Fallout 4


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>


Useless lazy bastard.
She begins to notice that you have the hobby of a teenage boy, in spite of her previous acceptance of it.
The fuck? I think that view belongs to people 60+ today. Didnt stats show that the largest customer segment for consoles is like 30+?

I cant step into an airplane without seeing people my age and older (40+) pull out phones/vitas/DS and start playing the moment we take off, and that includes women to a large degree (thou they usualy play on phones, dedicated gaming hardware seems to be almost excluseivly a male thing). Oh and my own GF is a dedicated MMO player, and she has a lot of friends who also cruise the MMO scene.

No, I do not buy that playing computer games is a teenage thing anymore, and has not been for the last 10 years.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Not sure I like the temporary nature. Nor the phases really especially as they reset.

I love the sandbox Idea and maybe starting out in vaults all over a huge area. World has to be massive. Game starts with a wasteland with several large city and surrounding areas, say a century after the bombs drop. Mostly nothing in way of survivors outside of the vault people and of course the nasty shit that awaits you in the wasteland. Game would be open PvP with player made factions which comprise of guilds and alliances. World would be large enough that some areas would need to be procedurally generated with human touch coming in after to make it right. There would be vehicles to get around.

There would need to be a player limit to size of guilds and alliances to prevent the single massive nation everyone joins because they are faggot bandwagoners.Large enough to be big but not so big that everyone can join one or even 1/3 of the server could join including alliances. Goal should be to have 3 or 4 big boys per server with many smaller factions. Everyone is PvP enabled except your nation and its alliances. Full loot. Very limited inventory space so reality will be you can't just auto take everything when you win.

These alliances would form, grow townships with tangible benefits. Storage for goods, water and food would be necessary (think EQ not wasteland) you can set up shops and crafting stations which again would be necessary to build weapons, ammo and the such because there would be practically no civilization besides what you create. You would also have to find a defensible position because your base / buildings can be sieged or destroyed like in Shadowbane. Player communities would be as real lifelike as possible with as many defensive options as you can imagine. Moats, choke points, sniper towers, elevation etc. Everything should be destructible.

You can earn research via exploration and drops in game. Computer terminals in highly sought after areas, safes in the world with plans or rare guns. Named baddies carrying around weapons. There should be a plethora of this shit for people to fight over. You see something with a NPC name on it you should be hauling balls to kill it regardless of what is going on. Stuff should also be fairly random and respawn eventually, even in safes and computer terminals making old areas worthy of going back through often. Breaking down rare drops allows you to be able to create components from it and eventually make the entire item. Weapons decay and need repair. Everything would need to be crafted by a crafter. Only components would drop in the world and the raw materials. The shit weapons that had been sitting around for a century might work but they wouldn't be ideal for anyone. The good weapons will eventually break but can be repaired. So they'll have to be sacrificed or eventually you won't be able to use it if it can't be repaired.

There should be areas in each city section that are designated salvage areas. You can find salvage everywhere but those areas would be focus points for large groups to fight over and salvage.

As the game develops trade routes would be an excellent way to move supplies for money. These would be in game routes to major points in the world. Players would be heavily encouraged to participate with these routes and heavily defend them for the caps and rewards that would come. Think Archage, much more valuable but players defend a convoy they can set someone up to control and drive. Everyone has full access to their abilities and can move at full speed. More more like an armored convoy than a pack run. Enemies and other players would be able to kill you and take your convoy for their own gain.

The only safe zones in the game would be your starting vault and the small surrounding area. There would also be some trading hubs that would be safe with each hub accepting supply runs from PC factions for rewards. No pussy shit, if you attack in a safe zone you're gibbed by NPCs. If you heal anyone under or attacked recently, you get gibbed. These areas would be setup in a similar fashion to Eve stations, obviously far fewer of them than eve but still plentiful in game. People could go and trade here via vendors but the areas would not be connected although you could see what each area had via computer. Players would have to travel and visit to collect their items. Players can hire other players to run their items to them just like Eve or transport materials. Players can also hire players or guilds to bounty other players or guilds. With set number of kills or item collection and reward when received.


