I saw this on a plane and I thought this movie was mediocre at best. The conceit of the movie is essentially a derivative of Frankenstein's monster, subbing software engineering & robotics for chemistry & necromancy. Man creates monster, monster develops beyond control/ability of its creator, monster destroys man. I do not understand how people can at all think this is brilliant, original, or particularly good. I found the plot predictable and slow. The bit about the turing test was ridiculous, and it only served as an excuse to stick the protagonist in the same room as the robot. The main characters make so many bad decisions, it disrupts suspension of disbelief which is so critical in these movies. While the visuals were good, I felt it was catering to a geek audience that likes robot porn or something. Its like the script writers clearly read Frankenstein, wanted to borrow from it and create an updated version, and totally missed the important themes of the story.