Ex Machina


<Bronze Donator>
This movie's soundtrack, at times, made me want to play Mass Effect again.

Good movie, just disappointed how light it was on the actual science stuff. I thought this was a good way to tell *a* story. Maybe a story about a manipulative captive(and captor) with a little twist. But a story about an AI, not really.


ah that makes more sense then yeah the 78% on metacritic makes more sense, thats pretty much the rating I'd give it too

For anyone interested in AI, on another forum someone linked this article. I haven't read it all yet (its really long!) but its really interesting
The AI Revolution: Road to Superintelligence - Wait But Why
excellent article, thanks for finding that and sharing it here.

I just watched this movie, and really enjoyed it. At the end, my wife asked a lot of questions which are answered very simply and eloquently in part 2 of that article.

Some really scary stuff, considering how real this is and how many top minds are taking it very seriously.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah, I went and read that article last night and holy shit did it get me thinking.

I've said it to people in the past, I worry that most of us were born about 20-30 years too early. There's a good chance we'll be the last generation to die.


Murder Apologist
Yeah the singularity is a pretty deep rabbit hole. I'll plug this short film again since you guys brought it up, and because it's awesome and relevant:



scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I just watched this and had a couple observations:

1> the thousands of engineers that are actually building all of the parts to build the robots (and their brains, and the code to run them, and the interchangeable lifelike skin, etc) would not be surprised by the appearance of a robot off the helicopter. Helicopter guy would have been delivering robot parts to the compound for some time and there would be some procedure to ensure the person getting on the helicopter would be human.

2> Knowing that the robots were semi-violent and upset about being locked up, why make them also reasonably strong/fast? He could have limited their movement to grandma speed and their strength to just above that needed to move, and they'd still be motile just not dangerous. Stupid.

3> There would have been about 5000 iterations between "I can make an AI" and "I can make lifelike female robot AI sexbots" such that nobody would be surprised by this, least of all an AI researcher/coder.

That said, I was entertained by the movie, I enjoyed the tits, but I didn't understand why she locked Caleb in after she left.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
That said, I was entertained by the movie, I enjoyed the tits, but I didn't understand why she locked Caleb in after she left.
I've plastered this around the board a few times now, but you need to read this:
The AI Revolution: Road to Superintelligence - Wait But Why

Nathan touched on it when Caleb confronted him about his master plan. Ava's only motivation in her interactions with Caleb was to get out. She does not care about his or anyone else's well being. Complete indifference.


Nathan touched on it when Caleb confronted him about his master plan. Ava's only motivation in her interactions with Caleb was to get out. She does not care about his or anyone else's well being. Complete indifference.
from that article you linked...

Animals, in pursuit of their goals, hold even less sacred than we do. A spider will kill anything if it'll help it survive. So a supersmart spider would probably be extremely dangerous to us, not because it would be immoral or evil-it wouldn't be-but because hurting us might be a stepping stone to its larger goal, and as an amoral creature, it would have no reason to consider otherwise.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
To the extent the AI 'evolves' I think that would be true. If the AI is programmed at all I would think an innate respect and care for human life could be inserted. It's kinda three laws-ish obviously but it seems like one of the core tenets of creating an AI would be constraining it to not exterminate us.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
To the extent the AI 'evolves' I think that would be true. If the AI is programmed at all I would think an innate respect and care for human life could be inserted. It's kinda three laws-ish obviously but it seems like one of the core tenets of creating an AI would be constraining it to not exterminate us.
Yet, she is clearly aware that she faces extermination if she fails "the test". Self preservation.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Yet, she is clearly aware that she faces extermination if she fails "the test". Self preservation.
I don't see why that would need to be true at all though. No reason those AI's couldn't be "born" into a simulation, and when put into a "body" they see the "real world" as another facet of that simulation, and when they are "deactivated" they are just switching back to the simulation where they will live on. No reason they ever need to be exterminated at all, even if they are somewhat substandard AI's.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
To the extent the AI 'evolves' I think that would be true. If the AI is programmed at all I would think an innate respect and care for human life could be inserted. It's kinda three laws-ish obviously but it seems like one of the core tenets of creating an AI would be constraining it to not exterminate us.
Tony stark/hank pym scoff at your remarks


<Bronze Donator>
Movie was amazing, simple & creepy. The music & visuals were phenomenal, definitely one of my favorite sci-fi movies. Isaac killed it btw, excited to see him in Star Wars now.


To the extent the AI 'evolves' I think that would be true. If the AI is programmed at all I would think an innate respect and care for human life could be inserted. It's kinda three laws-ish obviously but it seems like one of the core tenets of creating an AI would be constraining it to not exterminate us.
The point is that any "true" AI can't be programmed and told what to do. Then you just have a clever robot only.

Sure you can try to instill three laws but doesn't mean it will take.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
That has been the flaw with the science fiction concept of the 3 laws and AI. If true AI were developed, no set of laws or programming would limit any possible outcome. As the AI developed and reprogrammed itself, it might no longer feel a need to follow the three laws. It could in theory judge that the three laws were in error and that the Human Race was a threat to its own development to better understanding the universe. Ironically this is exactly what the Human Race would do.

All we need is for somebody to develop a computer that can rewrite its own code with the prerogative of "Making itself better" to end our existence. This is why I loved the ending of this movie.