PVP enabled except for guild and alliances with size limits
Player created cities which can be sieged and protected
Many trade zones (protected areas)
Eve like trade with separate hubs with look up access via pip boy
Bounties for players to kill others, guilds with stated goals for payment say # of deaths of return of item etc.
Contracts to move goods between hubs
Contracts to gather materials
Trade runs from zone to zone for valuables
Random respawn on advanced plans, weapons and loot in game so old areas are always revisited
Lots of NPC named mobs for drops
All items are crafted by PC
All items in game wear and need to be repaired by crafters
All items can be broken down for components
All items can be broken down for plans (sacrificed to learn how to make the components)
Limited inventory space to what someone could reasonably carry with modifier for STR
Full loot
Plentiful loot, in fact you can get a full set of loot just by going back to your vault
Food and drink like EQ
Stims and doctor bags (everyone self heals)
Death shouldn't be a big deal despite losing your shit (assuming the person that killed you can carry it)
Game would have very few safe zones and they wouldn't be exploitable.
Sandbox: Yes.
PVP enabled except for guild and alliances with size limits: Not going to stop us or any other large group. You remember RUIN putting four guilds together in GW2, lol.
Player created cities which can be sieged and protected: Yes
Many trade zones (protected areas): Protected areas, safe zones, NPC guards gibbing you IS pussy shit. If I want to start a riot in downtown New Vegas, I should be able to.
Trade runs from zone to zone for valuables: Yes, trade runs were great in ArcheAge. My biggest complaint is the lack of being able to do really high value trade runs.
Death shouldn't be a big deal despite losing your shit (assuming the person that killed you can carry it): Yes
Game would have very few safe zones and they wouldn't be exploitable: Safe zones are pussy shit.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
As to whether some of you betas should hide your gaming hobbies so your wife gives you forehead kisses, buy a PC version, put the rig on her coffee table, smack her on the ass and play some fallout.


FoH nuclear response team
Wife passive aggressively rages on the inside seeing your monsterous gaming rig in the living room.

She begins to notice that you have the hobby of a teenage boy, in spite of her previous acceptance of it.

Sexual encounters drop by 30-60%, blowjobs drop by 70-100% depending on the woman.

Yea, just buy a ps4 and keep the rig in your manspace. The extra pixels ain't worth it man.
What the hell man? Use steam link or whatever and stream it through a laptop. I do this shit all the time and it's fantastic, no lag what so ever over wifi. How have you not done this yet?

Edit: I didn't read the other replies before posting this, but shame on you for being a rerolled skeleton and not knowing about this yet.


Trump's Staff
As to whether some of you betas should hide your gaming hobbies so your wife gives you forehead kisses, buy a PC version, put the rig on her coffee table, smack her on the ass and play some fallout.
Tuco confirmed single.


Trump's Staff
What the hell man? Use steam link or whatever and stream it through a laptop. I do this shit all the time and it's fantastic, no lag what so ever over wifi. How have you not done this yet?

Edit: I didn't read the other replies before posting this, but shame on you for being a rerolled skeleton and not knowing about this yet.
I had no idea Steam Link was a thing. I thought it was tied to the release of Steam Machines.

Wtf is the point of Steam Machines if they are allowing this? To use a weird shitty controller?


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I had no idea Steam Link was a thing. I thought it was tied to the release of Steam Machines.

Wtf is the point of Steam Machines if they are allowing this? To use a weird shitty controller?
Steam Machines are consolized PCs running SteamOS (though you can wipe them clean and use whatever OS you want if you so choose).


Molten Core Raider
I think you can get the Windows OS on those for $50 cheaper and not have to worry about games not working anyway.


Trump's Staff
So I haven't played a Fallout game for like... 15 years. How many SPECIAL points do you get to allocate at character creation?

