Blackwing Lair Raider
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- 1,447
Man where do you live? Cali or NY? Mine is close to that and more than twice that square footage.I got 1500 sq ft and my mortgage is $1930/mo. SO clearly I need help more.
Man where do you live? Cali or NY? Mine is close to that and more than twice that square footage.I got 1500 sq ft and my mortgage is $1930/mo. SO clearly I need help more.
I'd still sue. Any jury would financially unwind that sale, I'm reasonably confident. And by that I mean she'd give the jeep back, and the dealership would have to give her however much money to reset the transaction to how it was beforehand.I don't even blame the dealership itself, but certainly do the salesman and I guess whatever manager signed off on the deal. If they did try to unwind the deal at this point, the dealer would basically have to swallow the 20k that the boyfriend dumped on her, because they have long since sold his truck.
Less than that RENTING 1800 sq ft canalfront here ($1500/mo).... If I buy a similar place (probably will, renting this year to get a feel for where I want to buy - pretty sure I'll be buying on the island too) - around half of that. ($900/mo estimated mortgage on zillow for one of the cheaper places I'm eyeballing for the future - of course the expensive one I'd love to see come up would be around $2.5k/mo... 4.5k sq ft with water on THREE SIDES with a state park directly across the water - it's a beauty)Man where do you live? Cali or NY? Mine is close to that and more than twice that square footage.
Good ol' MassachusettsMan where do you live? Cali or NY? Mine is close to that and more than twice that square footage.
Yeah, but at what cost in terms of legal fees, with no guarantees, and in a process that would probably take a year or more. She's fucked.I'd still sue. Any jury would financially unwind that sale, I'm reasonably confident. And by that I mean she'd give the jeep back, and the dealership would have to give her however much money to reset the transaction to how it was beforehand.
Deceptive trade practices statutes usually have attorneys fees built in as part of damages (so that poor people aren't stopped from bringing successful actions based on attorneys fees) so any settlement would include fees.Yeah, but at what cost in terms of legal fees, with no guarantees, and in a process that would probably take a year or more. She's fucked.
Enforcement statue.what enforcement statues do bad faith insurance denials go under? im dealing with some blue cross stuff and i keep getting bounced back and forth between consumer protection and the state insurance administration.
And you live in a cheap rapey area of Massachusets (South-shore).Good ol' Massachusetts
^It's pretty expensive, but by rapey I think Vinen is referring to my chances of being raped while walking the street.
There's a lot of "it depends" in there, particularly if your case falls under ERISA. Without getting into specifics it'd be hard to say, and of course it'd depend on what state.what enforcement statues do bad faith insurance denials go under? im dealing with some blue cross stuff and i keep getting bounced back and forth between consumer protection and the state insurance administration.
In my town there's been one murder in the past 20 years or something crazy, I think 0 rapes, but my town is really small. You go over to the bridge to Fall River and it's practically rape central. I think if you can walk through without getting murdered, stabbed, robbed, or raped you can call it a good day.^
My town is ~2x what Noodleshit pays.
Then again, we get shit like this. Thanks 4chan and Reddit
Another Woman In Gaming Flees Home Following Death Threats | Kotaku Australia
Still curious to know which area of town she lived in. Given that Arlington is like 5.5 square miles.
Heh, that doesn't necessarily mean anything - old house, you go like three or four blocks away (less than a mile) and you go from our moderately high value neighborhood to a street that had like a dozen hits on sex offender registries. Never saw a crime the ~10 years there as an adult and only a handful when I lived there as a child growing up. Neighborhoods can be really weird that way.In my town there's been one murder in the past 20 years or something crazy, I think 0 rapes, but my town is really small. You go over to the bridge to Fall River and it's practically rape central. I think if you can walk through without getting murdered, stabbed, robbed, or raped you can call it a good day.
If you get caught then you will have to move.Well we have the school in our backyard, so at least I know there isn't a sex offender on my street.. yet..
People really take random death threats from known trolls on the internet serious?^
My town is ~2x what Noodleshit pays.
Then again, we get shit like this. Thanks 4chan and Reddit
Another Woman In Gaming Flees Home Following Death Threats | Kotaku Australia
Still curious to know which area of town she lived in. Given that Arlington is like 5.5 square miles.
No, but it is fun to talk about them when you want some attention.People really take random death threats from known trolls on the internet serious?