Fidel Castro is dead


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
What Obama said isn't spineless, it is neutral. Neutral != spineless. Neutral can mean you don't give a shit. Honestly there isn't any use in Fidel bashing at this point, because it is ultimately hypocritical, makes the U.S. look petty, and serves as an unneeded distraction in terms of trying to actually get shit done since he really hasn't been any meaningful part of the political process for the past decade.

You don't get to pretend you don't give a fucking shit and act neutral when you chime in on the wrong side of Trayvon Martin, BLM, Michael Brown. You don't suddenly get to act diplomatic towards a dictator when you act fucking appalled by a living person running for President. It's fence sitting pussy shit at it's finest.
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Unelected Mod
he "won" if you want to use that terminology. He outlived 60 years of presidents, attempts to overthrow him/kill him by the US, and attempts to undermine him via an embargo. In the end, he lived to be 90 frickin years old. Most powerful nation in the world couldn't unseat a dude that is literally in their backyard.

USA got trolled

If anyone got trolled and lost, it was his own people. Also just lol at a dictator "winning" by outlasting the leaders of a democratic country with enforced term limits.

Seriously, wtf.
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<Bronze Donator>
Fucking Obama
"We know that this moment fills Cubans — in Cuba and in the United States — with powerful emotions, recalling the countless ways in which Fidel Castro altered the course of individual lives, families, and of the Cuban nation," Obama said in a statement. "History will record and judge the enormous impact of this singular figure on the people and world around him."

What the fuck does that even mean
It means Obama is an even bigger pussy than previously thought, afraid of a fucking dead man.

Cuban exiles pour onto Miami streets to celebrate Fidel Castro’s death

meanwhile in Cuba there is an enforced 9 day "grieving" period
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Ya, the people of Cuba got fucked. But the US being butthurt and trying to fight it the wrong way didn't win us anything.

America's softpower has always been its most powerful asset. You work things so that can start to influence folks, then they will do the rest.

Saying "lol Fidel was a cockknob!!! RIP IN PEACE NOOB" doesn't exactly help towards that end goal. The goal is to open the country up and in turn open up economic opportunities for the US and them.


Musty Nester
Obama really is trying to run for Secretary General, isn't he?

He's the right color. And everyone in the world knows that he both can not and will not assert any sort of actual power.

Perfect fit.
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Poet Warrior
Saying "lol Fidel was a cockknob!!! RIP IN PEACE NOOB" doesn't exactly help towards that end goal. The goal is to open the country up and in turn open up economic opportunities for the US and them.

How do you figure?

This is like those people who think they are helping modernize Islam by bending the knee to the extremist kid-raping cocksuckers in the Levant and the Hijaz.

Go read what moderate Muslims who actually want to reform Islam have to say. They will tell you that every time some spineless know-nothing wimpish tight-jeaned faggoty bushy-beard in Europe or America gives cash or credence to a Wahabbi Imam, their own ability to operate as moderate reformers is diminished exponentially.

You do not ingratiate yourself to the better elements of Cuba by sucking Castro's dead cock. The better elements of Cuba would vomit and shart if they heard you say that. As would the better elements of Islam in the other case.

Castro was literally a hyper-selfish brain dead retarded collectivist scum bag who raped his own country so that he could stroke his own Leninist/Stalinist pecker whilst staring into a mirror image of himself with a photo of Che taped in one corner and Mao in another corner all while dreaming of a utopian paradise in which Karl Marx himself would descend from commie-heaven to pin a medal on his chest for how wonderful of a job he thought his comrade had done appropriating sugar and coffee plantations for the 'Proletariat' /*jack-off hand motion*.

Do you honestly believe that intelligent and hard working and well intentioned and ethical and good Cubans think you are doing them a favor when you apologize for the exact cocksucker that tricked them into dystopia in the first damn place?

Who do you think they are? Incapable of seeing what he actually was? Like you are?

"I really want to befriend and console this poor battered wife over here, so my plan is that I will give her abusive husband a handjob, a new car, and a wad of cash in order to show her that I understand where she comes from."

No. No. No. No. No.

You suck at this. Go back to start. Do not collect anything.

Fucking hell, Cyb.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Lol, did you really compare religious zealots to a communist nation?

People craving power want others to acknowledge that and treat them as equals, even if they aren't. They can be mentally unbalanced, but you can at least figure them out. Religious zealots are just plain fucking crazy.


Poet Warrior
People craving power want others to acknowledge that and treat them as equals, even if they aren't. They can be mentally unbalanced, but you can at least figure them out. Religious zealots are just plain fucking crazy.

"The amount of collectivist literature I have read could occupy an entire lunch break."

