FF isn't that bad, they've had interesting story arcs. Let's not confuse them with their movies. And at the end of the day, you can't have a discussion on the FF without Dr. Doom. They go hand-in-hand, which is why Doom has been in the last three FF movies (counting the current one).
There isn't anything redeeming storywise or even ethically with the vast majority of these characters.
Let's first say that when i mean these characters obviously Johnny and Thing are worthless, they are useless 3rd wheels that writers cannot find a single good storyline for. All they do is, Thing is cured! and he's baaaaaack to ugly. Johnny is a young douche! and he's breaking the bro code and dating the ex's of the Thing! who can only really be w/ supervillian girls or blind ppl cuz he's fucking ugly, while Johnny looks as good as Capn America.
In fact they are so worthless, many stories focus on the stupid hijinks that Johnny or Thing get themselves into and Mr. Fantastic has to take care of it, it isn't so much "Marvel's First Family" as it is that Mr. Fantastic is just stuck corralling all these stupid retards.
Not only that Mr Fantasic is the worlds biggest hypocrite, he along w/ stark were the biggest proponents of Civil War and the registration act. He wants to control ppl, he wants to expose ppl, he wants to contain ppl.
Because he has such a big ego, he just believes he's right, wtf does he care? he's so dumb he openly exposes himself and his family to acts of terror daily by having a goddamn building as a target, he wouldn't even know how a normal street level superhero has to struggle w/ fighting crime at night and earning a paycheck by day.
Sure there can be arguments to say, "maybe we should train these idiots w/ powers to blow up a city, let SHIELD do that", but then, when they don't agree w/ my point of view, when my friends openly oppose me, i will use my greatest discovery and put them into a prison in the Negative Zone, that only i have access to. ( i think this is prison 42?)
But when the gov't thinks that, maybe having like 20 kids live and learn in a big ass building as a target (now the Future Foundation) isn't such a good idea, social services! Now he's opposed to gov't regulation when it affects him.
But you know whats worse? he get's talked into giving up, yup "take my kids away!" fuck em, he obliges them b/c the whole team of Avengers is there to make sure he doesn't fuck shit up.
There's nothing ever good written about Reed, b/c he has no personality, being smart isn't a personality, he's just the bland instrument that ppl use to craft a story or deux machina. "oh no! skrulls can bypass my ultra skrull detector by genetics!, gimme 1hr i'll make another!"