Yeah I’m not expecting an open world or anything, just hoping that the zones are not all as restricted as that first area with the goblins. Straight line with little rooms to pop in and out to get an item. The part when the earthquake was happening and there were several ledges you could easily walk on or jump on but it just didn’t let you was weak too. Just make them slightly taller so not being able to access them makes sense. An invisible wall for no reason is lame.I know certain streamers like Mr Happy and Maxmillian have played a good bit of the game beyond even the demo already, and Max made some comments about it not being that "open world", so I'm not sure how much less restricted the open areas will get post demo. Would like some bigger zones to play in, though.
Err maybe. A big popup comes up at the end and tells you. Stop skipping dialogue!So I'm guessing I'm the only one that didn't realize there was 2 parts to that demo right?
Actually I think I turned the entire PS5 off before that popup. I'm still on the fence. I literally don't know wtf is going on during combat, it seems like spamming attack and playing QTE's.Err maybe. A big popup comes up at the end and tells you. Stop skipping dialogue!
I didn’t think the combat for the main demo was bad, but I do wish you could just hold the square or triangle to do multiple attacks instead of needing to spam it. I stopped shooting the fireballs because it wasn’t worth a sore thumb. Hopefully spamming doesn’t become necessary later.Actually I think I turned the entire PS5 off before that popup. I'm still on the fence. I literally don't know wtf is going on during combat, it seems like spamming attack and playing QTE's.
Use the Ring of Timely Focus. Pressing square will auto-use combo attacks when/if they are available. Its an action based combat, so "spamming" is always going to be a thing.I didn’t think the combat for the main demo was bad, but I do wish you could just hold the square or triangle to do multiple attacks instead of needing to spam it. I stopped shooting the fireballs because it wasn’t worth a sore thumb. Hopefully spamming doesn’t become necessary later.
Resetera posters are mad about the lack of diveristy in a game based on medieval Europe.
Will You Boycott Final Fantasy 16 Due to The Lack of Diversity & Minority Characters?
So despite notable criticism and backlash online regarding the lack of diversity in the game, and square's continuously questionable response to the topic, it seems a lot of people are still planning to purchase FF16. This feels...a little odd to me, because it would seem like the best way