Thanks. We know.
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Golden Squire
Trudeau.. Man.. Canada.. WTF..

Maybe if you're nice Trump will do y'all a favor and oust your crypto-commie feminist PM.

Statement by the Prime Minister of Canada on the death of former Cuban President Fidel Castro

Here's TruCuck doing a bonus round of stupid.

His father never met a commie he didn't love. Naturally it rubbed off on his psycho wife and daddy's little muslim.
EDIT: And Rona Ambrose is a Canadian RINO equivalent. Anybody who went thru 4 years of womyn's studies has mental problems.
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Karazhan Raider
David Bowie. Lemmy. Prince. Phife Dawg. Gene Wilder. Leonoard Cohen. Alan Rickman. The list goes on, and now this wrinkled, flatulent, pubic bearded pissant. Way to make up for yourself, 2016.
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Millie's Staff Member
David Bowie. Lemmy. Prince. Phife Dawg. Gene Wilder. Leonoard Cohen. Alan Rickman. The list goes on, and now this wrinkled, flatulent, pubic bearded pissant. Way to make up for yourself, 2016.
wait, we also got the death of that dyke monster who ordered the killings of that family on ruby ridge and the murder of all those children in waco.
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Millie's Staff Member
Ya, the people of Cuba got fucked. But the US being butthurt and trying to fight it the wrong way didn't win us anything.

America's softpower has always been its most powerful asset. You work things so that can start to influence folks, then they will do the rest.

Saying "lol Fidel was a cockknob!!! RIP IN PEACE NOOB" doesn't exactly help towards that end goal. The goal is to open the country up and in turn open up economic opportunities for the US and them.
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Being Poor Sucks.

Too bad his brother runs the place and this doesn't mean anything other than feels honestly. Ladies in White still getting arrested etc.
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Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
As a white fucking male who has vacationed in Cuba I'm probably the most qualified to comment on Fidel Castro's legacy.

When I ordered booze and food at my all inclusive resort, everything showed up as requested.

Fidel confirmed wonderful man who has done no wrong

*Lights cigar*
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
No where did I ever say Fidel was great. Guy was a grade-A asshole. I was just defending the neutral response from Obama.


Tranny Chaser
No where did I ever say Fidel was great. Guy was a grade-A asshole. I was just defending the neutral response from Obama.

This is the full text of a letter sent by Fidel Castro to Nikita Khrushchev. Read it. All of it.

Dear Comrade Khrushchev:

Given the analysis of the situation and the reports which have reached us, consider an attack to be almost imminent -- within the next 24 to 72 hours. There are two possible variants: the first and most probable one is an air attack against certain objectives with the limited aim of destroying them; the second, and though less probable, still possible, is a full invasion. This would require a large force and is the most repugnant form of aggression, which might restrain them.

You can be sure that we will resist with determination, whatever the case. The Cuban people's morale is extremely high and the people will confront aggression heroically.

I would like to briefly express my own personal opinion.

If the second variant takes place and the imperialists invade Cuba with the aim of occupying it, the dangers of their aggressive policy are so great that after such an invasion the Soviet Union must never allow circumstances in which the imperialists could carry out a nuclear first strike against it.

I tell you this because I believe that the imperialists' aggressiveness makes them extremely dangerous, and that if they manage to carry out an invasion of Cuba -- a brutal act in violation of universal and moral law -- then that would be the moment to eliminate this danger forever, in an act of the most legitimate self-defense. However harsh and terrible the solution, there would be no other.

This opinion is shaped by observing the development of their aggressive policy. The imperialists, without regard for world opinion and against laws and principles, have blockaded the seas, violated our air-space, and are preparing to invade, while at the same time blocking any possibility of negotiation, even though they understand the gravity of the problem.

You have been, and are, a tireless defender of peace, and I understand that these moments, when the results of your superhuman efforts are so seriously threatened, must be bitter for you. We will maintain our hopes for saving the peace until the last moment, and we are ready to contribute to this in any way we can. But, at the same time, we are serene and ready to confront a situation which we see as very real and imminent.

I convey to you the infinite gratitude and recognition of the Cuban people to the Soviet people, who have been so generous and fraternal, along with our profound gratitude and admiration to you personally. We wish you success with the enormous task and great responsibilities which are in your hands.


Fidel Castro

Castro fabricated a claim that the United States was about to invade Cuba in an attempt to get Khrushchev to strike first with nuclear weapons. The man was a tyrant, a murderer, a despot, and hated the United States so greatly he petitioned the Soviet Union to go to war with us. If they had done so it would have been the end of hundreds of millions of lives.

Go ahead, defend Obama's neutral response.
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