I want that shooting through walls ability baaaad


Molten Core Raider
You can try a preliminary character builder herehttp://vault111.com/character/Most of the perks are educated guesswork by the community tho. Keep in mind that you can raise your special stats instead of choosing a perk on level up in follout 4.


Silver Squire
Many trade zones (protected areas): Protected areas, safe zones, NPC guards gibbing you IS pussy shit. If I want to start a riot in downtown New Vegas, I should be able to.
I tend to agree but I just hate the "let's camp the turn in guy" for low hanging fruit strategy. I don't think that is good game play and the only way I can think to alleviate that is to prevent it. I think it does more harm than good to the game world, especially to casuals. Caravans should always be attackable but once you get there, that turn in process needs to make sense and be safe. If you want to gank packs, great, go out there and earn them.

I'd think it would be pretty cool to have the AH on your PIP boy for browsing and searching, even buying but when time came you had to pick up the package or pay a player to have it moved. That would then play into the bounty system with ratings for players that do trade runs and create a secondary market for services such as transportation, bounty hunting etc.

Think you could make a badass Fallout MMO, I know we'd never see this game as it would be way too hardcore for the PVE masses but damn I see a lot of potential. Fortunately the wasteland theme is wide open so maybe a company with some balls will attempt it one day. I'd love to be part of that.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Safe zones are pussy shit.
I'd like to see safe zones only existing where the players themselves create them. I'm not opposed to NPC guards, but then again I think that they should be handled like defenses or turrets: make them have an upfront cost and an upkeep cost, but instead of being rebuilt (like turrets) have a delay where NPCs need to be replaced via hiring/training (or whatever arbitrary mechanic you choose). So you can roll into an enemies capital (set as a safe-zone of sorts), and if you are able to kill/rape/loot everything then so be it.

I do think that carebears serve a purpose and they should be able to find 'safety' of a sort (relatively speaking), but I also don't think guards should instantly respawn, constantly spawn until players are overwhelmed, or be overpowered in relation to players in general. I'd also like see individual guards be bribe-able, and for them to have their view/detection limited similar to players. No seeing through walls or auto-agro based on straight distance. I should be able to stealth behind someone in an alley and try to stab them to death, and if the guards are out of earshot and LOS then they literally aren't a factor.


Useless lazy bastard.
Sandbox: Yes.
PVP enabled except for guild and alliances with size limits: Not going to stop us or any other large group. You remember RUIN putting four guilds together in GW2, lol.
Player created cities which can be sieged and protected: Yes
Many trade zones (protected areas): Protected areas, safe zones, NPC guards gibbing you IS pussy shit. If I want to start a riot in downtown New Vegas, I should be able to.
Trade runs from zone to zone for valuables: Yes, trade runs were great in ArcheAge. My biggest complaint is the lack of being able to do really high value trade runs.
Death shouldn't be a big deal despite losing your shit (assuming the person that killed you can carry it): Yes
Game would have very few safe zones and they wouldn't be exploitable: Safe zones are pussy shit.
Im sorry but with this list you have more or less decided to fail as a game at the design phase.

I am sorry for the tone in this reply, but this shit has been proven over and over:

Sandbox: ok
PVP enabled: just lost 80-90% of your consumer base, no checks or balances for "large groups", lost another 10% and everyone not part of the "large group".
Player created cities who are forced to endure poop-sock PvP fanatics; noone willing to put in the time to gather materials to BUILD the city
Protected trading zones; only poplulated places on the server
Trade runs; No traders want to chance it (i.e. 3 of the 4 people actually playing dont wanna bother.)
Death: No point in playing, no point in investing time in your character so why even bother loggin in?
No/few safe zones: see reply to PvP enabled.


Crap sorry crypt didn't see you post that video since I've been out of town on the road and didn't check until today.

Also I love pvping with Tuco and would try out his game as long as he promised not to use mods to decrease his weight.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Heh it's true. Even in FO3 when I had the Winter Power Armor, only way I would bother with Deathclaws is if I had a bunch of nukes ;p