all the stuff for his mage epic and all it took was power of the elements, got the other 3 pieces back, somebody had a bad day yesterday... Be careful of buying mqs. In fact don't even do it.
So you are saying I could hand in the Power of the Elements and get my epic? Is this for real? Care to elaborate, cause I'll ship a fucking hooker to your place if it works.


<Bronze Donator>
he's saying some poor sap before had turned in all 3 pieces and not the fourth, so the npc was primed and ready for that last piece which the next person turned in thinking he had to turn in all 4 pieces, but in reality the first three were already on the npc so he got 3 pieces back and completed his mage epic (almost 2 mage epics). Now he can take those 3 pieces and sell a mage epic MQ


<Bronze Donator>
Ah gotcha. Figured I couldn't put it past DBG to fuck up on some quests. Oh well.

Question: If I was to take a toon off an account and move it to another, what type of info must I have? Thinking about pulling a character off an account that is sitting dormant and moving it to mine.


<Bronze Donator>
From my experience, you need the emails to match, and maybe the first/last names (you can change both of these things after). If you ever used a CC on the source account they want the last 4 digits, they dont seem to give a shit much about the destination account.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So...guy trains us at juggs then picks over and trains another group at juggs. Clawis or some shit. Says he has a problem with OGC's Nollo (who wasn't there, btw). Are people not instantly banned for shit like this? Is GM service far better on an emulated server than here?
While technically against the rules there is nobody to discipline anyone. That's also why raid targets are dps races, no rule lawyering here.

Also sad to hear bad times at juggs after I left.
Unless rules have changed on Phinny, DBG said from day one that TLP is full out racing. Training wasn't against the rules, there are no such things as "camps", and any conflicts should be resolved with DPS wars. We know the real reason is because they do not field anyone for GM staff. But yea, basically TLP is far more wild wild west than EQ has ever been.


Tranny Chaser
Even if the enforcement has been between spotty and non-existent they've been clear that training was a no-no from the very beginning and people do get randomly popped for doing it. KSing/dps racing/whatever is all 100% fine.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Even if the enforcement has been between spotty and non-existent they've been clear that training was a no-no from the very beginning and people do get randomly popped for doing it. KSing/dps racing/whatever is all 100% fine.
I stand corrected. Training is still a no-go. But all the other traditional EQ rules were thrown out the window (KS, dps race, etc.)


Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
Fill me in on the instance spawning thing with the clocks, I have no idea what you are talking about.