Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
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But again, the problem with woke is that it hasn't produced anything worth a shit since it became a trend. Fuck, Six Feet Under was out and proud and liberal but the story and characters were GREAT so mostly no one gave a shit. But that was a few decades ago now and the writers/writing rooms just seem to be fucking awful now.
No one likes overly preachy or blatant shit, regardless as to the message. Doesn't matter if it has an "agenda" or not. It could be some "drugs are bad, Mkay?" ABC Afterschool special, some blue hair giga fantasy that uses every SJW buzzword known to man, or some Evangelical produced dribble that paints everyone as soulless heretics except those Jebus acolytes who remain "true". When message takes priority over story, then the story suffers. Good writers can mix a message with a story seamlessly in a way where it doesn't come across as intrusive or over the top.
Preachy and heavy handed shit has always existed, people are just more hyper aware of it now because internet